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680 · Apr 2015
why is it love
Love is so harsh its not fair why does it have to be so mean all i can do is rip my heart out its not even fair how does everyone get love but me i should just take my blade an use it on my heart instead of my wrist but my heart is so damaged that not even my blade will hurt it more love
400 · Apr 2015
Without you
So why we started talking was such a mystery i messaged u because i was bored and then we started talking but then i wake up and see that we cant talk anymore and i feel that its my fault you have to delete your account but maybe it was for the best you said that you will think about me now and then and that makes me really happy but ill always miss you and just for you i wont fall back into my old habits you was so nice to me but maybe there is a reason y u have to go you will always be in my thoughts
305 · Apr 2015
Broken heart
She has a broken heart that no one knows about.....He broke her heart and every time she thinks about him she wants to die. She takes the blade and grips it tight and she cuts there is blood every where. She hates her self for letting him go she finally ends up dead. Will the boy miss her will he think about her? He knows her death is his fault so he gets a knife an slits his throat and now they are finally together for ever and always

— The End —