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May 2011 · 787
black and blue
kelly pye May 2011
smoke hangs soft in the kitchen
like a swimmer's long hair
pushed smoothly by currents
no one could see there
and the sun slips down
to sit on my sink
as i turn black and blue
slowly starting to think:
your rhyme is like lime
great, after tequila
but I know how you feel- a,
loner and bitter
unstable but strong
we had something so real
but it didn't take long
before we we both cracked
and with it the bond
but now i obsess on simile
and confess to to sad, simple apostrophe
when I should have said
what you mean to me
and described you the way
only I can see
but I'm probably vain
and must have been wrong
cause I've felt before
that I'd always be alone
though while in your arms
I felt so at home
while we both did sleep
window cracked for a breeze
with both of our dreams
dripping into the streets
but it was honey, and warm
and safe under the sheets
where I listened to your running
subconscious spring
I could see all your thoughts
but can't wear your ring
then we watched rising tides
break over your head
and how i still miss
being rocked in your bed
Jan 2011 · 679
the figurehead
kelly pye Jan 2011
age has made us bleak
always bow down
i am your golden
hypocritical saint
you are sad and frustrated
i am a figure
of all you trust
and i dissolve like rust
and here you can stand
or like me you can crumble

we are beings of earth
but we worship to the sky
i am skeleton
i look in god's eye
you won't know heaven
until you die
but you see by then
its too late to get high
the words you say softly
are the ones to live by
so starts the end
and the figure will cry
listen to Mrs. moon
she will teach you to lie
worship the earth
we don't live in the sky
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
rave story
kelly pye Oct 2010
my mask fell victim to the dance floor
while he was dancing with drunk blondes
so ****, dressed as a cop pushing pills
three girls grinding on his leg
and i bought one
and wanted to **** the faces and the tongues
of the ***** he ignored me for
it would have been very courtney love of me
very punk rock
but i grabbed their *****
and licked my lips at them
because whats his was mine
and he knew the painted eyes on my back
saw their every move
and every dollar from those girls
goes to our cigarettes
but later i found out
that was all we kept in common
Oct 2010 · 903
kelly pye Oct 2010
brown liquor sorrow drips over your lips
draining into the black telephone receiver
while white vapours rise up like a fever
drifting over the endless oceans in your eyes
you get such stormy news over distant lines
though i crave your *** soaked laughter
you always seem to shatter

black waves of sick emotion

cascading off into the ocean
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
love the whores
kelly pye Oct 2010
the agony of endless clocks
burning deep red digital hours
into equally deep red eyes
like coming off hallucinogens
time etches into your mind
with endless delirious atrophy
screaming meaningless words
into the blackhole of your thoughts
******* you deeper into realms
where the night is ungodly
and you are an animal in its midst
breathing silently in the silence
facing a grinning monsters kiss
that will shoot you with adrenaline
right as you wish to close your eyes
right as you wish to close your eyes
the  sandman trips another line
in the murky distance a siren cries
"degenerating madly on the floor
love the ******, we ask for more"
Oct 2010 · 587
under stars
kelly pye Oct 2010
if not in me
then in who
if not in me do you
put your faith in God?
who you know does not exist.
if not with me
then for no one
is it to hear.
I am an old soul
growing senile
and would not mind a story
sometimes i feel it my destiny
to always be alone
and have many loves
sometimes i feel i will
have to walk this earth 12 times
and that ive already gone
around 6
though still in my youth
still surrounded by those i love
I know they will fade
and love will be the first passion
to fizzle out
and then my bedroom will be full of
rage and all the other passions
which are harder to
Jun 2010 · 774
we are not concrete
kelly pye Jun 2010
On god's paved Earth
the holy men are wrong
they preach to broken glass
buried under flesh and skin and fabric.
We should all be crying; mourning
the bleeding Earth in the Gulf of Mexico
belching out its own poison
but. I am concrete.
wishing tears would run down my face
screaming into the Forest "You are all that is holy"
and the holy men are wrong
the preach unto each other
under money and control and the american dream
redefining morality to suit your needs.
they ignore a pattern so simple
a pattern found in dirt;
bred in dirt
for intelligent life it is strange
that we are the only ones who do not know our meaning.
the amoeba knows
because Life is simple, and It is simple.
do not believe the holy men
even if your thoughts are shards of broken glass
even if your insides are incased in concrete. like mine
it makes me so sick, but i Know
and turn to your naked body saying
"You are all that is holy"
Jun 2010 · 792
kelly pye Jun 2010
you know you've gotten away with everything
except your mental health
the love of the world dies within you
and you rely on paranoia and stealth
to get away with everything
remains the only goal
looking for a tomorrow
to try and fill the hole
you feel within you
emptiness within you
no one else would live a life like this
unless they felt that gnawing
that screaming cursing burning, drawing
you to the brink
loosing your mental health
May 2010 · 682
control is in the eyes
kelly pye May 2010
he walked so well, the fine line:
between humour and horror.
laughing at the broken people
do they not understand?
they are alive?

it would be easy
to leave a man such as this, alone.
hardest to keep him safe from himself

glowing in his eyes
a certain madness is defined
giggling. a well refined
lack of control

i didnt doubt his capability
in the sightless dark
i was afraid of what those eyes
were thinking

it was destruction
it was madness
it was a choice
it was a cheshire cat smile
and mad hatter speech

he was oozing the poison
of a snapping mind
dropping into the streets
at the ungodly hours
to wander...
remembering there is nowhere to go

my friend i cannot do
but hope and smile
and give you warmth.
but im so afraid that love
cannot patch the hole...
wherever it may be.
open mind, open heart.
May 2010 · 831
merry traveller
kelly pye May 2010
soaked deeply in sunlight's yellow
wandering nomad, travelling fellow
you follow the dust of another's dream
in the gravel crunch and rail yard scream

cigarette butts and unwashed hair
he's forever too far away to care
another sip, another bottle
hop a train and be gone tomorrow

no subtle emotions made the lines on your face
but you know every story has its place
following the light, nomad of the sunshine
heart wrapped up and your hands entwine
mushrooms in the sunset down by the railway station
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
kelly pye Feb 2010
cream over lips
and grey cement
heart flips
rains do repent
chain links
spray of surf
soul sinks
into earth
lost connection
final birth
eyes in reflection
of frozen turf
blue hookah
cold sky
frozen buddha
silent why
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
kelly pye Feb 2010
i would have liked to say
something that mattered
there has in recent years
grown to be a hideous inflation
of opinions
and you will find, so many
that you will find
they are worth
in fact maybe
cast aside
such limiting thoughts
set to rest
the binding
of your mind
and i will take your hand
and explore
a world without
a world without
Feb 2010 · 624
kelly pye Feb 2010
the human problem seems to me
that we are, but cannot be
whole without another soul.
and to complete our heart
there seems to be a part
that we are missing.
... so fill it with kissing
or it may be your fall
dousing it with alcohol,
or substances, or god.
who remains a fraud,
but can fill the hole of love
though not all of the above^
for he cannot love you back
and you'll know this lack
lack of flesh is fact.
here you've learned
love needs to be returned.
and love should be spread
get it through your head:
love doesn't mean commitment
there is no reason to dissent
in love we are one being
one moment but fleeting
though the unity is there.
and what more can we share
than a naked mind, body, and heart
take this feeling to every part
of your life, and such strife
will fall away from you
for in this world, love is true.
Feb 2010 · 945
kelly pye Feb 2010
move against my soul
smooth spontanious
sweet exhilaration
lusts anticipation
beautifully entwined
electric fire runs
blue and violet
through my mind
calm smiles
warmth in comfort
serenity and elation
graceful revelation
all you know is each other
you need one another
feelings uplifting
senseless sensation
craving you presence
Feb 2010 · 880
kelly pye Feb 2010
feed it blood feed it *****
feed it drugs and razors
smear it with cover up
and send it off to get an education

laugh at its ******* antics
stab it in the back the way it taught you to

feed it angst and ***
feed it amusement at others misfortune

watch it spend all your money

and throw your children in a woodchipper

witness a shattering mind
observe its destructive nature

feed it smoke feed it flame
feed it heat and music

listen to its laughter as it jumps off a building
and shatters like glass on the ground below

cage this hungry twisted creature
and give in to its beautiful seduction

feed it rage and feed it poison
feed it your life
because thats what it wants
and you dont have the will power to fight

so join it in hateful self abuse
make wild love to it in the dead of night

feed it your happiness and your depressions
feed it your friends and pets
**** your family
and weep into the night with it by your side.
then smile
because its what you wanted
when you gave in
Feb 2010 · 1.0k
when i needed words
kelly pye Feb 2010
To describe the magnitude
of this awe
uncomfortable with what i saw
the density of time inside my chest
compressed and heavy
looking for rest....

I don't like the winter, because there are no flowers.

I became far too accustomed to the strange equations of words and images
that form within the ways i think and breath and am
because in doing so i forget about the ways
you think and breath and are.
im sorry.

the mood is not one for generalization
i stress not to classify, or make distinctions
and as such
my thoughts drip and fluctuate
ripe with frustration
they are ready to fall golden and fat from the tree
Leigh is a brief glimpse into the fantastic
she lives among clouds and unicorns.

Can't we all do good from thinking deeply for a little while?
Feb 2010 · 842
we'll flow
kelly pye Feb 2010
we are flowing, growing. like flowers
twiddling away the syrupy hours
feverantly running, we
have nothing but our breath
free from gravity;
we are tripping, skipping. through parking lots
weary of these individual thoughts
syrup flowing over pages
times is nothing, we are ageless
conscious-less, in bliss. like serenity
but full with unearthly energy
we are chances, advances. like wild fire
running through night without tire
we are harmony, calm sea. potential
unworried by what's consequential
we are youth, love. surreality
Feb 2010 · 770
kelly pye Feb 2010
lust runs through my veins
matching your fear
with my madness
eyes wide
you're not screaming
a gleaming razor
shivers of anticipation
down both our spines
insanity sinks in
trickling trails left in your skin
carving my hysteria
all over your body
your blood is intoxicating
intensifies my craving
your screams are so
disgust smears my face
but not
for what ive done
Feb 2010 · 1.0k
kelly pye Feb 2010
time gives way to the broken sensation
of loud electronica
its thriving Bass has no consideration
of humanity or emotion
but we can all relate to that
its just a fact

that ours is a generation of apathy
whether it be;
apathy in contentment
or apathy in despair
we just don't care
and i am sick of those words

"i don't care."
its pure but subtle poison fed to us
from some iron tower that will never see rust
and it will never stop transmitting
it's signals to you
though it seems the message is getting through
and I'm not labelling you, lets make that clear
But I'll tell you my biggest fear:

that we're all going down a drain
and its one without love, the one without pain
'cause its the easiest path to travel
fear consumes me at this thought
for we're being turned into something we're not

but in this grey suburbia air
there is no raindrop with a pair
and i can't find somebody to love
of that; this lonely Vancouver rain will always remind me
its eternal forests dripping up from the sea

i need to unwind and find the time.
goodnight suburbia...
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
the company we keep
kelly pye Feb 2010
A bleeding gun
gave the foolish glass heart
a black rose and a silver bullet

with unwashed hands
her took her life
and laid it on his bed

shattering the glass heart
into razor sharp pieces
all as black as the rose

but none as beautiful
as the lost silver bullet
he always breaks such things

in a ***** room
the broken bottles and lost hope
out number the conscious thoughts

up a spiral of broken stairs he climbed
carrying another useless life
casting it among the bottles and misery

laying the fatal black rose
in a million shards of glass
covering the blood of the innocent

laying waste to unwanted ruins
the bleeding gun
was always the fool.
Feb 2010 · 636
walking home
kelly pye Feb 2010
I follow cracks in the pavement
Jumping in puddles, dancing through them
i run looking for the sunlight
soft ebony tar between my toes
i feel wise, so childish and tranquil

when serenity hits me, like a quiet friend
explaining to me, the beauty, of the falling sunlight
draped across my shoulders

so i am still with the world around me
extending my arms out to embrace- it.
but all there is, is wind and sunlight
running through my fingers like a golden scarf
i almost feel it there, alone

shivering back to reality, my bare feet are cold
sudden despair floods from me,
rushing over the fields of suburban homes,
wiping away the regulation and normality
before drawing back like a tide
grinning, though tears are in my throat
i keep walking
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
kelly pye Feb 2010
i spit slowly in the gutter
and face you with a stutter

trapped inside a bubble
all my thoughts begin to muddle
dripping out my ears
in an incandescent puddle

time takes on another form
shades of grey and black. forlorn.

life loses its appeal
when everything is so unreal
i brim so full of tears
its almost tiring to conceal

a luke-warm wave of bland
sing along to your favourite band

its always all the same
every motion, word, and name
run with all your fears
cause life is nothing but a game

slipped from this bottle into my mind
just to leave it all behind

drops of ice into my palm
and im flooded with a calm
like a murky blood red sunrise
in a light grey morning dawn
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
a conversation
kelly pye Feb 2010
well, you told me i was sunshine
and i told you i was sewage and slime
you said that i was a universal transmitter of love
you said "you are like a bleeding sharpie"
i was confused at that last one

but professed that no; i was a black hole
that soaked up rays of sunshine
and the blood of many sharpies
with unquestionable gravity powers
i crushed the light, it all became night

you tried to explain to me how pretty
sharpies were when you pressed them hard
and they bled out on the page like nothing's left
but i refused to believe
"there was nothing in the first place
life is nothing"

so you asked me what was wrong
and i told you my heart was melting
warm, i could feel it dripping and slipping
you said be happy, and i agree,
i'll be there in a few days. maybe
Feb 2010 · 1.5k
lightbulb moon
kelly pye Feb 2010
better days
float though my memory
like an incandescently lit moon
we can pluck it from the sky
and hallucinate a sweeter tune
to hum as we walk
over granite grey roads;
and dead lines of thick chalk
a lonely sick moon
mourning the ruin
of its earth-mother love
we have taken and forsaken
like a little toxin
gulped down with water
eyes bulging.
the green tree frog asked,
how do you like you poison?

— The End —