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kelsea Jan 2014
I remember the parking lot you pulled over to when you told me you were molested by your uncle,
I remember the road we were driving on when you told me you were suicidal
I remember  the garage sale we were looking for when you told me you cut yourself,
I remember the song we were listening to when you told me you have an eating disorder,
I remember the crack in your voice when you told me you were depressed and it's all an act,
I remember the moment I realized how I grew up with you my whole life and I have no idea who you are.
kelsea Nov 2013
(A Letter to myself when I become a mother)
Dear Me,

Let her make mistakes,
Even if you know what's going to happen,
let her experience it herself,
because it's the only way she'll learn.
Don't take it personally when she asks you to drop her off at the end of the block,
instead of the front door.
When she comes home drunk and you catch her sneaking out,
remember that you were once a teen and had some crazy nights.
Tell her to have fun, but not *too much
When you find her sobbing on the bathroom floor because her heart has been broken,
tell her the story of how you met her father,
and one day she'll meet a guy who makes her fell the same way
her father make you feel.
Tell her how you were her once,
not that long ago,
and how she'll be telling her daughter the same,
in the years to come.
kelsea Nov 2013
Have you ever lost yourself in a song?
i mean, really lose yourself in that moment?
you're closing your eyes,
laying on your floor with the lights off,
and that one note gets to you,
and you're crying for some reason,
and your breathing really fast and you can't control what's happening,
and you feel like running,
but you don't know where  
and you realize that everything is falling apart,
and all you want to do is ******* run,
not to somewhere, but away from everyone
and yourself,
kelsea Nov 2013
If there's one thing I learned about death it's that
everyone forgets you eventually,
whether its 6 years or 10 months,
they will forget the way you laughed,
or what your handwriting looked like,
They'll stop visiting you at your grave,
and soon you'll just be a faded memory,
an empty space in their mind,
so if there's one thing I learned about death its,
while you are alive, live for yourself,
because in the end, the only person you will have
is yourself.
kelsea Oct 2013
Gay, Fat, *******,
were all labels on jars,
sitting on an untouched shelf,
waiting to be to be poured into a bowl
and be mixed together.
kelsea Oct 2013
I wish my life was an old polaroid picture,
where I am the girl wearing ripped stockings,
sitting on an ugly coach next to my best friend at a party
laughing and drinking too much and capturing that moment,
to keep it forever, to look back
and know that
things were
kelsea Oct 2013
she said she hated everyone, but she really hated herself.
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