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Sep 2015 · 476
single moms
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
i sing for all mama but
give it up for single momma
i applaud to her names which is
uttered in murmur
in a society inebriated with ignorance
her name is whispered
in stammers
behind stunners you are looked down
you are regarded with scorn and
with abuse and insults your names
they stain
politically incorrect
you are a plural;parents
you play the role of a mother and a
yet the society try to push you further
forget you've been there during joy
and strife
calming down all the storms in life
you are that rifle that combats rivals
your bullets saves during upheavals
life with you is always a win owing all
to you
a blue letter a baloon to blew later
raising kids in absence of a man who
sired them
then grew tired and treated you like
a hired maid
left you with no aids
sorry he only donated AIDs positive
you deserve more than negative
a woman who has been in the receiving
of blows is entitled to a bow
it hurt more than a thorn to see a
woman heart
torn,her soul burdened by tons of
it really ****** to see her shredded
into pieces
then treated like faeces in the faces
of chauvinist
till when shall they impel single moms
to hide behind sunglasses
as their son glances?
you deserve more than back biting
hypocrisy blinds them from seeing
your hard fighting
this society is hand biting
you are strong beings mentor you've
in physical and mental
though some view you like a zero
hell no
to me you are a hero
who can heal all
Sep 2015 · 324
wise words
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
in melancholic countenance
i gaze at the icon with impatience
me staring back at me in the mirror
wishing i had been sincerer
terse adage philosophy ring in my
am caught between two stools stay or
guilt gnaws my conscience
nibbling away my mask of innocence
having made my bed i now had to lay
on it
tardy it was when i comprehended
having stature didn't requisitely
my age was more propounded than my
but here i am today yowling over
spilled milk
growing up beneath my parent's
familiarity had sired contempt
and the spirit of adventure had me
the grass is invariably greener on the
other side of knoll
precipitately i plunged into the mucks
of this world
ceasing to recall the wise had
you can't fabricate bricks in omission
of straw
all i reflected was that fortunes
favors the bold
dauntlessly i ventured and swayed
away from morals
the world bountifully vouchsafed into
my disposal
bird who had corresponding feather
and together we flocked
as the hungry earth swallowed us in
it's pleasures
a fool i was to test the depth of water
with both feet
after the foolish ordeals remorse
i had the will to change and a way
could be found
i decided not to look at where i fell
but where i slipped
since i never wished to be that
who gained ascertainment when
players dispersed
i couldn't dawdle no more or else
i would miss the water long after the
well dried
i became the squeaky wheel and sure
enough i was greased
though i plundered my life penitence
is not a solution
because you cant make an omellete
without breaking
a few eggs
sometimes going gets tough but tough
gets going
i learnt that
between the devil and the deep sea
is the best part of valor...
i live with the knowledge of the wise
illuminating my ways and checking on
my morals
Sep 2015 · 393
beneath my skin
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
my eidetic memory skims through my
reminiscent old thoughts amassed in
my wikipedia
pops up like a champagne top
i vividly recollect being born black
if you referred to me as dark skin no
tear would drop
racism was not within the range of my
egoism and rage were the only thing
that pushed me to edge
the only race i was aware of was
and the other i uttered was lace in
throughout my childhood i never
realized the realism
of its catechism
the only -ism subscribed in my recess
was alcoholism
rhythm was the closest i
mispronounced racism
black and white to me was a great wall
and human being was great of all
i neither thought being colored would
lead to isolation
nor the hue of my skin was a ticket of
it was tardy when i got revelation
about the race thing
my ripe mind expeditiously
incorporated the race theme
which flowed across nations like a
mighty stream
the sensation so extreme no longer was
it a dream
my color ceased being my joy and
became pain
my skin grandeur is now a paint of
as i quest to replace the slogan of
ignore many
a systematic annihilation that will
bear liberation
the ultimate solution is my fascination
of love for each and every human
being that will
carry no disdain
i seek to liberate my thoughts that
brings me
to my mantra that knows
am black and there is nothing i lack
i cherish the red color in my blood
it's my beauty and my strength
lying beneath my skin
Sep 2015 · 316
intoxicated words
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
the break of dawn found me on the
morning rays seeped in my room
my eyes squinted from the blinding
streaming through the oculus on the
through my hazy focus i could view
majestic morning universe in full
my dizzy eyelids blinked in
trying to accustom to the brilliance
as i tried to turn this battered frame
sharp pain halted my mission
besides the noise from flora
i could correctly count the rhythmic
pulse of my heart
my head throbbed like gong
i breathed deeply trying to clear the
from my wasted minds
stale smell of puke wisped into my
nasal cavity
the smell of fermentation was
i tried to rewind my mind
backtracking was herculean test
memory was gone i couldn't
remember nothing
the cold carpet was biting
my hungry stomach was grumbling
i was gnawed in every part of my
misused shell
there alone i lay promising my body
this is a story about yesterday
the tale of my sipping life
alcoholism as my next to kin
clubbing as the order of the day
i should search the lords face
so as he can remove this cup of
from thy face and the will of the
bartender not be done
am adamant of divorcing the beer
{{this another one from the dumb
i started drinking when i was at a tender age ....i always woke up to this
Sep 2015 · 704
cresents of sin
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
full and half empty bottles of beer;
scattered broken glasses,
deranges the cracked brown hued floor
music gales from an old c.d changer
inebriated guzzler mumbles in incoherent murmur
denuded nubile cavorts merrily
their sleek oiled frame shimmering in the fuzzy light
ghoulish **** silhouette walks in fluid and sinuous manner
fog like smoke chokes the room
marijuana and cigarette smoke amalgamates
swirling up merged into an eternal marriage
heels clad trollops clatters in the room
swaying their assets provocatively
boozers gapes intently with hazy eyes
raising their neck in unison
they ogle at the lure with entranced lust
two vague humanoid shapes lurks in a corner
moans escaping in raspy staccato
musk,*****,drugs defines this room
besotted species lie on filthy squalid floor
vocalizing dirge melodies
lost in muddled blur
dancers prances up and down
crushing cans and glasses in spirited tempo
yelling their lungs out
as the music drown their voices and worries
deep in the gist of the city
irrational rants emanates from every angle
sundry light floods the clear night
as merry goers sip cheap and expensive liquor
sloven hookers milks cash from patrons
the night conceal this cresent of sins
everyone is on a business
the party continues
the music get more stentorian
[{chronicles of the dumb speaker}]

— The End —