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6.4k · Dec 2010
12 days of christmas
keki Dec 2010
On the first day of christmas my teacher gave to me
1 essay

On the second day of christmas my teacher gave to me
2 major projects

On the third day of christmas my teacher gave to me
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the fourth day of  christmas my teacher gave to me
4 journals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the fifth day of christmas my teacher gave to me
5 binders
4 journals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the sixth day of christmas my teacher gave to me
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 joournals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the seventh day of christmas my techer gave to me
7 laptops
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 journals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the eighth day of christmas my teacher gave to me
8 calculators
7 laptops
6 pencil bags
5 bingers
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the nineth day of christmas gave to me
9 work sheets
8 calculators
7 laptops
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 journals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay

On the tenth day of christmas my teacher gave to me
10 mircoscopes
9 work sheet
8 calculators
7 laptops
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 journals
3 text books
2 major project
1 essay

On the eleventh day of christmas my teacher gave to me
11 math problems
10 mircoscopes
9 work sheets
8 calculator
7 lap tops
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 journals
3 text boooks
2 major projects
1 essay

On the 12 day of christmas teacher gave to me
12 test tubes
11 math problems
10 mircoscope
9 work sheets
8 calculators
7 lap tops
6 pencil bags
5 binders
4 journals
3 text books
2 major projects
1 essay
2.7k · Jan 2011
unknown (prolog)
keki Jan 2011

               A whooshof air playing with a tender long brown hair, a wave of flips of curly hair. AS the sun sets in the mountains of Colorado with a misty glow on the pure crystal snow. As I glaze in the beauty, I turned around in a grunted sigh and walk to my bran new house in the middle of no where. I said walking back to house with my family "why did my **** step-dad have to bring us here in this dump, pssh I hate him so much!!" with my flench curled up and my knuckles turning white, teeth clenching, kicking rocks to take all my anger on. Crossing down by the bank of mystical waterfall that held frozen and was a piece of art to any who hates water still would make it beautiful. Passing by with full rage of anger reaching my sister with a graden rose dress, black sandles to surrounds her newely fresh scab formed on her righ knee, but with a smile thats lights up this dull place. Man that girl can always cheer me up even im ****** at the world i could never be mad at my sister i thought whiled walking slowing down a wave a brushy grass that any person or animal could fall on....before my sister could reach me in a small peice of my eye caught something it was a man in black clothing sticking his hand out saing "rachel." pause "rachel come... come..." and slowly dissapeared. As I stood in shock my body froze in fear it felt a trap of death and slowl everthing went black out all i could hear were faint screams of my sister before it blocked out for good. " Sister!!! Wake up!! MOM!!!! DAD!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!!" Jennifer said with crystal water tears holding my hand trying to wake me up but failed to. "Honey did you hear something?" my mother tilted her head while she unpacked the car. " What were you saying teresa i could not hearyou i was getting everthing settled in thehouse but thenyou called me so what i-" richered got cut by a bloddy screem in the near distance in the woods. "MOMMY!!!! FATHER!!!!" the both parents look in shock and dropped every thing and dashed out the front lawn. "mommy.....father...where are you..."jenniferjust cried there hopeless while I laid there in silence. "Oh my god Jennifer are you alright what were screaming about" mother said worry in her eye while killing Jeniffer with a big bear hug. " What in gods name made you scream like that" Richered said frowning and getting with a cocky attituded. Jennifer ploted out mother's strong arms and raced down to me where I still laid dead silence. " what the hell, where is she going... holy sh-" my mother was about to scream like akiller was after but she calm her self and went to jennifer's side and was nearly about to cry. " Don't worry teresa she's breathing so thats a good thing lets take her to the doctors before anything else happens and jennifer could you explianed what happened to your big sis please it would help alot." Richered said begging for help. "umm well she was going down this hill then she froze in fear as she saw something bad then the next thing pwoof going down twumbling and she went blank" Jeniffer said looking in her eyes with very much concern.
                     with about a three hour car to doctors the family of four came rushhing for help "excuse me ma'ma can you help in a diffuclt spot please helpmy daughter in law" Richered said with a firery pumped up voice. " Yes sir whats the problem" the young blond teen siad as typing on the computer to comform the document to acces the doctor. " My daughter she fainted and wont wake up and its been over 4 hours can you please help her" Richered said sheepishly as finder his wife and her younger child right behind him and my mom carring me. "Ok sir just put her on hospital bed room 34 please and you may visit her after the docotor comes to see her but for now just wait here in the wiaitng room. about an hour passed the docotor who was taking care of me came in the room saying " Mr. and Mrs. randof may you come with me." he said with a demading tone. "Yes sir may my daughter come to?" mother said trying not to show fear in her voice "of corse" he said while letting the family through the back door then the hallway that leads to my room. " she up but we dont know what we need to go to the hospital to checked up by more higher professionals." the doctor eyed my in like what in the world happened. There was an akwarad silence until my step dad intruded that peace and manage to say " w-well ok and now Rachel would you care to explian what happed to you" Richered said while to strengthen his tone back. " yes..." I paused to re-gain my memory " So I took a walk and walked back to house but i passed the frozen lake that froms like a waterfallbut its frozen so i saw Jennifer and i was  about t call her name but then i saw a person in a black robe sticking his hand out liketrying to grab me it kept on sayin Rachel..Rachel come come and when i turned completely it was gone completely like if it were a ghost and then i felt a horror shock come over my body and could the world turning black then only hearing Jennifer's faint screams of concern and down I fainted then went to silence...." I finaly said with lifting my head slowly and with a greck bolt in my eyes I looked right behind them there was again. With seeing it again it turn pale with tearns rolling down my eyes like waterfalls and hushed to cold knock out.
that was page 1iposting the pages differently so comment if i sould contunie the story
2.5k · Jan 2011
keki Jan 2011
a bird to a feather is it character..

a peom to a song makes culture...

a work to a friends makes the world

a I to a me maks you and only you.

be above the influcens and stand  up to world and show what you do but they are going to be people who bring down dont worry about them their just have points so you cannot exceed. Choose your life
1.0k · Oct 2010
whats life?
keki Oct 2010
life is like a flower
Planted into one spot never seem to leaves it way of life
Standing mighty and strong not letting any thing touch its graceful way of life.
Slowly others come into its world bringing the high brick wall to a burned crips and crumbling its spirit giving it no hope and lost it way for a point of living and loving.
The bright sun comes out from the under world and carries the hopeless flower to life blocking all the negative energy around its surroundings with a plastic bubble with love and support from the world who wants it to be living and happy no sadness the makes the rolling black could come in and **** your joy of life......
I am a plant stuck in one spot with others who care about are you going to reborn your self into becoming happy???
You choose your life nobody else may controlling your life you are you and only you may choose your path
840 · Nov 2010
demon moon
keki Nov 2010
crystal with pearl sitting among the earth starting at its beauty then whatch a swirl a blood covered coating the peals white now completly drowned with red boiling radge filled with anger twisted emotion with a broken heart on half sad, cold hearted in the shawdows afraid to be loved again and the other half wicked and always swoling and evil grinning like a ****** thats gone sycho and lost it way and all ties together into a death blood full moon.
I only see...this no one else i walk alone knowing i lost my friend and she has gone to depths in the shadows like a black whole ****** every bright hope she gets or has slowly get torn by the black whole the resting in her heart. She cries for help but lies in silnce no one can find her not even her soul can find her. She ask for no help, no one...she trust no body not even her self. I repeat over and over to my self only nobody can see her but my other friend may know her may know here but she has no clue she keeps messing every thing for her i create the demon moon with my friend i under stand her that i cannot not tell my other friend
i find her in the black whole and slowly recreating her her white moon
818 · Dec 2010
shadows hide my heart
keki Dec 2010
whats gong on?!
i can't feel....
no soul beat....
just a cold human hollow ****** up and it only hears nothing
only the winds haunting whistling tone.

they are here...
why though...
their coming but why... why....
it doesn't make sense.... not to me or nobody... why....
did... they..... leave.... me..... i done nothing......

have i but have shadow cover my life...
i feel nothing.....
or hear an thing... just crying... a moan of desperate help but no one...
came.... to help... getting smuthered into a blanket of then air
always hearing cries for help...
but feels lost.... of direction of hope...

a light...
shines life not dark...
but that light can be gone in

and be drown
never coming back up
never again will love be light...
but a sad broken heart will be
never to try again...
but give up
no body cares
why does the word love have so much meaning but...
gets tossed like a garbage...?

whats the meaning of it...
why does it cause pain
why does it exist
why did god do this to create this word
it means nothing....
some may say...

it does...
but why would it break a heart..
cause pain and suffering
and leaving without a heart..
taking of loneness...
no love
no happiness
no nothing

but a empty heart filled with wind.....

( sorry emo thoughts O.o im not sayin love is not a bad thing but dont end up like a dull life because you feel like nothing dont give up on one heart break please it doesnt help at all in life just get back out there and be proud that you can replace happiness with out love in you life... like me i have dated nobody and had family problems but i got through it and im happy for what i do for my self not for others)
791 · Oct 2010
keki Oct 2010
or may i ask treat.
hovering in  the full moons twilight light
looking for a cady thirst that thrives every ones mind.
But some one searches the night to get a scare
out of you
may i wish you a happy halloween

black cats lurk in and out of the foggy mist that surrounds the chilly floor
ghost haunt the living giving a chilly rattle up your spine
turn around no ones there and continue with your trick or treating for the night.
wolfs prey on flesh to savior their hunger for the next year or so till they rise again.
The skelton bones rise once again make thier bones shake and shiver as they were a musical instroment
clock stricks 12 and all the mysteriors monster hide in the shawdows till next halloween day.
789 · Jan 2011
look upon yourself
keki Jan 2011
angels sing to our hearts, they whisper to us when were alone. they say dear little one no to be afraid..the bright star looks upon us and give us love and hope angels look to our hearts and tells us no need to fear but only trust the shinning star.
781 · Nov 2010
keki Nov 2010
Silents beats.
In rythem of slow dazed clock
Ticking back and forth.
As time frezzes
Every thing motion less
Nothing moving
Except tears with crystal blured reflection
In the gloomed dim sky
The cloock sticks the empty room that
Onced filled with light and life
Now laid the soul of silence to this room
And never had one
Ever to this room again
Not in
Every in life time
That rebon each year
770 · Dec 2010
winter time (two poems)
keki Dec 2010
a sprinkle a cold sparkle landed on the wrinkled brown textured mittens hold by a chipped damp branch that dances swiftly with the cool breeze the waves with a frosty chill in the air burning all the popping and cracking fires that brake down monster size lumber but soon come to hush and a light which brighten the glows of smile turns to hollow pit of smoky ash of smoke and becomes on with the earth.
With the light lazy moon with it creator shining ill pale texture shining among the dark mist clouds that fade to gray as shimmering white snow flakes clicking to the ground like glue and piles like minni mountains and lookin like a winter wonder land.

Second poem called frosted forest.

Glimmering slick ice thinking down pine woods leaf less the mud slick floors blend with brown snaps leaves broken like hearts of sadness for not being worthy to live in the right ful world where they born and die with every last oxygen they have till the hurricane wind seperates them and their love home and get tossed around like a rag doll and have no respect then being tossed out like garbage and left there to evaporate from the living exciting life. When the gloom less colorful trees that are painted with dazzling frosted breath water giving it a reflecting crystal out line giving the sunsets rise a glimming out line color.

Authors note:  thankyou for all the veiwes i hope you enjoy future poems i right.... I need a subject for me to write about send me a message and i'll do on for you so thankyou for taking your time to read my poems even though you like them or i guess by for now
752 · Oct 2010
fall (the season)
keki Oct 2010
strolling down the shivering lane of rainbow of trees that seem to be the same color...
Red, yellow and orange
seems like a pattern that never seem to stop till some one pushes all its leaves away.
pick, pick
one by one slowly swaying with baby wind swings
that dances with it sway dance
singing to a melody
these bright colored leaves once a lime green
fade into a mist of various different shades of color then die once again into a mold brown that gets swifted away by the snow
and rebirths in spring to explore its expirnces different ways as it reborns each day
743 · Dec 2010
a statement
keki Dec 2010
a whisper that shakes the heart for the real truth for the reason to say in a whisper tone

( things have so much meaning behind it but when it comes to a the heart it shakes it because of its hissing surrounding  sound effects to it)
727 · Dec 2010
acrostic poem
keki Dec 2010
H-hi welcome to
E- easily post poems the connect with you
L- laugh at funny poems
L- love to create new ideas to fill other to encourage them to share
O- open up people will conflict what your saying

P- people will read and read your poems
O- of user will add you and you have more friends
E- entry books
T- try new ideas for book/poems it never hurts to try
R- read and read if you like the story
Y- yup this is a good site to have fun

( a/n i really bored plus very random but this what my meaning what you can do on here so...i guess comment and read...)
726 · Jan 2011
haunted whispers
keki Jan 2011
A whisper
A haunting tone
And a small weep of help
Of Demon's shadows.
A dead body that lays silent
and never seem to scatter in fright.
Behind the crisp, white, cold, curtain.
The ghost haunts and weeps
to let go of the heavy chains that cover this haunting whispers. Let it be in the past of a haunting wispers of a sold silent death
719 · Feb 2011
keki Feb 2011
im leaving so see yeah
and thx for all the views
616 · Nov 2010
wind of the souls
keki Nov 2010
Sparkle moon light that dances on the heavens of the earth. Awaking the cries of help that need to breake their souls free,wanting to dance with the stars in the milky way and let the winds of the heavens take them there when their ready to set their life on fire and let their souls be the wind of the souls that nver stop flowing.....the stars are dzzncing under the full moon brezze.
613 · Dec 2010
little about me
keki Dec 2010
i seek into nothing but to touch other and not any die of pain and suffer.

i belove the closes that carries my dreams and make them happen.

i create new art but don't say peep or dare to share my art.

i never forget you i will remember you.

i never give up on me and you.

but nothing revolves around me so i quite the i's and move on to you

you draw an image to your true character not some celebratory off some blog/post you choose not your parents. If you done something wrong and you thinks its your fault it's not look to the positive side the negative light up your light and move like a feather in the wind
609 · Jan 2011
keki Jan 2011
We reflect on objects and people that bring to to dead zone but we some times we need to get pass the present and look more to the futur
602 · Nov 2010 and peace..
keki Nov 2010
A bright sun set
Turning the sky from a bright stinging baby blue to a resting rose pink and red.
White snow birds flutter in the heaven colored sky with al natures natural colors that spread across the usa with beauty glowing on the gentle moving gracefully through the winds twist and turns but continues strolling along admiring the suns creations the rested in the morning and almost to night fall and with the mix between the blue and sunsets red and pink ish orange that fights to stay that color
For a couple of hours the mixed blends tie together and make one...

The twinkling stars that dances around the full moon a waking once again to enjoy their freedom from the sun glaze that over powers their little gas of light and hidden to the shivering night claims its time to come out and let people look what im made of and shows off the stars that shape designs the midnight like connect the dots on a sheet of paper but widen around the globe that hold secrets to the future, presents, and past that has not been un locked yet by a true person who looks outside of the box of this world that we live on and focus on the beauty in this whole world....

Wash away by every thing
Travel in the water flowing the creates the seas oceans lakes waterfalls ponds all around the world that attracts people all around the world set the mind in peace let all the troubles away  and seem clam once again....
590 · Nov 2010
haunting whisper
keki Nov 2010
stand motionless...
staring into blank nothing...
whats going on...
who are you...
what are you doing this to me
and why....

the full moon that glazed over my crisped brown chocolate hair
in a trans staring blind founded
by the open gates of the full powered moon....

opening all the gates to the spirits
to seem to awake every full moon appears..

i turned to my questioned friend giving me a worried eye stare and which had to mock me in my head...thinking she thinks im s monster from the unknown...

i just stood there began to cry feeling every trapped soul opening to the world the living and acting stupid..

i crashed on the bed silenced never seem to open my bright hazel eyes...

i was greeted by a soft down and was found dead sad the next morning that was only a dream but felt a chill ran up then dissapeared in mid day.
579 · Nov 2010
keki Nov 2010
life goes down and up like a roller coaster like every one says and thats lie and a myth to all people with problems its more like a snakey road with curves and sharp turns to left to right you amy never know whats coming your way some days are nice and smoothe like a clear path road and others have a clear path road but is blocked by traffic and cant find their way to a short cut to the easy and never get the real life that doesnt hit them till thier older and things start doing snakey roads start loosing controll and then turns to sharp turns left to right to mistake to mistake...

i  want to keep controll
i want to keep my path clear
not blocked by traffic
not by any one
not you
nor by
own path

i choose by nobody rule...i ask you can you do the same??
472 · Dec 2010
connect to the rain falls
keki Dec 2010
rain our hearts canconnect with rain with other hearts the combine into 1 true heart of strong character with trust to build on from saving ones life to another. It flows out anger with lighting the swirls into a tornado the ship out to a heavy poor of sadness the lay endless of blankets of tears the covered in the dark could washed away the gleaming sorrow to fill with happiness of a bright smile that connects to every in the matter in the world and never gives it 1 chance to live it life for one life time but a new generation born can give it meaning to last for ever.

— The End —