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991 · Aug 2011
The Princess and The Toad
Keely Hartman Aug 2011
I want to be a princess
To walk in miles of silent gardens
Each flower blooming brilliance in my wake
Each bird screeching songs of joyfulness as I pass
Each forest creature following my path, nudging me with gentle noses and tails
I want to be swathed in the simplest of gowns
So simple, that each golden curve of design makes it more beautiful than any extravagant ball gown
The ***** of the neck and the light pleats of the skirt
Trailing careful sparks of magic from the places the fabric and my skin brush
Everyone will gasp at my beauty
The soft glow of my skin so humble
Each curl of every golden lock catches the sunshine, even on cloudy days
And my eyes
They shall be the bluest in the land
But I keep the tips of my lashes lowered upon my blushed cheeks for anyone who gazes too long
Is entranced by the soft waves crashing on a white shore
I want to only be troubled by my mother's tightness and my father's naivety
I want to be stubborn, to turn away every suitor stumbling in my path
I want to lose my toys and such in the garden and upon looking for them
I want to come across a toad
And the toad will hold out my toy in the palm of his slimy hand
He will say Princess! In return for this act of kindness, I only ask you of one boon!
I will kneel in the softest, greenest of grasses and ask What boon may I grant you, dear toad?
The he shall ask for a kiss and in the glory of this act, his insignificant body shall be changed into a prince
I want to hesitate before I kiss the dripping lips of the toad
Because hesitation will turn to magnificence as Prince Charming appears and says
*I told you so
738 · Sep 2011
Keely Hartman Sep 2011
Good morning to late hours of afternoon
Stretching to morning light
I grin to morning air
Clean and clear
I cleanse my  mind of brown hair
And hazel eyes
Long fingers curling through mine
The smoke of sleep clears and
I untangle you from me
Picking out the pieces of insanity
Until I am whole
And you are unseen
Morning always brings light moods and emotions
But goodnight to late hours of dark
Parting is such sweet sorrow
Until tomorrow
Or more accurately, never again
Tears of fire shine in freckles
Across the black cheeks of midnight's sky
The one lone eyes of the moon
Stares down on me in wonder
Questioning the good feelings of that morning
I stare back
And frown at season's critical gaze
Keely Hartman Sep 2011
It's raining today
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
The children sing their childhood songs, leaning against the window pane
Smelling the water hit the ground in patters and calming splashes
So we turn the lights out and watch as the lightening flashes across gray skies
And as they all become entranced with God's light
I sneak out the door and watch the rain from my porch
Taking deep breathes and hesitantly dipping my toes in to cool open air
Feeling the tiny kisses of drops hitting my skin
Glowing for seconds at a time where all the places become damp
So I step outside of my clothing
Folding them into neat individual piles and I begin to run
And skip
Dive into the asphalt of an empty street
The Heaven's skies crying their purifying tears upon my body
And I laugh
My pupils going wide
As the endorphin rush of a lifetime grows bigger and bigger with every sin cleansed from my soul
Breaking away the ever stubborn demons of my mind
I collapse into an out of mind existence, letting each puddle cover my **** pleasure
And as the rain rises
The rain rises and washes into my lungs
Silently pinning me to ground
And choking me until I can breathe no more
And as I drown
Rain rain go away
*Come again another day
564 · Sep 2011
Today, You Inspired Me
Keely Hartman Sep 2011
Inspiration alone helps me breathe
Sending it's fingertips of expression down into my heart
And it feels so **** good to touch the whisper of creation
Knowing in not your mind, but your very soul
That something beautiful is about to be made
Seconds away from a new line of prose
Nothing ever created before by anyone, anywhere, anyhow
Every word can be emphasized exactly how you want it
Every syllable sounded and smoothed into simple letters, quietly bringing together
Such desires of impossibility
Wishes formed from satisfied lips
Of better days and worse times
Depicting the truth through careful slants and slopes
That's the best part of inspiration
Meaning of the truest, and only you can know
I take comfort in the solitude of inner peace
And I grin to the sky, my eyes going hazy with this crazy world
The haze is written away by my fragile emotions
Shattering with every touch of pencil to paper
538 · Sep 2011
Butterfly Eyes
Keely Hartman Sep 2011
Butterfly eyes
Watch my life from the inside
Catching glimpses of my world
Through my open mouth and open ears
They rest in my stomach
Fluttering to life whenever he comes by
So I smile
And cut their wings to stumps
Laughing as each on squirms it's way through my chest
And out my lashes
Tingling the strangest of places
It makes me twitch this way and that way
Planning for the next day
What to wear
Where to go
What to say
But every night
As a lay in cool rain and large t-shirts
Their wings regrow
They do forevermore
And it hurts my veins
Because I shouldn't feel this way
But I will
But I do
And I did
534 · Sep 2011
Life's Fairytale
Keely Hartman Sep 2011
Her once upon a time stared with her walls tumbling down
As she slowly dragged herself from the wreckage
She glanced around and her sight was unclear
Her eyes caked with the grime and rock of a destroyed tower
But it wasn't really a tower
It was a cardboard cut out
Painted with greys and reds and golds
And her eyes were really faltered with false declarations of forever
The left overs of too much dress up and too much pretend
Thrown down upon her as if to pin her to the Earth and never let a single breath slip through her lips
She got to her feet and walked through every scrape of pain that had caused her internal bleeding
She walked through every rock thrown to her, unable to be caught, just leaving various colors of bruises instead
She began a journey to find somewhere better
And even as her heart began to clear and the dirt was washed from her eyes by the salt of her tears
She never once looked back on the damage that had been done to her happily ever after

— The End —