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Apr 2011 · 633
These words
In the stillness of night,
The cold bitter words,
Floating in my head,
These are the words,
Neither spoken nor heard.

These are the words,
That pray upon my mind,
That live within my heart,
These words,
The ones that must not be spoken.

Upon my death bed,
I have but one final wish,
My true thoughts,
These words,
To finally be revealed.

Whether accepted or rejected,
They must be told,
One day not so soon,
But a day none-the-less,
Lest my life end,
With a cold, sad, and bitter death.
Apr 2011 · 532
Thinking About You
Sometime I lie awake at night,
Wondering what it would be like,
If I could hold you in my arms,
And forever call you mine.

How I wish I had the words,
To tell to you how I feel,
How I wish I had the courage,
To express the truth,
Of how much I care about you.

Each day that drags by,
Brings me closer to decision,
To tell or not to tell,
How I truly want to,
How I truly fear to.

But perhaps it wasn't meant to be,
And you were not meant for me,
Is the thought I often seem think,
But over and over I pray it so,
Only causing ever more woe.

— The End —