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Apr 2013 · 856
Left With The Trophy
Kayla Jane Apr 2013
The anger has gone,
it has now disappeared.
What has happened from it,
is it that you feared.
I don't regret what I said,
and nor am I ashamed.
You feel you are the good one here,
But is that all you have claimed?
You seem to think it was me in the wrong,
but now you realize the wrong you have done.
It's not good to sit and fight and argue,
but here and now I believe I have won.
Mar 2013 · 670
I Don't Understand
Kayla Jane Mar 2013
I don't understand you
and your idiotic ways.

The way you change what you say,
the games you play,
each and every day.

I don't understand you
and your constant anger.

I didn't do what you think I did,
your confusing yourself,
you're being such a kid.

I don't understand you
and how you can manipulate.

Once its her then it's me,
make your mind up you see,
or else neither will be.

I don't understand
how you can just ease on through.

Not a care in the world,
you blink and you cry,
as if I'd want a goodbye.

I don't understand
what made you think.

The pain you cause,
the hurt you feel,
it may not be as real.
My anger at someone who shall remain nameless.
Mar 2013 · 836
Childhood- A Verse of Haiku
Kayla Jane Mar 2013
Once we were children,
Playing in the muddy dirt.
Happy and playful.

Once we were children,
Fussy, confused and naughty.
Everything was fun.

Once we were children,
Entirely full of sweets.
Grown up was our wish.

Now we are older,
We miss those fun carefree days.
They passed by too fast...
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Kayla Jane Mar 2013
Someday, she'll find her Prince.
Someday he'll take her to his castle,
on a white elegant mare,
sweeping her away,
to a world better then her own.

Someday, he'll find his Princess.
Someday she'll catch his eye,
smiling like an angel,
making his heart race,
as fast as the speed of light.

Someday they will meet.
Someday they will fall in love.
Someday they will kiss.

That day, the butterflies will flutter.
The birds will whistle with happiness.
That day, the sun will shine as bright as their smiles.
That day, fantasy will become a reality.
Mar 2013 · 705
What was it?
Kayla Jane Mar 2013
What was it,
that they saw in that last moment.
When they knew it was all over,
when they knew nothing could be done.
Did they see what was to come?
Did they see it all in a second?

What was it,
that they felt in that moment.
Was it fear for the unknown,
or regret for opportunities lost?
Did they feel pain?
Did they feel the anguish at it being all over?

What was it,
in that moment,
that makes me think about it every day,
when I barely even knew them.

What was it,
in that moment,
that makes me wonder,
what if.

What is it,
that they said in that last moment.
"I love you, I love them."
"I'm sorry, I'll miss you."
Did they say a prayer for themselves?
Did they cry out for help in the last second?

What is it,
that makes them so memorable,
from their last moments,
on this earth they shouldn't have left so early.
Are they still here somehow?
Or are they watching over, just as they said they would?

— The End —