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Aug 2014 · 1.1k
katy winser Aug 2014
Stay in your room and hope
Hope this can improve our world
Hope that one day even the smallest can fly
That we all learn to love

Fly high in the immense blue
 Butterfly of Freedom
Immerse yourself also in the blue sea
Butterfly serenity

You think you're just between these four walls
But if you open your heart you will realize that you do not have to be afraid
The butterfly has found a place in your heart
Now let her wrap you in its glow
Facts lull by its candid voice
And to suddenly disappear from the world every atrocity

Fly high in the immense blue
Butterfly of Freedom
Immerse yourself also in the blue sea
Butterfly serenity
Aug 2014 · 990
katy winser Aug 2014
Stay in your room and hope
Hope this can improve our world
Hope that one day even the smallest can fly
That we all learn to love

Fly high in the immense blue
 Butterfly of Freedom
Immerse yourself also in the blue sea
Butterfly serenity

You think you're just between these four walls
But if you open your heart you will realize that you do not have to be afraid
The butterfly has found a place in your heart
Now let her wrap you in its glow
Facts lull by its candid voice
And to suddenly disappear from the world every atrocity

Fly high in the immense blue
Butterfly of Freedom
Immerse yourself also in the blue sea
Butterfly serenity
Aug 2014 · 249
get me out...
katy winser Aug 2014
here! here I go...
dying on the floor
waiting for you to come
to get me out of this hole
bringing me to a new world
Aug 2014 · 459
Pure agony ...
katy winser Aug 2014
It's Sunday morning, Diego lying on the bed watching the clock: forty-six. Usually at that time was fast asleep, but not that morning. The truth is that he had not slept at all, another sleepless night. Since he arrived he was not sleeping, not eating; his worried father had also taken him to the doctor, who had given him sleeping pills and recommended to relax ... Relax ?! And how come he could relax when he kept thinking of her  face and in her words, "Be happy! I certainly will be. ". That memory was pure agony, her eyes shining, full of unshed tears and his voice barely almost suffocated, and finally the sentence ... they both knew that neither of them away would have been happy, but then why? Why say something that is striking both?
Jul 2014 · 575
Greatest lies
katy winser Jul 2014
My best friend told me
the greatest lies :
that he'll never give up on ME
that we'll always be there for ME
that he'll never letting go my hand from his...
Time has passed...
and I thought that the darkness will have my soul,
my mind,
my body,  ...
I opened my eyes and I saw a light;
I was alone... he left me behind
dying on the floor.

Even if  I was thinking that he was the best part of me,
now I not that even that one was just a lie...
because I undestand that I can  shine by myself!
Jul 2014 · 259
katy winser Jul 2014
I'm not going to ask you to forgive me!
I'm not going to cry for you anymore!
Because I'll never change myself for somebody  or for something ,
you made your choice,
I made mine...
and this is what we're left ...
Jul 2014 · 976
katy winser Jul 2014
Uno sguardo ,due anime perdute ,
Un solo attimo per riportarle a galla !
Gli occhi di lei…
Gli occhi di lui …
Una sola anima ormai !
Lui, forte creatura leggendaria dal spasimato passato
si sente fragile e impotente come mai prima.
Le lacrime di lei  colpiscono più di mille *****,
e il  sorriso …oh! Il  sorriso , non li dà gioia…no,
perché è il sorriso di lei  la ragione della tua esistenza ,
non più la Terra a tenerlo fermo ,ma l’esistenza di lei.
Lo sguardo di lui  che colpisce gli occhi di lei fa invidia anche al sole:
dolce, sereno, colmo di un eterno e sconfinato amore
che gli fa perdere il senso della vita e della persona,
quel amore che è l’unica cosa a poterlo  salvare
dal suo lurido destino e strapparlo  dalle  grinfie  della  solitudine!
Jul 2014 · 990
katy winser Jul 2014
Dormo …dormo profondamente
le palpebre  chiuse e pesanti come la neve cadente
la mente offuscata dal impetuoso pensiero
vagando nel obblio senza trovare il sentiero
la ragion ormai vola via col sussurrar del vento
oltrepassando  l’oscurità  della  luna  d’argento …
da lontano ti vedo rivolto al indietro
entrando dentro casa senza aspettare il mio rientro .

dormo …incessantemente…
dormo senza poter sognare, stupidamente
nei miei pensieri il tuo sorriso brilla
ed io vedendoti rimango come l’argilla
pietrificata …
e se ci penso meglio, direi ghiacciata;

senza mai potermi svegliare veramente
perché ahimè! In questo mondo vissuto palesemente
non trovo la fiamma della ragion che bruci ardentemente !

perciò…continuo a dormire
dormire, per poter svanire
svanire, dalla insulsa menzogna attuale
più esilarante persino della realtà virtuale…
Jul 2014 · 667
sand of time
katy winser Jul 2014
Nella striscia di sabbia lasciata da questi sedici anni
mi guardo indietro, poi guardo davanti e non riconosco nemmeno le mie mani,
sento una voce e all'improvviso vedo le mie labbra muoversi,
ma quel suono inquieto non fa altro che fondersi
insieme a  tutto ciò che lo circonda,
come preso da un onda
che lo rapisce,
lo stordisce,
e poi lo abbandona davanti al proprio destino finche egli stesso non svanisce.

Guardando lontano all'orizzonte si nota una luce,
dolce, calda,  che tanto timorosa fugge;
sarà lei la risposta alle mie domande? non lo so ...
ma la sento vicina a me, come nient'altro nella mia vita ,
anche se qualvolta così estranea e lontana.

Forse un giorno la raggiungerò lì,
in quel mondo che sembra incantato...
ma devo affrontare l'inferno, prima del mondo fatato
dove spero arriverò in tempo...
perché il desiderio della vendetta ,lo trattengo  a stento !
Jul 2014 · 561
katy winser Jul 2014
At midnight, I rushed out                                                              I kicked the door open
My glass slippers shattered
And my dress tore, too
Hey, aren’t you shocked?
Even if I chased after you, you wouldn’t come
My tears overflow and I can’t run anymore…

It just might be jealousy… It’s-so-pain-full…!!

I’m breaking my heart:
I want you to find me immediately and embrace me

The headlights shine
…where are you bad boy?
Wipe away my tears with the scarf of love
I can’t see anything

I want to scrape up stardust
And hurl it at you
Why do you care?
And yet you are only able to love yourself…

I just might be falling out of love… Is it for real…?!

If you’re not here, then the world seems empty

I want to keep dreaming
“I miss you bad boy”
Please don’t shut me inside the glitter
Or I’ll break down
I can’t laugh
I don’t need anything, just be by my side

Inside of the box of glitter that you left behind
I embrace loneliness and I can’t move
I don’t need anything, just be by my side
Kneel down, look at me  And pledge your love

— The End —