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Oct 2014 · 392
its not ok
keefer kimbrell Oct 2014
i stalk your tumblr just to see how miserable you are without me
but you somehow stalk my thoughts, you're in my brain
and flowing through my veins
i can almost feel your lips on mine
and if you were wondering no,
no im not fine.
keefer kimbrell Oct 2014
as the cigarette burns you tongue

you think about all the times you've

lost but could've loved.
Oct 2014 · 433
keefer kimbrell Oct 2014
if it helps heal your wounds
i'll keep my distance from you

if it helps heal your wounds
i'll move away to the moon

if it helps heal your wounds
i will move on to someone new

if it helps heal your wounds
i will stop loving you.

— The End —