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May 2018 · 197
I Killed Myself
Keala Mannon May 2018
I cannot go back to the old me.
I killed her.
They tell me I changed.
I did,
I killed myself.
The girl I used to be,
Hurt me.
She didn’t mean to.
She didn’t know
What she was doing.
I had to **** her.
Assuming that people had,
Good intentions,
Too often.
Trusting snakes,
Too often.
Blinded by deceit,
Too often.
Taking for granted the ones,
She loved the most,
Too often.
She hurt me &
She couldn’t stop
Leading herself
To her own
Inescapable demise.
Don’t fret though,
I killed her.
She can’t hurt me anymore.
She can't hurt anyone anymore.
After I killed her,
The me that is left
Is learning,
& aspiring to be,
The best she can be.
I killed myself (the bad parts).
& I've never felt better

— The End —