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Feb 2017 · 381
Keith A Lake Feb 2017
Arranging words to fit where they don’t belong
Like a never-ending jigsaw puzzle to the brain
Chaos consumes me; constantly pacing through my head
Almost as if I hit a wall and can’t get past it
Suddenly I am surrounded in a fortress and can’t find a way out
Trapped like an animal, forced to use my claws
Finally, I see a small crack in a wall with a dim light gazing through
Scream, Shout, HELP!
No one comes; no one helps me find a way out
It’s just me all alone, surrounded by fear, anger and frustration
The darkness overwhelms me to the core of my heart
Shriveling up and hardening like a beet
Despair wreaks havoc and mayhem
Eventually the only thing I know is darkness
Adrenaline is fueling my anguish and sorrow
My heavy breathing is wasting oxygen
Suffocating myself until all I see is nothing
All I hear is nothing and all I feel is nothing
Losing my way in pure darkness even in death there is nothing
No tiny shining light of hope, no farewells nor good byes
Just the end of my rope forever in this abyss of ruin
© Keith Lake  2/13/17
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Keith A Lake Apr 2015
Her life was full of adventure
Cascading around as if she were on ice-skates
Sliding around life's edge
Daring temptations
Yet she lays here
Upon this empty casket
Unbounded by fates gentle, but cruel ties
I can almost hear her last gasp of breath
Her eye lids obstructed shut
Our heads dip down
As the Song of Nephilim plays
The Grim Reaper wields his scythe of death once more
Ending her final days
Sending her across the River Styx
© Keith Lake  4/27/15
Apr 2015 · 704
Keith A Lake Apr 2015
That thing on your face isn’t real
It’s a joke
It’s a plaster of what you think is real
You think it makes you look beautiful
You think it defines who you are
You can’t get enough of it
Like heroine in a needle to the arm
Maybe you should wipe that plastered mask away
Maybe you should look into the mirror
See who you really are
See what you are
Cleanse your face
See the beautiful clean smooth skin
The bumps on your face add texture
Feels like ecstasy to the touch
The sunspots on your face are ****
Your beauty stimulates my eyes upon your naked face
Makes me want to gently kiss you
Makes me want to glide my fingertips across your skin
All over your face and feel you
With my bare lips
Leaving an impression
Hopefully you won’t break like fine glass
© Keith Lake  4/16/15
Apr 2015 · 634
Keith A Lake Apr 2015
You loved so many; yet hated so much
Others would hurt you; as you’d hurt your self
Like a blue flower blowing in the wind under cerulean sky’s
Enclosed and silent
Delicate to the touch
Harmless to the sight
You are scentless
Like a faint smile fading
An everlasting beauty upon you
When your heart opens it’s like a whirling maelstrom
A whole new you to explore
Longing for someone to hold you without consequence
Love confounds you as it confounds me
Stitching yourself back together piece by piece
Each piece is like glass
Clear, shiny and defining
You are seamless
As if you were never broken
As if a drop of delicate water can still break you
Shattering in a billion pieces
But don’t cry
I know you are strong minded and strong hearted
For I have witnessed it
The only thing that can touch you now is love
It will slide down your body like red silk
Entwining you with something special
Obstacles wavered as if nothing were there
Free and profound
When bloomed in the morning
Hair blowing in the wind like an optical illusion
You are free and weightless
Like a silhouette dancing in the distance
Purged of the past
Dancing; flowing like an art form
Only beauty shines on your delicate skin
But still as silent as snow
You are my flower
My Morning Glory
For my dearest friend
Courtney Snodgrass

© Keith Lake 4/15/15
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Fairy Tale
Keith A Lake Apr 2015
Escaping to a dream from reality
A place where I stick through time
Somewhere I can be free and be myself
A place where I can’t feel; can’t breathe
No fear of anything
No worrying for anyone
People might say I am Heartless
Not because I save people
Nor because I am fighting for them
Because I am frozen
Exhausted from life
Deprived of emotions
Drained of sanity
Decimated of insanity
But I am the opposite
I know I feel because I save people
I don’t worry; I care
I fight because they are worth fighting for
I shut out all distractions
Because I am free
Because I am frozen in my time
That is my true strength
This is my release
My name is Keith and this is my
Fairy Tale
© Keith Lake 4/13/15
Mar 2015 · 625
Keith A Lake Mar 2015
I like solitude
The past walks with me
It lives with me
900 years ago there was nothing here
No hotel
No theme parks
No promenade
Just a beach; nets hanging out to dry
Armored vessel's in the bay
I will never forget the consumption of my body
Love confounded me; it wasn't despair, it was bliss
The face of the mirror had more substance than a wraith
Yet I knew it could not exist; nor could I
For I am infamous
Leaching off of people to dispel my death
I am a time borrower
I am a display
Merely a face of time its self
Mourning for my
© Keith Lake 3/31/15
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
Happy Valentine's Day
Keith A Lake Jan 2014
I've been feeling kinda good about myself lately
I don't know who you are
Hopefully sometime soon I'll find you standing around in that parking lot again
Striking up conversations with each other as we done before
Your heart was not sad nor cold; it was warm and pleasant
Your personality was beautiful
Thus your entire being is beautiful
I am done being alone and afraid to ask you out
I have fathomed holding this girl in my arms
Watching her smile at dinner
Going out and having an abundance of fun
I want to discover you
I want to explore you
Staying up until the dark hours of the night
Just talking
Don't be afraid
I would never take advantage of you
This is me taking a leap
This is me asking for a night with you
Don't be afraid to say "No"
For I will not pursue you
I will not fear rejection
I would just like to ask you for one thing
My heart is bruised
It’s not my scars I want you to cover
Nor my cuts for you to bandage
It's my heart for you to cherish
© Keith Lake 1/2014
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Keith A Lake Dec 2013
My droopy eyelids ache as if I saw the sight of the sun,
Walking silently, but swiftly; motionlessly into her arms
I hear  the fragile air passing through her lungs
I feel the delicate pulse of her neck
The fragile but weak heartbeat; beating down the seconds
I thought I felt nothing
Thinking it would only satisfy my cravings
as her life slowly became mine I dared not to look
But her faint smile overwhelmed me
The sweet sanguine fluid flowing down her body
Onto my lips
The only time I feel alive again is in this moment
Until my cravings are gone and the despair numbs me once more
I can see through her eyes
Her vision distorts me from her sight
Not knowing who she is or why she let me gaze upon
Her image, but it's one image I will never forget
An image I won't want to lose
A second more and she subsides
A second less and she subsists
For each second I felt her neck
The first time I felt my heart
And for each pulse I felt
The more human I became.
© Keith Lake 11/2013
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Keith A Lake Nov 2013
I want to tell her what I believe in
music, love, *** and family
I want to offer my hand, I want to offer my peace, I want to offer something in some other way,
some proof I will be there for her when ever I can even if its in her dreams or standing right beside her  through tragedy and/or peace.
When she gets scared or lonely
I will be standing by her side holding her, comforting her.
She is my passion, my recall to life its self,
most importantly she is taking me on her life journey.
I breathe for her because I stay wondering and wanting
I wonder until my wonder is cut off
because she is my air
I do hear the breeze hiss from her lips
onto mine as if I am in love.
She is my air sign.
  Wondering why I cant sleep at night, it's because she is not by my side.
If I could fly I'd fly by her side from dawn to dusk
just to lay down by her side at night
because all I see is me in her eyes.
I see through her eyes the motionless sea,
Even though this sea rages around me,
I am at peace through the still water I travel,
I am at peace with or without still raging waves,
I am at peace even if I'm shattered and broken.
Me by your side each piece is at
© Keith Lake 11/2013
Nov 2013 · 1.9k
Am I crazy?
Keith A Lake Nov 2013
I have always been the misfit of the bunch
The rebel within the pack
The troublemaker
the round peg in a square hole
the odd man out
the one who sees things differently
I am not fond of rules
I have no respect for a title above my head
You can quote me
Disagree with me
glorify or vilify me
About the only thing you can't do is ignore me
I change things
I push people to their limits.
I say things to make you react
I challenge you to challenge me
All I get is disrespect
All because people don't try to understand what I say.
Instead you think I am ignorant
childish and selfish
All these negative things and not one **** good thing
All because you don't understand me
While some may see me as
"the crazy one"
All I see in myself is a genius because
people who are crazy enough to think they can change or push
people to their limits are the ones who understand what we need to do
to improve this world and if you don't understand or grasp that answer then
the ones who know me think I am inferior to them
think I am not smarter or stronger than them
what they don't understand
The difference between a successful person and a unsuccessful person
is not a lack of strength or knowledge
but a lack of will
the will to create benefit for all and enjoying the process.
I have become my own optimist
If I can't make it through one door then I don't give up
I find another way to another door
I'll make a door out of nothing into something
Something will come no matter how vague it seems
if you focus on this and adopt this definition
Success is yours for the taking
So I ask you one more time
Am I crazy?

— The End —