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Keith Johnson Apr 2011
This will destroy you.
This feeling.
Like a car crash inside of your chest.
This exhausting, unforgiving and unrelenting feeling.
This will destroy you.
This will **** the soul from your veins,
and you won't even try to stop it.
This free form, endless feeling.
This will take it's time.
You will never understand this.
You will be ok with that.
You won't want it to ever stop.
This will define you.
Even the strongest won't survive.
But they are the ones we will remember.
They are reminders of why we live.
This will hurt you.
This is how it feels to be on the edge.
This is what hope is made of.
This feeling.
This will complete you.
This one word with more meaning than could ever be described.
This feeling of drifting in the dissonance.
This feeling.
Keith Johnson Mar 2011
If safety's an illusion, it's the best trick in the book.
If love's a game, then who makes the rules?
Can I spend my nights ankle deep on sandy beaches,
just trying to find Orions belt?
What if I just whisked myself away on a breeze?
I could flow through the atmosphere,
faster than a jet engine,
louder than a thunderstorm,
stronger than steal.
Or what if I fell in with the waves?
I could crush, crash and roll till my heart explodes.
The sound of my breath alone could make the mountains
shake with concern.
Perhaps I could be infinite.
I could prop myself right up in the stars and talk to god.
I could say "It's beautiful up here." and he could just smirk,
knowing that we're the only ones that know.
Maybe I could just congregate with the street lights and
pretend we were the very stars themselves.
We could believe what ever we wanted.
We would never have any problems finding Orions belt.
Keith Johnson Jan 2011
One day I just woke up.
There were tears in my eyes and a hurricane coming out my mouth.
I was wrapped in blankets and handed to people I didn't know.
I learned to live on this planet I had never been to before.
The big bright light in the sky warmed my blanket.
Some where on my new planet, some one was feeling the same.
One day I might get to meet that person.
I wouldn't mind sharing my blanket.
Keith Johnson Jan 2011
I feel like skipping existence today.
I just want to stay in bed, or explode into the fabric of the cosmos.
Return to the stars.
Fuse with the atmosphere.
Be absorbed by the roots of a tree.
Float on the wind in millions of tiny particles.
Or at least get my hands on some STRONG coffee.
Keith Johnson Oct 2010
When the city shuts down,
and everything is quiet,
and everything's still,
and no one is around to disturb the calm,
you can actually see the definition of the word
Sometimes you can even smell it.
It's that feeling you get at 1am while sitting on the beach.
It's the flavor of 3am coffee.
It's the sound of static stations and tv's with the volume turned down
just low enough to fall asleep to.
It's when every single action that has ever existed happened
so you could be brought to this one moment of sheer beauty.
It's when butterflies fall in love with hurricanes.
It's when stars explode, only to be wished upon.
Beauty comes to those that know what they're looking for.
Keith Johnson Oct 2010
Is it worse to break your own heart,
or keep it out of harms way?
Smoke stings my lips, these thoughts of your hips,
moving with mine...
It's the only thing keeping me from the clouds tonight.
Passion is madness, but Jack and I both know
the mad ones are more fun.
If I could give you my breath, I would.
If you let me love you, I could.
I wish I could understand, I should.
I have around 30,000 nights left on this planet,
and I want to spend every **** one of them with you.
It's cold enough in this universe without the help of
shoulders being turned.
No matter what happens, the earth will still spin.
The stars will still shine, and the sun will still burn,
but it won't be the same
to me.
I will bend to the wind and the rain and to gravity.
I will sail away, never to return.
I will sleep with the stars and the sky,
but I will always remember your sway.
Keith Johnson Oct 2010
It's those moments right before bed that
I miss you
the most.
I can feel you in my chest whenever
you're not next to me.
You are the rain.
You are the sky.
You are the piece that fit's
just right.
I remember you in a thousand different ways.
The way you feel, smell, taste, breathe, sleep,
move, talk, walk, listen and smile.
The way you look at me.
The way you make me believe.
I want to kiss you with all the passion that
this world has left in it.
I want to dance us into that place where nothing
exists but us.
And if you show me your world then I'll show
you mine.
I'll show you the colors in the music and the
beauty of a streetlight.
And I won't be afraid.
You are the girl whose soul is filled with stars,
and I am the boy wishing I was where ever you are.
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