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Kelly Anne Sep 2013
My unveiling means
if in transparent solitude.

I reach for a time when
my dreaming dons
the support of another,

Yet as reality remains estranged
my desires wander unworn paths
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
She refused to acknowledge the
abandoned carnival
that was her past.

A childhood stuck at a silent standstill;
all it took was the admission of
for the melodic music,
haunting memories
and porcelain faces
to come flooding
out of the darkness
and back
to a life of nauseating

She instead preferred
to pack it all in boxes
and hide it
under a giant tent of
with a sign that warned
“No Trespassing”
to probing eyes.

In the end, that’s all
they ever turned out to be.
Curious minds, eager
to pull her apart and leave her lie
in pieces.

Content to play the game of charades
disappear at the
of her lonely masquerade.

It happened every time.

And she’d learned her lesson.
She was safe
only when floating hand in hand
with her dreams.
In peaceful sleep
came the promise of the
Whether true
or not,
it was the solace she clung to
the arms she trusted to

It was the dignity with which she gracefully carried herself through life.
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
A thought occurs,
trailing through mind,
body and
Pen is touched to paper,
then freezes.


That single opening line vibrates
through the silence,
a plea to be acknowledged,

a powerless leader
of an illusory accompaniment,
words crumble to
scattered sonants
that remain voiceless,
and finally fall to
faithless piles

Perhaps then
it is not the time
for concrete concepts,
but for those of more

Such cannot be fathomed
into speech, or
even hastily scrawled.
They are felt
without sight
or sense entirely,
and only completed upon
the final emblem,
the lowering of the means,
the posed close of the

All meant
to be interpreted,
yet not understood.  
Appreciated in shrouded  
and impressed
upon lives
for the uncovering
of a
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
Melodic perfection winds through my ears
and finds my heart.
Authentic purity overcomes me
in the length of a cleansing sigh.

I am an extension of the music.

Let me fall through the lush lyrics
as they slip into nothingness,
chased by whispers of rhythms
that bow to the soft,
solo sad note.

Standing alone,
it is that suspended heartbreak
that becomes my very salvation.
I am captivated and hang motionless,
unable to control the cry for solace.
The silence that follows
carries naught
but a trembling tear.
Its slow, deliberate splash
deprives me of breath
and depraves the scant sanctuary
that is so painfully fragile.
The truth is now sustained;
We are the composition.

Awaken what is hidden
for a higher reminder
and walk me,
dance me,
romance me to the night’s contentment.
Only then do the wandering secede
to the late goodbye conveyed
by the instrumental vow
of the final vibrato.
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
(They were for us, and us alone.)*

The rain, it is my comfort,
when I sit, alone, in darkness,
my thoughts completely consumed
by you.

I lay sprawled,
flat on my back,
feet up, resting against the cold hostile wall,
stubborn red hair flowing tangled beneath me,
and wonder, how might life be different,
had we not parted from each other's worlds,
had we dared to be brave, dared to be strong,
looked life square in the eyes, hand in hand
and made a run for it.

Made a place in this world,
for us.

I think about our share of love for storms.
Our way of being soothed in the dead of night,
by a steady, unmistakable rhythm carrying on
just outside the window.

It made us feel safe. It made us feel as though
our place really did occupy this land,
and we,
in our youth, could face anything.

I try not to regret, but do anyways,
the paths we chose instead.
Separate ones, leading in opposite directions,
while still confining us under the same sky,
leading to a point of ignorance,
a point of near unrecognition.

I dream of another choice, one that brings us back,
to the people we once were -- but in secret, only for each other.
This very moment might then not even exist.

But then the thunder calls, pulling me back to my true place, and that's when I remember:

that is not my reality.
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
You sit, you watch. You wait;
a cloud of hope misted over your eyes.
The passing of time taunts and teases,
but to its dismay you remain unresponsive,
until it bores of its sore attempts and progresses.
Your figure fades to the background of surroundings.

Your story has a beginning,
but no end.
How long have you waited for the hand holding the pen
to return with your “happily ever after?”

What will you do if it, too,
has gone with time,
never to make itself renown
amongst those who have ignored your existence for so long now?

I know what you're missing.
I know that you know it, too.

So stand.

Climb out of the lonely hole of emptiness that slowly engulfed you,
all those years ago.

That hand?
It's not coming.
So instead,
I'll lend you one.

And we'll write that happy ending together.
Formally titled "Stop Waiting ~ Start Writing."
Kelly Anne Sep 2013
Buried deep within our souls,
there's so much left to say.
You were there for me, then gone.
You let me down, you never came.

You always cared for me,
this I'll forever know.
But what bothers me the most,
is what you failed to show.

I cry for words gone unsaid,
for what we've hidden away.
For what I cannot change,
for the end – it's come today.

I know I must move on,
it's all in black and white.
But letting go of you,
Oh, just give me one more night.

No longer in a dream,
I'm awake and it's all real.
But for me to say goodbye,
the world, it must go still.

My tears, they slowly dry.
I turn to you for one last time.
But I cannot say the words
that are always on my mind.

So instead I carry on,
think of what will never be.
But please remember this:

*Voce Existe Em Mim.
Inspired by songs of Josh Groban.

— The End —