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Jun 2014 · 832
KB Jun 2014
Say hello to the
with the ripped-up blue
jeans on
and a cigarette hanging from
her lips,
And did you know?
She used
to be
a cheerleader with
pristine white
gym shoes, or the vice president
of her grade school
Before you dismiss the
with the band T-shirt
that you think has seen
the floor
of too many bedrooms,
say hello
to the
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
KB Sep 2013
I commit your face
to memory with fingers
Aching for your touch
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
KB Sep 2013
Sitting in the cozy house,
Gazing out silently
At another rainstorm

Tugging on dry wool socks,
Tugging on slick rubber rain boots,
Toes warm and protected.

Dashing out the door,
Releasing a giggle, splashing
From puddle to puddle
As lighting reflects off
Miniature gleaming teeth.

Time is endless
For this moment is hers
Until the clouds fade,
Taking the flood along.

Pools of water form,
She dances in the storm
To the drumming of rain,
Applauded by thunder.

A little yellow poncho
Set free by droplets,
Dripping from her fingertips.

Tiny twirling legs,
Pigtail braids flapping wild,
She swirls.

Showers cease
With sun peaking out
Behind gray fleeting clouds

Puddles left behind,
Rippling under her feet,
Sparkling dimly.
Sep 2013 · 535
KB Sep 2013
December was an earnest witness
To my front door slamming,
Your footsteps crunching over snow
Down the sidewalk.
Headlights fade to the east.

I expected not to be held so loosely,
Not to slip through your fingers
Like tiny grains of sand.
Who could have guessed?
Love’s a palpable thing.

The sun sank over the horizon
Hours and hours ago
Leaving a clouded, darkened sky,
No stars shining through that we could see.

We knew what was coming
Shortly after bitter words
And splintered hearts.
One thing was for sure,
December brought the end.
KB Sep 2013
I never knew
That the rays of the sun
Could make someone’s eyes look so green,
Like the leaves on the trees
Or the grass in the spring.

I never knew
That feelings could run so deep,
Cause when you told me you loved me
I didn’t believe.
How could someone like you
Love a trainwreck like me?

And I never knew
That I could lose my mind so quickly
In cliché kisses in the rain
And the safety of your arms
Wrapped around my waist so tightly.
Having faith in things I could not see,
Like the wind in my hair,
Or your breath on my cheek.

I never knew
That I’d meet the type of guy
Who’d call me out on my crap
And bring tears to my eyes,
Who’d be two times as goofy and awkward as I am,
More caring and daring and honest than I am.

I never knew
How to hand over control
How to hand over my heart
And let you seep into my soul.
Now you course through my veins,
Poisoned blood to my brain,
Telling me that together we make up one whole.

I never knew
That the fire could grow
Til the flames swallowed us up
And spit me out all alone,
The edges of my heart
Singed black and left in pieces,
I scream out from the ground as
Passion’s my weakness,
Destroying all that we were
I watched our empire collapse
And I sat on my throne
Holding handfuls of ash.

And I never knew
Quite how to let go
How to take a bow at the end of the show.
How to walk out gracefully
and let you live on your own.

And I never knew
How to rebuild and forgive,
Visions of us in my mind,
To this day I still cringe.

I recover myself
But the scars from the fire
Streak my flesh, gleaming red
Clashing with my attire.
I don’t cling to the past,
Turn my back on me and you,
How such love could destroy,
I never knew.
Sep 2013 · 659
Hardly A Poem
KB Sep 2013
When you no longer care
to pick up when he calls
Is this breaking up?
Are you stuck in a rut?
When "sorry" is empty,
tears no longer fall,
Is this where it ends
Or are you just stuck?
When you never feel lonely,
you only feel numb,
And the fights every night
seem to blur into one,
Are you behind the trigger
or under the gun?
When your head's never down
But you never look up,
When a night spent in silence
starts to feel like good luck,
Are you just in a rut
or is this breaking up?
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
KB Sep 2013
You brush the hair
Out of my eyes and
Your soft fingertips
Leave a tingling trail
Across my forehead
like ecstasy,
But you can't brush my hair
Out of my eyes
Because that was how
He saw into my soul and
I closed that door
long ago.

You hold onto my hand
With everything intertwined
Our bodies, our minds
And I'm warm like
A child sleeping on your chest
close to your heart,
But you can't hold my hand
Or body, or mind
Because that was how
He stole me away and
I escaped once
but will never again.

You call me honey
And it rolls off your tongue,
Sweet and sticky
With a taste of promise
And it sounds like forever,
But you can't call me honey
Because that was his name
for me
And despite your intentions,
It burns through my memory
Like acid rain
And I've been hiding inside
For too long
to come out.

— The End —