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Dec 2015 · 487
Why him?
Kaylee Buttry Dec 2015
He says he likes me,
But he doesn't want to have a love life.
He makes it sound we're getting married,
But we're not.
Why doesn't he get that?
People ask me when we're going to date.
I tell them to ask him, maybe he'll tell them.
But I know him, he won't.
I don't know why, I just know.
He hurt me and know I must act like I don't feel it anymore.
Some days are good,
Others I can't decide if I want to scream at him or hug him.
Its the best and worst kind of torture.
Dec 2015 · 249
Kaylee Buttry Dec 2015
If love is real where is it?
I don't see it
I don't hear it
I don't smell it
I don't feel it
If love is real why can't I have it?
Can love even be had?
Why do people believe in love?
It seems to think that its a mystical creature
Is it?
What is love?
This reminds me of when I was 5 years old 3 days after my birthday, when my parents officially got divorced.
Dec 2015 · 206
With you/Without you
Kaylee Buttry Dec 2015
Like a summer's dream
I find peace in thee,
Like a fire's light
I find warmth in thee,
But when alone
I find that I don't truly need thee.

— The End —