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Jul 2011 · 695
Kelly Lutz Jul 2011
I get nervous when a flock of birds flies over my head

I get headaches if there isn't coffee brewing in the morning

I get excited when the power goes out

I get light headed when you kiss me on the lips
(in a good way)
Kelly Lutz Jul 2011
Silent sighs pour into my coffee
Fingers tap a cigarette
Toes tap to a beating drum
One. Two. Three. Stop.
His eyes shift around the room
Sorting faces with forgotten names
This feels like home
But we all know it isn't
Twiddling thumbs and nervous laughs
Thoughts so random they hardly last
Violent scribbles on fragile paper
Secrets exchanged through rushing whispers
This feels like home
But we all know it isn't
Blank stares and feigned concern
Everyone searching: for truth
Everyone suffering: writers block
May 2011 · 945
Kelly Lutz May 2011
You were my sunshine
The only sunshine
You made me happy, even when your skies were grey
(But I failed to reciprocate
So much as a silver lining to your cloudy thoughts)
Darling, you never knew how much I loved you
(Did I even know?)
So you (left) took the sunshine away
Kelly Lutz Feb 2011
He reaches for the door to enter the cafe
Right as he does, a woman on the other end shoves it open, nearly hitting him in the face
She manages to mutter a half-assed apology and strides by him
She smelled like cigarettes
He walks in and looks around for a trash can
As he goes to throw something away he sees a book on top of the pile of garbage
He picks it up and wipes the ashes off of its tattered cover
With a nod to the waitress he walks over and takes a seat at the only empty table
The seat is warm
He examines the book, turning it side to side
There is no title
There is no author
He shrugs and opens it to a page with the top right corner bent inward
In the center of the page his eyes are drawn to a word circled angrily in black ink
He takes out a red pen from his shirt pocket and underlines the word
I need to learn how to be more patient
His thoughts go off about the woman who had brushed past him
Was this her book?
He looks out the window to see her standing at the bus stop across the street
She turns her head in his direction and they make eye contact
"Is there anything I can get for you, sir? Perhaps a cup of coffee."
He hesitantly looks away from the woman and up at the waitress
She gives a concerned, but friendly smile
"Erm, no. I was just leaving."
He picks up his hat from the table and leaves with the book tucked under his arm
Jan 2011 · 906
Knobby Knuckles
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
She dances with her toes pointed
Hands delicate
Arms flowing
Hair pinned up
He watches her with adoration
A bouquet of roses
Card neatly signed
Ring in his pocket
They watch as she moves across the floor
She spins around
Silent and graceful
Eyes shining
The curtain falls and the lights dim
Crowd cheering
Hands clapping
People standing
And behind the curtain, when nobody is watching
She kisses
The woman
Beside her
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
Its hard to fall in love with someone
When you can't learn to love yourself
Its hard to stand in just one spot
When you were obviously born to run
Its hard to tell people the truth
When you are constantly lied to
Its hard to remember faces and names
When you are always forgotten
Its hard to be proud of who you are
When everyone questions your dreams
But its harder to sit and do nothing
When everyone else is wrong
Title quoted from Fight Club
Jan 2011 · 2.2k
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
Don't touch me
Don't look at me in a funny way
Don't take too long to respond to a question
Don't walk slowly in front of me
Don't even breathe if you can help it
Don't talk too much
Don't laugh at my frustration to try and ease the mood
Just buy me some chocolate
Sit 5 feet away
And shut the hell up
Jan 2011 · 664
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
I once knew a man who always spoke of his relationship between himself and his god
He told many great stories, and I could never tell if he was serious or not
Because most of them were about things I had never seen or heard of before
It didn't matter much anyway if the stories were true or just stories
Because they were incredibly interesting
I once knew a woman who was a vegetarian, meaning she wouldn't eat any meat
She said it was because she wanted to help save the animals and stop animal cruelty
And I could never tell if she was really helping the world or not, seeing as I was still eating burgers for lunch
It didn't matter much anyway if she was really helping the animals
Because she looked great
I once wrote you a letter about how much you meant to me
I said you meant more than anything in the world to me, and that I loved you very much
And you never could tell if I had meant what I said, because I wasn't good at expressing my feelings
It didn't matter much anyway if I couldn't show you how much I loved you
Because you weren't going to feel the same
Jan 2011 · 3.5k
Forget Me (not?)
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
Forgetful little flower
Only learned to follow
But never to follow through
With the little things
Like her dreams
He loves me, he loves me not
Was all she could think about
Jan 2011 · 800
Tired Eyes
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
Tired eyes
Tired of tiring
Of straining to see
What the point is anymore
Everything lost its meaning
Nothing found its purpose
Jan 2011 · 737
Sitting in a Coffee Shop 2
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
A cigarette hangs from her chapped lips
Nails painted **** yellow, now chipping as she clacks them on the table
Her wrist watch is broken so she has to count in her head
One onethousand
Two onethousand
Forget it
It's been about an hour now
She pretends to read a book but instead she stares at one word on the page
Her lips pucker over the cigarette and she takes a deep drag
With a disgusted sigh she exhales smoke like a dragon forfeiting a battle
One onethousand
Two onethousand
"**** patience,"
She gets up, throws the book in the trash, and leaves
Jan 2011 · 1.5k
Red, Yellow, Blue
Kelly Lutz Jan 2011
Red, Yellow, Blue
What to do, what to do
Me and you?
Not a clue
What to do, what to do
Learn to sew, not to sue
Let the colors change their hue
Let the sea stay everblue
What to do, what to do
Let the moon come to you
Be a pal, lend me two
Turn around, enjoy the view
What to do, what to do
Let your heart follow through
Make your dreams come true
Never tell me what to do
What to do, what to do
Dec 2010 · 917
That's not Orange Chicken..
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
He walks around the mall by himself
And pretends he is on the phone with somebody important
In hopes that people will find him to be an interesting person
That maybe once he gets off the phone they will come up to him
And ask him for some advice over coffee
And that they will care to hear what it is he has to say
But instead they ignore him
And he doesn't know why

She puts her hair up in a ponytail every morning
Not because she doesn't like the feeling of her hair on her shoulders
But because she wants the other girls to see she has a hickey on her neck
In hopes that they will think she is really popular
And that they will want to hang out with her to see how she gets all the guys to like her
And that they will think she is pretty
But instead they ignore her
And she doesn't know why

I never knew how to tell you this
But I always pretend to know what I talk about
In hopes that people will think better of me
That they will enjoy my company at parties
And that they will want to be around me more often
And maybe someday you could notice me
But instead you choose to ignore me
And I don't know why
Dec 2010 · 584
Winter's (in)Sanity
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
Once on a frigid winters day
I sat and thought of things to say
Or not to say, to stay looking sane
The snow piled up on the window pane
The look of pain on your face was so atrocious
Winters cold sting was all too ferocious
Where does one beginning end, and another begin?
Thoughts such as these will make your head spin
Your heart broke on that winters day
When I failed to think of something to say
Dec 2010 · 454
Haiku 23
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
I don't like things said
So instead I'll write to you
Silly, fragile words
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Haiku 22
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
Frosty the snowman
Wanted me to let you know
You're not a snowflake
Dec 2010 · 507
Haiku 21
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
Let me just tell you,
It's been a very long day.
I could use a drink.
Dec 2010 · 561
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
the words are on the tip of my tongue
and yet they come out of my fingertips
thoughts spill and splash and bubble over my brain on a daily basis
and i ***** them out into a blubber that you can't grasp
or maybe you just don't want to understand
that i'm not your average joe
that i make more mistakes than one should admit
and that someday
i'm going to write all over these walls
and fill every space with words
of beauty and truth and downright nonsense
maybe then people will get it
writing is the only thing left in this world
it is the only thing that will keep us going
yet nobody wants to tell people things they dont want to hear
because that would just be outrageous
but we need to
the day we stop thinking on our own
is the day the world will end
Dec 2010 · 487
The middle of nothing
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
Up is
up is
is uP
is up
is UP
is Up
is uP
and the world?
oh no no, my dear friend
the world
is Down
is dOwn
is doWn
is dowN
is down
Dec 2010 · 670
The Sun Rose in an Eclipse
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
You're so beautiful
And it's a shame
Because when people go to tell you
Just how amazing you are
They cut short - intimidated
And suddenly feel childish
For having fallen so in love
With a complete stranger
I wish you could know
That you are the sun in this polluted sky
And that everybody wishes they knew you
And the people who've never seen you
Wonder where you are in the world
I don't think you'll ever understand
How much you mean to me
Or how capable you are of accomplishing
Anything and everything in this world
But if you could just stop and stare at the mirror
And smile - even if it was only for a second
Maybe then you would see what we see
Dec 2010 · 4.4k
House Bred (Bread)
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
A new haircut,
Receiving in activities
Like oral ***
What's the difference?
You only feel like a new person
For the first hour or so
It's back to your regular old life
Feeding yourself
And perhaps the kind feline next door
You aren't sure who it belongs to
But it comes to you when you make that little clicking sound
With your tongue
And you sometimes wish you had all the time in the world
To waste
On silly things that are nowhere near productive
But they make you feel good
Like that new haircut
Dec 2010 · 713
A Love Unrequited
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
I will write to you
Every single day
Until someone breaks my fingers
Making me useless

If that happens
I will sing to you
Every single day
Until someone stuffs cotton in my mouth
Making me mute

But even then
I will look after you
Every single day
Until someone blackens my eyes
Making me blind

Even then
I will love you
Every single day
Until someone shoots me
Making me lifeless
Dec 2010 · 761
Kelly Lutz Dec 2010
Caution tape and stop signs
Can't slow us down now
The dog laps up your cold sweat
On a Saturday morning
That rainy Saturday morning
When you forgot to call
I've stayed in this room for so long
Probably because the couch is more comforting
Than your bed
The thunder is making the windows rattle
And my feet have gone numb
The coffee is lukewarm in it's ***
Yet nobody is home
And the clock's ticking is driving me mad



Jump back to another day
Another time
Another place
And we'd all be singing
But instead we wait
And wait
For something different to happen
Something magnificent
But you and I both know
I'ts too late
We're in a puddle
And I can't find the umbrella



Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
I don't ask you how your day is
Because it's probably better than mine
So usually I wait for you to ask how mine is
So I can finally cry
And be vulnerable for once

My shoes can never stay tied
And they don't make jeans with short enough legs
So my pants are always ripped at the bottom
Mom shrunk my favorite sweater
So now I don't even bother wearing nice things
Or washing my car
It'll just get ***** again, anyway
That's not to say I don't shower
Hygiene is still an important factor

I wish I had a typewriter
So I could pretend to be fancy and old fashioned
I would write stories and make that little "Bing" sound every time the paper moved down a line

Why is it we always want what we don't have?
It's like we never have enough in this world
Are we selfish or is it just that need for a new adventure?

All I really know anymore is
Even if you think you are having the worst day ever
There is always someone out there
Who is having it much worse
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
Bruised hands
Sweaty brow
***** skin
Blistered feet
Tired eyes
Broken fingernails
Chipped teeth
Dry lips
Swollen tongue
Scratched legs
Ripped jeans
Stained shirt
Messy hair
Runny nose
Empty stomach
Poor thing,
Didn't you know?
You are never
Supposed to fall in love
With a train wreck.
Nov 2010 · 794
Peachy Keen
Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
Absence makes the heart grow fonder indeed
Never before have I been more in love with an idea
The idea of you and me
The idea of us
It hasn't crossed my mind in a very long time
But now?
I'd love to wrap it around me
Like a blanket
And kiss Future on the lips
I wonder what it tastes like
Too sweet? Too salty?
Never before have I been more in love with an idea.
Nov 2010 · 828
Sleepy Jean
Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
When was the last time I had coffee?
Can't recall, which isn't a good sign
Survival is crucial, and to survive, one simply needs caffeine
This world today is so cut-throat
Are you sure you're ready to step outside that door?
Did you remember your jacket? Did you pack enough socks?
Reading a book on a rainy day used to be convenient
Now I want to read to stay out of the sun
Skin cancer is a terrible thing you know
Drinking to get drunk is only fun in public
Do it alone, and you'll be crying in your room over sweet nostalgia
It's too easy to get distracted from your goals anymore
So many ******* curve ***** coming at you in every direction
Spinning you to face another door
Will you go in? Is it really worth it?
You'll never know until you try
I for one like my coffee blended
Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
Can't. Stop. Thinking. About. You.
Perhaps a lobotomy is in order.
You shouldn't be on my mind this much.
Nobody should.
I should know better than to think.
That I'm on your mind even a little bit.
When leaving your presence,
I often find that I'm grinning like a fool.
Heart beating fast.
Occasionally blushing a little.
Trying to think of what was just said.
And if I said anything terribly stupid.
Haven't felt like this in years.
Am I really so naive?
Nov 2010 · 523
Baby, Come Back
Kelly Lutz Nov 2010
I want you to hold me
The way the crescent
Holds the dark of the moon at night
I want the stars in my hands
To keep me warm
When you aren't around
The sun is a mere reminder
Of every day spent without you
Won't you come back inside?
It's going to rain, you'll catch a cold
Oct 2010 · 1.8k
Let's Talk Politics
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
I'm not too up to date
On the social scene these days
Kids walkin' around wearin'
Pants that don't fit right
Either too tight or down to their *****
And they smoke a joint any chance they get
Talkin' bout how alcohol should be for kids 16 and up
Talkin' bout how thier friends are losin' their virginity
At the age I started puberty
Sayin' drugs aren't that bad
That the police are the bad people, tryin' to ruin their fun
Sayin' their friends make good parents
At the age I started puberty
And that they quit their job at that fast food place
'Cause the boss couldn't stand their tattoos anymore
But really, none of this has anythin' to do with television
Or bad parenting
Or bad influences
Or lack of an education
This is how it's supposed to be
This is normal, everything is okay here
It's a generational thing
Oct 2010 · 965
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
Stories are just another way of lying to children.
I could say I've lived in another country for the past three years.
Which one?
But they could speak english, and that's all that matters.
I once wrote a letter to the president.
He took a quote from me and put it in his speech, taking full credit!
But of course I let him for the good of our country.
Did you know, stories don't have to have beginnings or endings?
I became a professional wrestler.
All that matters is that you keep the audience entertained.
Nothing. Else. Matters.
And one more thing.
Those Croc shoes..
What the **** were they thinking?
Oct 2010 · 546
Float On
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
If you let me go
I'll float away
Like a balloon
I refuse to be
A rock
That will just sit there
Where you left me
And hope you'll
Change your mind
And pick me back up again
To dust me off
And place me on
Your shelf
So you decide
What is to come
Before I pop
Oct 2010 · 745
Artificially Flavored
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
You thrive
For your moment of
Artificial power
While I long
For your moment of
Artificial silence
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
My mirror doesn't
work. When looking at it, all
I can see is you.

Your eyes were swollen.
And my heart was breaking at
the thought of your tears.

Were you me? Was I
dreaming? Some questions aren't
easily answered.

So I drew you a
pretty picture. Hope you'll love
it. Like I love you.
Oct 2010 · 577
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
The smell of fresh rain
And burning firewood
Is almost as nice
As the smell of your skin
The feel of the sun on my face
And feet
Is almost as nice
As the feel of your fingertips
The taste of bubblegum
And chocolate
Is almost as nice
As the taste of your tongue
The view of the moon glowing at night
And the stars' little twinkles
Is almost as nice
As your beautiful eyes watching me
The sound of birds singing
And music softly playing
Is almost as nice
As the sound of your angelic voice
Has anyone told you how great you are lately?
Oct 2010 · 529
Coffee Puts Me to Sleep
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
Peter got rather offended
That Paul had not yet ended
That little thing he had with Mary
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
Having *** with men
Does not make the girl a woman
Dressing like her daughter
Does not make the woman a girl
Get a grip
Grow up
Slow down
You aren't what you want to be
You are what you are
Accept it
Don't change it
Unless you're an alcoholic
Or something horrible
(Title is a quote from 500 Days of Summer)
Oct 2010 · 631
Kelly Lutz Oct 2010
I want happiness.
I want solitude.
I want company.
I want beauty.
I want music in my veins.
I want poetry in my tongue.
I want energy in my muscles.
I want art in my fingertips.
I want love in my eyes.
I just want to run.
I want to run until my feet bleed.
I want to run so fast time rewinds.
I want to run back to the first time I saw you.
Maybe then I could kiss you.
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
I quite enjoy
the company of the moon
When it shines in my home
I think of you
It kisses me gently on the cheek
good night
So that I might sleep peacefully
knowing all is right
As the moon wanders by
across the stars and the earth
The sun takes it's place
for all that it's worth
It taps me on the shoulder
good morning my friend
I follow through with the day
and can't wait for it's end
You are in my thoughts
in my heart in my dreams
You are even in my clothing
stitched in the seams
You are the moon
and you are the sun
I long for the day where
into your arms I can run
Darling, I love you
yes darling I do
So just tell me this
do you think of me too?
Title (and some of poem) inspired by Chuck Palahniuk
Sep 2010 · 472
Haiku 20
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
Too bad they couldn't
make someone like you in high
definition... Ha!
Sep 2010 · 526
Haiku 19
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
Indecisive people
really need to wander off
into nothing land
Sep 2010 · 589
Oh So Sorry
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
Oh, I'm sorry
I thought the headphones in my ears
And the book in my hands
Made it pretty clear
I have no interest in speaking with you
Let alone acknowledging you
Oh, I'm sorry
I thought when you said the words
I love you
It meant you actually wanted to be with me
That you actually cared
How silly of me
Oh, I'm sorry
I thought you were such a nice guy
Who would be by my side
Who would be proud of me
Even as we grew old and forgetful
I guess that's too much to ask anymore
Oh, I'm sorry
For ever thinking when you said you would be right back
That you might actually come back
Perhaps with some roses
And an apology you practiced in your head fifteen times
I really do need to get with the program, don't I?
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
Please stop calling
Please stop texting
You're filling up my inbox
I have no interest in responding to your
"I miss you"
And what do I say to the
"I love you"?
It's embarrassing, really
Sep 2010 · 732
Stitches in My Mouth
Kelly Lutz Sep 2010
I keep tonguing the stitches in my mouth
Every time I do, it hurts
And every time I do, I think of you
I asked you to write me a letter once
But you never did
You've only ever written three words to me
And no, it wasn't
"Happy Birthday Darling"
You've never gotten me anything for my birthday
I'm not worthy of your pennies
Or your nickles
And especially not your dimes
I'm barely worthy of your "love"
Your love, quite frankly, is a joke
You love your bicycle more than me
And your boots
And your flat screen TV
I'm not much of a material girl
So while I may want to love you
I certainly don't have to like you
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
Lost your cell phone? Might as well lose your pants!
Now how will you know when I'm calling you?
What if its important? What if its about where to meet for lunch?
You probably don't even know my number by heart, do you?!
Well this is just great! And you type too slow to try emailing me!
And you don't even have a car to drive over to my house!
You sound so out dated right now! What will you do with yourself?
You can't just write letters for the rest of your life!
And what kind of person doesn't own a TV in this society?
The newspaper isn't good enough anymore!
You're hopeless.
At least you have a lamp in your room and not a lantern.
Aug 2010 · 543
Logic Vs Wishful Thinking
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
As a philosopher once said
"I think, therefore I am."
Well, I'm here thinking of you
But you aren't anywhere
You (fell off the planet) years ago
So in the thought of someone
(Someone who doesn't exist)
Do I then, not exist?
(One can only wish!)
I remember the morning long ago
You looked at me from across the room
And asked why people care
I said because it gives us purpose
You said that was foolish
And the time I looked at you
And asked if you were certain you loved me
And you just shrugged your shoulders
And continued to wrestle with your tie
Thinking logically
I should have known then
That you would never love me
And if you did, it wouldn't be the same
Aug 2010 · 657
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
One morning I woke
And you weren't there
The front door was locked
And the windows were shut
Astounded, I roamed into the kitchen
Into the bathroom
Into the closet...
I walked outside
Your bicycle wasn't there
Where had you gone?
I drove around town
And then out of town
And then out of state...
Went back home, in case
You had changed your mind...
You didn't
I grabbed my telescope
And searched the moon
And the stars...
You were nowhere to be found
And I think
You wanted it that way...
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
Remember those nights
When we would eat gummy bears in the dark
And guess their flavors?
Of course, we never knew if we were right or not
But the silly little things like that
Are the things I am most fond of
Or that one time
I slipped on soda in the McDonald's bathroom
And we laughed for what seemed like hours
Or the day we went down to the creek
And the neighbor's dog barked at us the whole time
And of course I wouldn't forget the time we went skateboarding
In our bikinis
Nights gossiping on the phone over a boy who probably will never remember us
Laughing over stupid things that nobody else would find funny
Those were the days
I wish we never had to grow up as quickly as it feels we did
Aug 2010 · 5.1k
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
You call a kitten or a baby
But a young woman?
It's almost offensive!
As if you will never be called
And never ever
Might as well not be called anything
If all you'll hear for the rest of your life is
Aug 2010 · 573
At a Loss for Words
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
Running out of words
Of ways
To express
To show
Just how much I love you
It's peculiar
To think
That when we met
I never
In a million years
Imagined you falling in love
With someone like me
It's funny
To realize
We've been together so long
And yet when
You kiss me
I still get butterflies
Still not sure
How you can be certain
So if I may
I'll just say
I love you
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