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Keenan Martin Jul 2010
15 years and 331 days and counting,
A month from 16 with anticipation mounting.
He came a long way from a sort of outcast,
He knew with faith and persistence the pain never lasts.

Even with a camp surrounding him with company,
He knows there is something missing.
The very thing he needed he had searched for so many years,
Was a loving comfort outside of his peers.

He felt his luck was always in the slumps,
Which pushed him to follow the beat of his own drum.
But the more upset he was he was given the notion,
That he has to gain more control of his emotions.

But one event that turned his life around,
Was the sound of his head pounding the ground.
Even though he still does his rights and wrongs,
He thanks God everyday for the strength to go on.

And with that strength he learned to forgive and forget,
Because he is now blessed with intelligence and wit.
He is thankful for family and friends that watched him grow,
Thank God he is this close to 16 years old!
I was inspired by an artist named Talib Kweli to write this.
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
Displays of Greatness
Keenan Martin Jun 2010
Confidence; You walk and talk with it.
Displaying the greatness you possess deep within yourself.
Your talent is your own and never second guess or question,
That you are who you are with qualities of a legend.

Leadership; A somewhat lost quality,
Because we become afraid to lead.
We begin to hide rather than stand and be bold,
Because fear is more than heart-deep, it tracks back to our soul.

Pursuit; Never stopping once you begin,
Going for what you and only you believe in.
Feeling unstoppable when you're on a roll,
Because you are working towards an uncommon goal.

Composure; A poker-face attitude.
Not showing your struggles in the face of adversity.
Never secondguessing and always being sure,
Stepping up your role showing you're mature.
May 2010 · 733
Battlegrounds III
Keenan Martin May 2010
The Resistence has an important group of men,
That proved to be heroes time and time again.
They are considered to be the best in their line of work,
They've saved wars in the past ranked first in their class.
The four homeland heroes know nothing but to fight,
The only soldiers with the privelage to **** on sight.
Weapons on their back and grenades on their hips,
But each wear a tag of death on their wrists.

Once sentenced to death for a string of crimes,
Dark and chilling thoughts found in their minds.
But once the 1st war began instead of having them killed,
Their fate remained the same but in the battlefields.
They lived through the fight but serve in the their army,
To The Enemy these men are more than just harming.
With this being their 3rd war they came to a realization,
That they are nothing but slaves to their home nation.
Begining to give some backgrounds. No names have been given, but characters are started to be introduced in the series. Bare with me folks. It's apart of making a story
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
The Pursuit to Greatness
Keenan Martin Apr 2010
Satisfaction; there is no such feeling.
Because the road to greatness is a hard and long one.
Some of the best never stopped like some would,
Because they were never satisfied with only being "good."

They worked their fingers to the bone in hopes of a dream,
To forever be one of their generation's best teams.
Two consecutive championships and 78 victories,
Has now written their names in the books of history.

Smart and aggressive with the drive and passion to win,
And it looks like next season they will do it all again.
And when you thought their streak couldn't be more great,
They are now on a quest for 88 straight.

This team's sensation marks determination,
The best team in the nation on their pursuit to greatness.
No matter when this streak ends, the legacy will live on,
And we will all remember the women of UCONN
This is dedicated to the reigning champs of the UCONN girls basketball team. This will be featured in my next book, which I am trying very hard to bring to everyone (hopefully) by the end of the summer.
Apr 2010 · 620
Battlegrounds II
Keenan Martin Apr 2010
They sailed over seas as they prepared thier weapons,
The battle will begin in just a matter of seconds.
The soldiers live in fear but wants to die brave,
Because dying over here will not give them the proper grave.
They are there not only with guns in their palms,
But 88,000 tons of missles and bombs.
The mentality of these soldiers are barbarick-like,
Because they want to shoot first and bury cities under the earth.

This isn't the first time they all have been to war,
But the Enemy has weapons the Resistence has never seen before.
The Resistence is to find and destroy any nuclear threats,
But little do they the know the threats aren't real.
So in this game of **** or be killed,
Fighting over threats that aren't even real.
Because now the Enemy's plans have moved to new heights,
Because here comes the Resistence to begin the fight
part two of many more to come in this series. Keep reading, and I shall keep writing.
Mar 2010 · 3.1k
It was Written
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
It was written we were dumb ******* without an once of sense,

It was written that once a zero, always a zero,

It was written fairytales don't have happyendings,

It was written you can't even trust your friends,

It was written red and blue makes green,

It was written the dollar is the root of all evil,

It was written we fight another man's war,
Bring home our troops.

It was written there is no hope for the future,
Mar 2010 · 877
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
I love this art where wise words are being spoken,
It can leave a heart broken or leave your thoughts open.
Making any mind blurr in and out of focus,
Without using words like Abracadabra or Hocus Pocus.

My words are a perfect disappearing act,
I speak clever thoughts and underwrapped facts.
A look inside my mental with a closed box mind
Can leave your very own brain sawed in half.

Whenever I allow my equilibrium to meditate,
It eventually will rise and levitate.
But, most minds try to hide behind smokescreens
Making it hard to concentrate.

Whether or not it makes sense I write what I feel,
Pulling rabbits out of hats with every word.
My pen is my rod, my tool, my wand,
So I do believe that magic is real.
Mar 2010 · 810
Green Grass
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
I remember as a kid I'd lay on my back,
And reflect on the past in a field of green grass.
Watch the cloud formations steadily pass by,
Until the moon and stars illuminated the night's sky.

I loved going to gated communities.
The grass there was so beautiful.
I'd lay for hours under the sun.
Because the feeling of that grass was bed-like to me.

My favorite place to lay was under a tree,
Watching the branches dance in the breeze.
At the time, it was as if they talked to me,
"A reminder Keenan, like our branches, be free."

So whenever I felt life moved fast,
And I needed reflection on the past.
I took the time out of my day
To lay in a field of green grass.
Since I'm only 15, saying back when I was a kid refers to when I was 10-12 years old
Mar 2010 · 624
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
I've wanted you to love me for the longest,
She tried to bring us down when our love was the strongest.
And since you, I have only been with one,
And the relationship wasn't even fun.

I felt left out to dry when it ended so quickly,
And I felt pain in the worst way.
Before then, I felt on top of the world
Because I found happiness in the form of a girl.

But as a man, when you lose that natural high,
You ignore irrelevant phone calls and don't hang out with the guys.
All momentum is lost and nothing goes right
And all you want is that special girl back in your life.

I wish you knew what my plan is for me and you,
Have a huge wedding and get you nothing but the best.
But would you accept if I asked for your hand,
Your a star among stars and I'm your biggest fan... I want to be accepted.
A poem dedicated to hopefully one day the girl I intend to be my wife
Mar 2010 · 2.1k
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
We went from being a broke man,
To being a joke, man
From saling crack in the music,
To being a coke stand.
We went from being a nobody,
To being the president,
We went from being in poverty,
To owning 6 residents

We went from being in war with others
To being in war with one another.
From fighting knuckleheads in the streets
To fighting our own brothers.
We went from making life longer,
to influencing it to be shorter,
From following our own guidelines
To being everyday transformers.
Take off the masks.
Mar 2010 · 896
Battle Grounds
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
The fight for territories, freedom, and respect is on.
Sleepless soldiers firing firearms at dawn.
Landmines and hand grenades, smoke screens and flashbangs,
Messing up you're vision and will blow you away.
Snipers on every high cliff and hill,
Dressed to match their surroundings, their attire to ****.
While Ghost Reacon operatives move in silence.
The Navy tries to focus on more tactical violence.

On the battleground there isn't cops and sirens,
Just the thunderous echoes of guns firing.
To change the climate torpedos rain from the sky,
In this weather condition barely anyone can survive.
But after years of fighting they're ready for the finale,
Take over the last enemy base in the valley.
You have won, you raise your flag and rop your guns,
But little do you know the battle has just begun.
The first to a mini series of poems I want to create. What do you think? Please comment!
Mar 2010 · 1.9k
Music Fiend
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
Ever since their music was packaged and hit the scene,
It has supplied the drug needs of the neighborhood teen.
They try all kinds of piffs during their time to listen,
From Common to the DJ Drama's pay attention.
Gangsta Grills, Dedication, even the radio station
Dropped out from Registration post-poning their graduation
To the new age of crack, being played back to back
On the Sirius XM or that playlist in your lap.
Ipod's and MP3's are the new portable blunts,
Pop in the food & liquor my Lupe to get full and drunk.
So puff, puff, pass until your circle is fully high,
Off of cyphers, freestyles, and the music from the wise.
No matter your preference whether it is ***** or clean,
We can be seen as a walking, talking music fiend.
Mar 2010 · 2.3k
A Spark
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
You need a spark inside the mind,
That makes you stop and take the time
To read the signs in between the lines.
You need a spark inside the mind.

You need a spark to lead a team,
To chase a common goal or dream,
Invision things never before seen,
You need that spark to get a ring.

You need a spark to have chemistry,
Or the relationship may be history.
Though the future is a mystery,
You need the spark for chemistry.

You need a spark for love to be kind,
The meaning of life is underlined,
You want that spark that ignited the first fire of mankind,
But that's a treasure hard to find.
I wish it was a little more interesting than it was. sorry
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
What is a Blackstar?

Is it you or me? Is it we?
I think it's much more than Mos Def and Talib Kweli.
It's what we can be with unity.
They are turning us against one another, but won't fool me.

What is a Blackstar?

Is it  the folks on the corner?
Shining from the things they sold there.
Fleeing the scene when the blue and red lights flash.
Knowing they have more strikes than the batter at the plate.

What is a Blackstar?

The astronomy? is it the Milky way?
The formation of a star to cross or be in line?
The explosion that creates a tragedy,
Destroying mor than different galaxies.

What is a Blackstar?

Is it the church going man who's an educated ****?
Spitting game at the club that saturday night
To make you, the woman, his wife for that moment.
Hoping you awake by his side, but you find him missing.

What is a Blackstar?
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
The Truest Lie
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
A pop singer never hits the note,
But still makes a hit.
Your feet belongs in a ten,
But you try to make the thirteens fit.
We tend to hide behind the strong,
But we feel courageous.
On the surface we must stop hiding,
Learn your place, look Life in its face.

Our classification has moved to the point,
That either we're ****** or kings, ******* or queens.
In my mind I don't believe it,
I think this is their way of pulling strings.
Have you ever wondered why liquor is on every corner?
They want us to drink to our grave.
We need to break the chains inside our very mind,
Because little do we know we're living as mental slaves.

Life is a moment, but the soul is eternal,
So no need to ask why,
We walk telling no truth,
Because we live the truest lie.
Mar 2010 · 666
I Need...
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
I need release,
I need peace,
I need love,
I need all three.

I need to want,
I want to need,
I need to flee,
I need to be free.

I need a chance,
I need a shot,
I need time,
I need a clock.

I need imagination,
I need to dream,
And I need you,
As much as you want me.
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
So you have Geometry, History,
Try to start something new in Chemistry,
Though you forgot the education, you're attracted physically,
No connection mentally, but you think it may happen eventually.
So you wait a few periods to see where things go,
Instead of flunking, you try to pass the class.
But of all the "F's" you have gotten back to back,
Life shouldn't be a test you fail at.

— The End —