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Aug 2010 · 761
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Doped up crucified zombie Christ
Drugged out of his ******* mind
Nailed to a cross to slowly die
I reject your ******* lies
Your god is dead
Your god is dead
Your god is ******* dead
A song I wrote for my band, Apathetic Reality
Aug 2010 · 933
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Nihilistic dreams ooze from open sores
Life devoid of purpose leads us astray
Dogmatic faith sparking mental wars
Ignorant prophets will show you the way
Distorted minds
Fall in line
Always seeking something they will never find
Messianic prophecies from the divine
Violently erode whats left of your mind
When you find this worthless *****
Check your brain at the door
****** of the masses
A song I wrote for my band, Apathetic Reality
Aug 2010 · 1.0k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Aborted ideas rule this realm
Injecting truth from a needle's point
Floating in a sea of desperation
My mind runs in circles again
...and again
...and again
...and again

The trees grow tired of childish games
They move in close to strangle my dreams
Orange sunshine driving me insane
Nothing makes sense or so it seems

Locked in a battle for my mind
The acid gets stronger with every crime
I witness the death of all man kind
A simple rhyme about the end of time

Hofmann's ghost haunts this life
His soul on a sugar cube
****** my  mind with deep insight
These walls don't like me much

Storm clouds rage and curse my name
The lizard king preaches in vain
Dreams where Lucy guides my hand
I remember when I was sane

This ocean of blood calls me near
Telling me to join my friends
Bodies float by, with smiles in their eyes
I wonder how well I can swim

The horsemen ride by Leary's side
An onion shatters on the floor
Lies of peace fill my heart
Rage soon floods them out

A plastic Jesus sits on the shelf
Condemning me through dust covered eyes
A conman watching with deep disgust
While I savigly **** Alice again
...and again
...and again
...and again

Open the doors to my perception
Grant me sight beyond sight
The dead pile up quick, it's quite a collection
Why am I shielded from his holy light!?

Endlessly searching for my mind
The acid glows brighter with every crime
This sick joke labeled mankind
A simple rhyme about the end of time

A song that I wrote for my band, Apathetic Reality
Aug 2010 · 997
Suicide Girl
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Never wanted this bleak reality
A sick game without rules
An urge to shorten the constant wait
Wanting to drop out of this human race
Suicide girl, so beautifully sad
Life was never your cup of tea
Suicide girl, your smile deceives
Mask of joy pushing others away
Suicide girl, take my hand
We can make your dreams come true
Suicide girl, I stare deep in your eyes
As we slide together into the black haze
Aug 2010 · 647
Daily Insanity
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Unable to move
Fear surrounds me
A malevolent presence is felt
Yet unseen
Panic grips and floods my perception
Freedom is gained
The figure is no more
This paralysis will drive me mad
Aug 2010 · 1.8k
Cocaine Stain
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
A razor cooks my meals
A glossy mirror is my plate
My fork is a rolled up twenty
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Can't focus
Can't cope
Thoughts blow your mind
A gun blows mine
Aug 2010 · 517
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
I won't swallow your fantasies
About dying for Old Glory
Nothing they **** for
Will ever accomplish anything
Fighting for the rich
Slaying the weak
Nothing can hide my shame
Funding both sides
In this unjust war
Aug 2010 · 490
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Numb and hopeless,
I look into a mirror.
Twisted and lost,
I gaze deeper.
Searching and realizing,
I don't know the image.
Aug 2010 · 742
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
The craziness of it all
Leaving behind subtle clues
A simple thirty story fall
With nothing left to lose
Aug 2010 · 403
Untitled 8
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
**** every slave
Burn every home
**** everyone
They know
Also known as "Skull ****** in a Dark Alley" A song that my band Apathetic Reality plays
Aug 2010 · 536
Untitled 10
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Welcome to my mental hell
Never seeing what is real
Trapped inside my empty shell
Where rage is all I know and feel
Aug 2010 · 435
Untitled 9
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Waking in my nine to five cage
Working endlessly for your gain
Want a change
Need a change
**** being your office slave
Aug 2010 · 1.5k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Grab your gun, load it up.
Let's take down the world.
Save a shot for yourself,
There will be no regrets.
Aug 2010 · 436
Wasted Life
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
A life wasted in vain
A life wasted in chains
A life no longer mine
I just ran out of time
Aug 2010 · 453
Raining Fire
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Streaming by on our starlit night
Eyes focus on a cosmic wonder
Celestial rain across a vacant sky
A star shooting itself out of existence
Instantly vanishing as soon as birthed
Aug 2010 · 971
Tent Razors
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
The sound of the razor claws at my brain
As music oozes slowly from sharpened veins
Two minds with a single voice
Injecting the truth from a needles point
He speaks from the past about this life
Scratching the surface of our world
Aug 2010 · 387
Untitled 7
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Lets go down into the abyss
Falling forever
Falling forever
This darkness overcomes us both
Eternal damnation
Upon our souls
No looking back
No other way
In the end
I hope you think it was worth it
Knowing that I loved falling with you
Into the unknown
Aug 2010 · 613
Wal*Mart 6503
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Stifled creativity
With plastic chains
A false ******* reality
For childish games
Monetary lies
For a graveyard day
My happiness dies
In every single way
Aug 2010 · 486
Sally D 2
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
The smoke clears
My vision fades
A multicolored gate opens
Alice beckons me towards a hole
This is where my trip begins
Aug 2010 · 491
Sally D
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Her sweet embrace shocks my world
I am a worthless flower
slowly growing
Slowly hoping
I can be important enough for her gaze
Aug 2010 · 367
Untitled 6
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
To the edge of insanity
At the brink of existence
It all seems so clear
Yet in the final hours
The truth is nowhere near
Aug 2010 · 406
Untitled 5
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Death comes for us all
We all slow to a crawl
As the system silently falls
Aug 2010 · 1.0k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
"I won't be able to do it alone.
At the same time, okay?"
The last thing she said
With our ends at hand
One second of hesitation
Leaves me alone forever
Aug 2010 · 3.7k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
The chaos ends, and confusion explodes.
Shells wash upon the shore of a new beginning.
Like a rebel with an empty bottle of *****,
There are endless questions,
Yet no answers
Aug 2010 · 717
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
I can see the entire world inside your mind
Through that window you left open
The trees and mountains radiate with color
Powerful emotions flood my senses
Aug 2010 · 692
The Fist
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
First is the one who points out their evil ways
The second will speak for us, shouting the obscenities that show how we feel
Third is the lover, the one who reminds us that they are still humans deserving just treatment
The fourth is the spreader of truth, the most honest of us all
The fifth is the overlooked mastermind, the one holding us all together
When we all bow down away from our egos we are united
Aug 2010 · 468
Kowboy Killas
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Guaranteed failure
Everywhere I turn
Nothing can end my hunger
All efforts in vain
Aug 2010 · 529
Sam Walton
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Isolation and addiction
Lost in an ocean of asphalt
Yearning for this to end
Salvation is a lifetime away
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Champions Lodge
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Electric shock throughout my shape
The beat goes on in silent defiance
Searing agony put on hold
Too great a feeling for mortality's grip
Aug 2010 · 379
Untitled 4
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Unexplained fear
Ripping your mind
Serve my every wish
Your life is mine
Aug 2010 · 407
Untitled 3
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Hopeless and endless desperation
Not some cry for attention
A final explosion of depression
The time has come for me to embrace
The sweet softness of suicide
Aug 2010 · 728
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
The twilight embraces me
My only salvation
Creeping and stalking
Ripping open your flesh
A quick and painful bite
As these corpses pile up
I retreat from the light
Into my eternal night
Aug 2010 · 580
Bored as hell
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Easy as pie
Wish I could fly
Then I would leave
Keep my tricks up my sleeve
This lame *** class
Makes me want to eat glass
This is simple rhyming so I can get better
That ***** has a really lame sweater
Aug 2010 · 392
Untitled 2
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Lying here in my bed
Thoughts of dying in my head
Shadows dancing on my walls
I wonder when I will fall
Aug 2010 · 491
Untitled 1
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Apathetic dreams for an apathetic reality
Flow through my thoughts at the speed of light
Aug 2010 · 499
OXY/APAP 5/500mg
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Nodding off into space
Where none can see my face
Endless joy, endless sorrow
I don't worry until tomorrow
Aug 2010 · 1.1k
Keith Parsons Aug 2010
Tripping across a pastel canvas
Thoughts explode in color bombs
Minds melt into spreadable paint
The masterpiece is complete

— The End —