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Dec 2010 · 538
Kendra Wheeler Dec 2010
I clang to hope for so long

but it was no longer worth it, I thought

I held on for seven months it seemed
it felt like forever since the slightest glimpse of light

the darkness wrapped it’s arms around me

and held me tight, whispering that there was no hope

when I saw the flicker of the candle

I knew it was You

“Happiness hit me like a train on a track”

Over my rough spot I’d finally come

Praising You while looking back and seeing

Everything You provided.

You gave me a fresh start

You gave me a new home

You put my heart back together

And You gave me hope.
"Happiness hit me like a train on a track"
(from Florence + the Machine, Dog Days Are Over)
Nov 2010 · 662
Kendra Wheeler Nov 2010
The leaves of hope on the tree of my heart are falling to the ground
The winter winds blow and I shiver in the cold

I'm *****, I'm bruised, I'm fighting so hard
But I know I must give up

Helpless, I lay
Under the covers in my bed

Realizing how much I need You
Tossing and turning thinking about the mistakes I've made

Bruises of blue specked across my body like glitter
I've been fighting for so long, how did I not see?

That all this time I've been searching for You,
and You've been pursuing me.

Sometimes I slip into the fight again
But I remember that You are my light

I can feel You molding my heart
The snow is melting away

Hope starts to bloom
I am made whole in You.
Oct 2010 · 747
Kendra Wheeler Oct 2010
As we waited impatiently
Begging time to move faster

Crying from down the hall broke the silence
Down the hall we heard cheering

Even though we waited for hours
From that moment at 1:44pm, it was love.

Grey walls taunting me on the long walk down the hallway
Happiness overtook my heart when I walked through the doors and saw that sweet face

It was love at first sight
Just know, Benjamin Reid, I’ve loved you from day one.
my precious nephew. 3months old.
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
Kendra Wheeler Oct 2010
Jolly good friends are we
Only because of “Raf-Rod” pain
Happiness when the assignments were complete.
Not far off is
Our favorite activity, but,
Not with out Dan

Best friends forever
I** repeat,
Best friends forever
Leave it or take it
Everyone’s a hater

Crammed in the truck
Only Dan, Stan and Kendra
Leaving behind the haters
Loving our route 44’s and
Eating out taters
Getting all dressed up
Everyone in this city be jealous of us.
This is an acrostic poem, spells Johnson Bible College (my school), written for a class, thought I'd share :)
Oct 2010 · 649
For you
Kendra Wheeler Oct 2010
I loathe doing laundry, but for you I'd fold forever.
I despise washing dishes, but for you I'd rinse eternally.
I hate cleaning, but for you I'd clean til my death
Because I think you're cute.
I was inspired. It's stupid, but it means something to me. That's what matters, right?

— The End —