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 Mar 2013 Kelly Conidi
 Mar 2013 Kelly Conidi
I think about you when it snows
She whispers
How the ice trickles down
While the wind blows.
When the rain starts to fall
I think of your fingers
Entertwining through my skin
Only to forestall
The actual sin.
I think about you at nightfall
When the darkness' a sheet
The desire to be wrapped up in you
Protect me from the sleet.
I don't think of you in the sunshine
Because life can't be that complete
I need you to fill the void
My sweet reinforced concrete.
 Jun 2012 Kelly Conidi
L Archer
I had forgotten you, or so it seems
Before you showed up within my dreams
You're the one constant in all the scenes
No one on Earth can explain what it means

The background was loud, the dialogue silent
My outlook is dim but imagery was vibrant
Usually my dreams are random, quick, and nimble
Now, you remain as a mainstay, a symbol

The obsession of you, the love and the passion
Stronger than anything you could imagine
Evidenced clear by attempts to completely...
Ignore clear evidence that you complete me

I wish I could ask how I could be conscious
With a mind that offers such unwanted responses
Until my admiration decides to vanish
I don't know how to move on or manage
 Jun 2012 Kelly Conidi
We can dance on yellow petals
Until they're red.
All of our lives we've been waiting
Who cares what God said
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Exactly sure of what we wanted
Vexed by time

I remember the wallpaper textures
I kept running my hand against it that next morning
I remember the bobbing sunflower heads outside
the doorwall
The peeling paint on the window sill
I most especially remember you -
All of my life I've wanted to do this

 Jun 2012 Kelly Conidi
 Jun 2012 Kelly Conidi
I live in the dark.
No -
Not Me
But I.

I'm what
You don't
Admit in daylight
Because I'm
Under the floorboards

I won't decay
Like the other 32 boys
I'll remain
33 words for 33 victims.

— The End —