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Strange strings of thought.
Thoughts of loyalty and love,
thoughts of friendship and of ambition
and my condition;
thoughts of submission of subtraction and addition.

Unravel the secret of the continent,
oh how you are persistent.
The road uncoils and I uncoil down the pavement.
Off i go.
Twisted days of golden glow.
Off I go, into the black hole
of the road.
 Jan 2014 Keiko Tei
Oli Nejad
I can't describe -
How the yearning hides.

How it waits
Until the dead of night,
To wear upon the mind.
What are you afraid of, I hope it's not man?  He came from the dust; we are all like the sand.
What are you afraid of, I hope it's not life?  You are going to make it, continue to do what's right.
What are you afraid of, I hope it's not success?  No one can hinder you, when you are determined to do your best.
What are you afraid of, could it be fame?  If you remember to stay humble, God will promote your name.
What are you afraid of, could it be the gossip you hear?  To ignore those flapping lips, will cause you not to fear.
By, Sandra J. Nailing

— The End —