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 Sep 2010 Katy
Julia Burden
The acidic flavor
of ink
faded on paper
yellowed with
that only comes from
watching the years
pass you by -

The alacrity
of the smell
burning into your
brain with every
overused idea
presented to you
in an outdated
medium -

The solidity
offered by the
weight in your hands
and snatched away
by the perceived
we award to the words
of someone whom
you have never met
and do not know -

The complacency
you feel as you
flip open the pages,
unaware of the glue
crumbling slowly
to nothing
from too many readers
who simply did not
understand –

Despite -
or perhaps because of –
this desperation to speak,
I am not ready to listen.

And so I set the book back
and walk to another shelf
knowing that I
was not ready
to understand
what the book wanted to tell me.
I did not know
if I ever would be.
 Sep 2010 Katy
Julia Burden
 Sep 2010 Katy
Julia Burden
I need you tonight.
I need it.
To be wrapped
in your arms
in the most
of knots.
My head fitting
in that spot
between your neck
and shoulder.

Just the right kind of
your eyes smile.
Your hands
squeezing my sides
just because
you like the way I squeak
and giggle
and fuss.

That intimacy
I thought
would always
make me panic.
But somehow
your sighs
etched into
my skin
made it okay.

Do you still find
red hair
on your sheets?

I wish
it was still
 Sep 2010 Katy
Julia Burden
Your smile
tastes of mint smoke.
It’s refreshing
against the taste of my tears
and the drink you gave me
to stop them.
Your eyes
trace their way down
my body
every little sweet spot
long forgotten.
Your hands
melt into mine;
a connection revisited.
And for a moment
I see in your gaze
that (love lust longing) we shared.
I blink
and it is gone
in the moonlight
and blinking light
from your clock.
So I close my eyes
and let the smell of tobacco
in your hair
and the smile against my lips
bring me
to a dark connection
I know far too well.
We can be together.
Just one more time.
Just for tonight.

— The End —