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Kelly C S Mar 2012
My heart is a veritable time bomb
its counter set months in advance.
Now its deadline draws near:
     The weeks,
     The days,
     The hours,
     The minutes.
Ever closer it comes
Now I've entered the same country
                                The same state
                                The same county
                                The same town
                                The same building
and finally,
the same room.
With seconds to spare
you cut the right wire
and your embrace has never felt so comforting
nor your kiss so desired as this moment
I am disabled,
we are finally reunited.
Kelly C S Mar 2012
It claws at my mind
scraping at my sanity
clawing at my weary neurons
plucking them like over tightened strings.
the anxiety of my newest situation
and soon it wakes
my grotesque demons
       the blind paranoia
who darts around the room for fear of the shadows' conspiracies
       the nit-picky self-loathing
with its millions of fingers to point at all of my the faults
       the gangly self-doubt
who can't help but look at everything in a depressive, helpless way
       and the wreched memory
which can recall every criticism ever received at the drop of a pin
and many pins drop in this world.
Kelly C S Mar 2012
Higher, higher, to the clouds I say!
Dreams of little children's hearts;
so simple,
so pure.
Higher, higher!
Touch the branches,
to the sky with the birds!
We can fly with their freedom
and taste the sweet wind.
No one can catch us
so go higher, higher!
Kelly C S Mar 2012
The horn
of the train
echoed your inevitable.
In a few short hours,
a similar steel beast
will carry you away.
The thought haunts me.
but for now,
I hold you closer,
My face pressed to your chest.
You heard the sound,
you respond in kind.
For now we are together,
for now we can hug,
for now we can touch,
and we can only hope
that the memory of touch
lingers as long as possible,
That they days
that separate us will pass
like sparrows on the wind,
fast and fleeting.

There it is again
the intrusive horn.
Soon to call you away,
soon to leave me alone
Kelly C S Feb 2012
It makes your feet freeze and your fingers tingle.
It makes your chest tight and your mind slow.
When your head just longs to be wrapped up
and your breath speaks in clouds.
In this dead of winter state
we can only hope for the death of the wind.
Its razor sharp bite that slashes to the marrow.
When you can't feel your legs as you walk
and you regret ever leaving the warmth of a bed.
This is when we appreciate every fiber that protects us,
every friend we can embrace,
and every ounce of fat we have built on our bones.
When we have the need of our worldly possessions
is when we understand their true value.
Kelly C S Feb 2012
We may have been drunk
we may have been lonely
but as the others took their leave
you remained
I don't know it was exactly when we realized
we stayed for each other
but the mutual decision has brightened my days since

They said we would regret
they said to be careful
our hearts are young
especially mine
it has no cracks to its metaphorical existence
they said that months ago
and I hope we prove them wrong for many months to come
Kelly C S Feb 2012
Years in fact.
I used to know you well
you were the common thoughts
of my childish mind
I was never perfect with you
but I learned your ways.
With your prose
I found a voice.

Regrettably, we separated
I blame the cruelty of reality,
the brash public eye.
That may just be a cop out
I wasn't strong enough to ignore
any harsh words

What once was my joy
became my shame
I hid you away.
Eventually in your dark corner
you retreated to die
and I only noticed
after the dust had settled in your place.

Now you reawaken,
whether by luck
or by circumstance
How do you know I wouldn't cast you off again,
or rather, reject that part of myself?
Have I finally found a home
where I listen to my own voice again
and not the whispers of others?

I write for you, not for them
I write to feel again
for the fleeting chance
you will return the joy I once attained.
I write out of happiness

— The End —