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Apr 2011 · 844
Right now
Kayla Harris Apr 2011
Right now i feel like dieing
It's a feeling i can't explain
It's a feeling deep down in my heart
The tears are flowing like rain
My family does not understand
How much they beat me down
With all the fighting and name calling
Whats left but wear a frown
I wish my family would understand
Just what i'm trying to say
When we start to argue
I sometimes go and pray
I say God please stop the fighting
So we can live our lives
Because when we start to argue
The pain is like stabbing knives
Apr 2011 · 895
Kayla Harris Apr 2011
Cry quietly in a corner
Don't make a big scene
Don't let anyone know your hurting
Remember not to be mean
Cry quietly in a corner
Don't drown anyone in your sorrow
You only have to live through today
You can **** yourself tomorrow
Cry quietly in a corner
Shield yourself from the world
For all they know you just like to cause trouble
Just a bratty lille girl
Cry quietly in a corner
They'll never know whats wrong
When you try to tell they say
Those **** emo songs
Cry quietly in a corner
Like the whiner they think you are
Like they care about the reason
Your wrist looks like it has bars
Apr 2011 · 558
Kayla Harris Apr 2011
You're the first thing i think of
Each morning when i rise
You're the last thing i think of
Each night when i close my eyes
Your in each thought i have
and every breath i take
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move i make
I want to prove i love you
But thats the hardest part
So i'm giving you all i have
To you, i give my heart
Apr 2011 · 713
Kayla Harris Apr 2011
Feel broken down, my body aches
My heart it bleeds from past mistakes
Can't stop the tears, they fall like rain
The words are spinning round my brain
So scared and feeling so alone
The coldness fills my every bone
No food, no sleep can't think at all
Each way i turn, another wall
The darkness haunts my very soul
My world seems dead, I've lost control
The only weapon is my pen
depression has set in again
Apr 2011 · 883
Kayla Harris Apr 2011
Life can be a nightmare
or life can be a dream
life can be a fairytale
the choice is up to me
life can bring you friendships
that will never bend
life can bring you memories
that you will carry till the end
life can give you happiness
and life can bring you love
life can lead you to the lord
when you meet him up above

— The End —