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141 · May 2016
Keenon Brice May 2016
last night i fell asleep daydreaming
tonight i'm going to sleep with sadness
it's bittersweet

because i insist on this every time.

i'm fearful that there will be nothing between us,
that you'll just fade "like all the rest"

like all the rest.

but i guess "all the rest" don't really matter
they faded
and i continue(d) to live on, somehow.
140 · Feb 2016
Keenon Brice Feb 2016
all there really is to do IS rise from the ashes....
it's all i really know;
an audacious effort (really)
[who am i to continue to rise?]
140 · Jun 2016
Keenon Brice Jun 2016
i just let myself rust and die
over and over again
i retain nothing that allows me to sustain myself

don't care for it

i feel like i have nothing
not even a candy bar
something so simple
something i could have easily prepared
if i cared

it ***** that this is my path
if i don't ask or help i'll continue to whither

my resources will be lost
my health will continue to deteriorate

and if i don't build my intimate connections
expand upon them
devote myself
i'll end up alone

why has this been my path?
132 · Feb 2016
Keenon Brice Feb 2016
you filled your house with sugar and salt
and forgot to connect it back to a single thing
lack of awareness continues to poison your offspring
though there was really nothing you could have done about that anyway
126 · Feb 2016
Keenon Brice Feb 2016
sorry I can't get anything done mom I'm OBSESSED with myself
i just...
its all too much (!)
*eats a hot dog
111 · Feb 2016
Keenon Brice Feb 2016
who am i to continue to rise?

— The End —