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Kay-Ann May 2014
its 2 am
and my mind is on a highway speeding
while my body is asleep
Kay-Ann May 2014
hope is a tree

                                                           ­         you may cut it down

but it must grow again
Kay-Ann May 2014
do you know what it feels like to be dead inside?
maybe it's when the rain becomes your tears that washes away everyone's fears but yours
do you know what it feels like to wake up and wonder why you're not dead?
maybe its when you realize that someone ripped out your heart and threw it away?
do you know what it feels like?
I don't think you do
Cause you've never given someone your whole heart and have it stepped on in return
You've never stayed up late just to make sure someone was alive
Have you?
Would you give a lung to them just so you could feel them breathe?
Would you give a leg for them just so they could stand up for you?
Would you give a eye for them just so they could see how happy you are to have them?
Would you give your heart to them just so they could at least feel a portion of the love you have for them?
If so, you know how I feel cause you feel it too
and I'm sorry
Because I'm broken in ways I can't even explain.
Kay-Ann May 2014
right at this moment I just despise you . I hate your ******* guts. I wish I could break every bone in your body so you could feel the pain I felt when you left me. As I think of that terrible time , I can feel the tears coming , I can feel that surge of water coming forward in my eyes
do you know how much you hurt me that cold August day? I remember the exact words you said to me. I started shaking uncontrollably yet I couldnt move.

I was in hell for the next year. I was loving you and destroying myself at the same time while you were out living your life. I was dead ever since August 25, 2012
but then on June 2013 I met someone who made me dare to love again. I was scared as hell to step out on that ledge but he made me go. I was now willing to take the chance to self-destruct myself again
He brought me so much joy , it was refreshing to see the enthusiasm at which he loved me. He understood all my insecurities; in fact he accepted it. He did everything you failed to do

Now you wanna interfere with our relationship? I will never let you break us up no matter what. If our relationship is gonna end its not gonna be because of you, we gonna end it on our terms

You killed me already. Leave me alone now. Please
Let me live in peace
Kay-Ann May 2014
when I'm sixteeen, I will start to wonder why we ever dated, what I ever saw in you.

When I'm seventeen, the thought of me will be far from your mind but traces of the memory of us will still linger.

when I'm eighteen , we both will be entering new chapters of our lives and will forget all about each other. The world will be our seashore

when I'm nineteen , maybe I'll think of going back to Jamaica and face you

when I'm twenty, I'll come back to Jamaica and our eyes will meet again and our energy will start to overflow and feed each other

when I'm twenty-one , i'll be questioning my sanity as the thought of wanting you and you not wanting me will begin to drive me to the edge

when I'm twenty-two, my career will bloom gracefully and simply writing about you will bring me pleasure and nostalgia

when I'm twenty-three, I'll believe that if we just faked it enough we could trick ourselves into believing that we're still in love and can actually be together.

when I'm twenty-four , reality will hit me in the face and I'll finally realize that we will never be what we used to

when I'm twenty-five, I'll wash the dirt off my knees and open my eyes and leave you behind.
Kay-Ann May 2014
earth would be a cold place

bitter and revengeful

somewhat like how it is now but more harsh
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