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2.6k · Jul 2013
Better Half
When I've given my best and feel like giving in,
you look at me and give me that come here beautiful smile.
When I feel I've fallen to the ground,
you take my hand.
You pull me close and you hold me tight.
I see it in your eyes and begin to understand,
that there is a whole new light.
Everything will be alright.
You don't have any clue,
just how much I count on you.
It's the sweet love that you give to me,
that helps me believe we can make it through anything.
When it all comes down and I feel we'll never last,
I just lean into you.
'Cause baby you're my better half.
2.1k · Jul 2013
Just a Puppet
Just a Puppet
You are the Master,
I am the puppet.
Caught between your grip,
and a sight of reality.
I am just a doll,
what can I do.
You play with my strings,
and control what's in my heart.
I am the puppet,
lacking emotion inside.
Trapped by words spoken,
and desperate actions.
You are the puppet master,
who will find love someday.
But you don't listen
to what your puppet has to say.
I am the puppet,
wanting to hide in cave.
Placed on a shelf,
in a protective case.
A silver mirror,
reflecting back at me.
This is what I see,
a puppet on a string.
Wanting so bad to be free,
but a sense of control is comforting.
I am just a puppet,
staring into space.
Hiding behind,
more than this hurt on my face.
A puppet girl,
suffering with fear and pain.
So how do I cut these strings,
that tie us together.
I no longer want to depend on another.
How do I cut this string,
if you are my sense of security.
Some say I have to find scissors,
and cut them myself.
Some say will- power is the key,
but this is what I believe.
I haven't given up on the Master,
just the puppet within me.
1.8k · Jul 2013
I am from
I am from being a younger sister,
to having divorced parents.
I am from being an Aunt,
to watching my nieces and nephews grow up.
I am from being a confused teenager,
to learning from my mistakes.
I am from reading love stories,
to believing in love at first sight.
I am from having high expectations,
to being determined to achieve  my dreams.
I am from being shy and quiet at school,
to being loud and talkative at home.
So who am I exactly?
I am a girl who goes after what she wants to achieve.
I am a girl who is loving,
and has a heart for the people she loves.
I am 14 year old girl,
trying to learn from her mistakes.
I am me.
a person with a unique personality.
1.6k · Jul 2013
At Sixteen
At sixteen life ain't so bad.
There are some things I wish that I had,
like the experience of learning how to drive with Dad.
At sixteen life passes by too fast.
But luckily I have the love of a mother,
to keep me from thinking about my past.
At sixteen my head is in the clouds.
I dream about my future,
and who I'll be.
I write about true love,
and my own life's story.
I stay out late with a boy,
and don't care much for old toys.
At sixteen I don't claim to be perfect.
In fact I'm probably far from worth it.
I slack on chores,
and slam open doors.
I sing too loud,
my feet on the dashboard.
I've missed church on Sundays,
cause' sleeping in's what counts.
Lord knows grandma ain't too proud!
At sixteen there's so much I've done.
Stealing that boy's heart,
was just a start.
Kissing in the pouring rain,
even when I didn't feel any pain.
Whether it be,
living on quotes or writing poetry.
There's still so much this girl hasn't seen.
High heels and short skirts,
make-up and tight shirts.
On those days when I wanna look good.
Converse and skinny jeans,
ain't it funny how girls can be so mean...
At sixteen there's so much I want to do.
Like watching a sun set in his arms,
and seeing it rise on a distant shore.
Or riding the Dragster at Cedar Point,
without a fear of heights or falling out.
I wanna be a ride warrior at sixteen.
Then again...
At sixteen maybe I just want to be me!
1.0k · Jul 2013
Is It Hard
Is it hard to look at yourself
to accept how flaws can be painstaking.
Is it hard to the look in the mirror
and see yourself reflecting.
Is it hard to look at yourself
and replay what everyone is saying.
Is it hard to kneel down
and with your head bowed keep praying.
Is it hard to ask God
to close you off from all the judging.
Is it hard to be yourself
to let everyone hear you speaking.
Is it hard to open your heart,
to let love do the healing.
Is it hard to sit back
and slowly watch time passing.
Is it hard to let go
of someone so caring?
1.0k · Jul 2013
Romeo & Juliet
During the fifteenth century,
in Verona, Italy...
Lays a story of the star crossed lovers,
that ends in pure tragedy.
According to the stars above
it is said that the couple,
was never meant to fall in love.
The Capulet's rue,
the Montague's.
A long lasting feud,
that ended very crude.
Already secretly wed,
by the Friar Lawrence.
Juliet is forced to Marry Paris instead.
On the day she is to wed she drinks a potion,
to fake herself dead...
When Romeo hears about his wife's death...
It is at that moment,
he is ready to take his very last breath.
Their love was marked ill-fated.
All because one family was very well hated.
953 · Oct 2013
Story Never Told
This is a story I've never told,
I have to get it off my chest.
I need to step back and let it go,
I got to close my eyes and take a breath.
Things between us seem to be wearing thin.
I know I hold high expectations,
but I just wish you’d let me in.
A year ago I was a broken soul,
now looking at you I notice many things.
I am stronger than I've ever been,
wiser than I could ever imagine.
You walked into my life,
when I was still a little confused.
I've been hurt and I've been bruised.
But now I’m opening my heart to you,
living the life I choose.
I’m sorry for a lot of stuff,
I just pray things between us aren't getting rough.
You deserve better than the best,
and I sometimes wonder if I am just a test.
Do I challenge your views?
Or perhaps make you question your beliefs.
Am I everything you need?
I have bottled up a lot,
climbing a rope without a knot.
Please tell me my limitations,
because I’m not sure I can deal with another losing sensation.
I know I have been lost in this world.
But now I am found.
I’m not sure why you chose me,
but I’m glad I’m not like other girls.
I have finally found my diamond in the sand,
so please don’t ever let go of my hand.
This is a story I've never told,
and I’m stronger than I've ever been.
928 · Jul 2013
Your Eyes
I'm in love with your eyes,
the way they sparkle when you smile.
Perhaps even the way they hide,
a world filled of lies.
Filling my stomache with butterflies,
Numbing my back from the knives.
From the pain of the words,
that hit me inside.
I see into your soul,
and I slowly lose all control.
This love that I feel for you,
is starting to show through.
It's hard to believe,
but I'm finally letting go of what used to be.
Everything that has ever hurt me,
is quickly disappearing.
I promised myself,
never again would I fall.
Now that you're here to catch me,
it's as if i'm skydiving.
Nothing matters now,
except for what we have together.
I have come to realize,
that you will love me forever.
What we have is more than I've ever imagined.
You've shown me that there's hope in humanity,
as well as the fact that not everybody has lost their sensitivity
and ability to love.
Without you,
I'd have no motivation to do as well as I am.
It's because of you that I yearn to do well and learn,
to better myself for you and our future together.
All because I've gotten lost in your eyes,
and you've showed me how it's supposed to be.
718 · Jul 2013
Could be...
We've talked about it from the beginning. Didn't want to try or worry,until we were married.Now we're praying what ever happens happens. There's no turning back,the damage could be done.There are so many questions,we find.That are constantly,going through our mind.Things we ask,time and time again. We're just so young,we don't know where to begin. What are we going to do? Will I be able to carry through? Will I walk right beside you? How are we going to share the news? All these questions consumed while we wait 11-14 days, to know if it's true. With one another's hand to hold,we don't seem to be in this alone.It seems like forever those minutes on the clock, seem to tick by slowly.All we want to do is read the results. To know what could be,from such a life changing test. At 15 I can't help but wish for the best.So would it be wrong to get excited if it's positive,or upset when it's negative?People might say,what were you thinking?There goes your life...If it's change I have to deal with I will reply with a smile on my face, My life hasn't gone anywhere. This is all I've ever wanted to start a family,and be with the one I love.It may no longer be the two of us. There could be another on its very way,yet it's still too soon to know.If there is, we might have to grow up a lot. There will come a day when we trade in our youth for the difficulty of parenthood. We will get used to the idea of being called Mommy and Daddy. Or the hero to that baby in a hospital bed. Who resembles us every inch up to its tiny head. Ten fingers, ten toes and that cute little button nose all came from a love that grows.It won't be easy raising a baby when you're just a kid yourself.I'm not saying it would but it's the price we pay for not doing as we should. For not preventing this from happening like we could. Two weeks will tell life might change and our parents might yell. But life isn't a game. You have to take responsibility for each risk you take.So please don't hold regret,about the choices we make. Please don't look for a way out because you know at times we're going to shout. Just remember what we did, we did out of love. We were given a gift, precious and tiny from up above.
657 · Jul 2013
Teen Dating Abuse
It happens to 1 out of 3
high school students.
Like a bad dream
they don't expect to go through it.
It's alright at first
but then you fight.
And things only get worse
with each sleepless night.
You knew what you wanted
until your values got confronted.
You gave them up,
to keep someone you thought you couldn't.
From the pushing and shoving,
to the guilt and lies.
You look into your partner's eyes,
and miss the warning signs.
The anger and rage,
they shake you inside.
But you turn the page,
not knowing if you should hide.
Why do they shout?
You keep telling them,
there's no reason for doubt.
To yourself you wonder,
should I just get out?
Lately nothing you do,
ever seems to please them.
When you're ready to leave,
only one thing keeps you.
You remember all of the,
good times you've been through.
All of the apologies,
and I never meant to hurt yous.
All of the never-will-again's,
yet all you can say is I love you.
You've become negative,
and feel they don't deserve you.
Until you finally find someone,
you can run to...
And you realize,
they were abusing you.
They thought,
hey could control your every move.
You're finally done,
with all the tears.
You're done with,
all of the emotional fears.
604 · Jul 2013
These next four years,
just simply drag on.
There are many tears,
from life going wrong.
At first it's really easy,
it is such a breeze.
Until you freeze and realize,
life isn't as it seems.
Such strict rules,
no talking!
You best be walking!
No note passing.
You better not be sassing!
All of the drama,
and constant rumors spreading.
And we wonder why,
high school seems so unending,
Many expect us to graduate,
to rise higher than the rest.
We know what we want,
and we continue to do our best.
600 · Jul 2013
Bad Day
Don't you hate those days,
that are bad in all the wrong ways?
Well let me tell you,
I do too!
Those days just drag on,
and make life blue.

You wake up,
and nothing feels right.
Next thing you know,
your book bag is out of sight.

It was in bed,
where you should've stayed.
Instead you took a shower,
and ended up delayed.

You can't find your headphones,
they're needed for the bus ride.
The music drowns out the noise,
this is where you go to hide.

You pour a bowl of cereal,
in the fridge you find...
There's no milk!
You're already on the brink,
of losing your mind.

Mom walks in and asks,
'What's your deal'
She has no clue,
how frenzied you feel.

You found your headphones,
they were in the dog run.
Why couldn't those muts,
just chew on a dog bone?

Your book bag,
was in the ***** clothes.
How it got there,
who the heck knows.

You wait for the bus,
it comes really late.
Go figure,
you still haven't ate.

You get to school,
and keep dropping your books.
Why couldn't your hands,
be made out of hooks.

This was my day
and I sure hope,
it doesn't stay this way.
For if it does,
I find I may have to go astray!
592 · Oct 2013
Ode to Love & Music
I'm sorry I have been so Far Away
I had to go through Little Things
Before I could let God Bless the Broken Road.
Now that its been faced I'm Ready to Love Again.
I know this because I'm On My Way.
It took many night wishes at 11:11,
but here you are, you're My Best friend.
I'm Standing Right in Front of You,
and baby I'm Amazed.
You came into my life Not a Moment too Soon.
You may think you're Hard to Love,
however I know God Gave Me You.
So I could share a Love Like Crazy.
I have always wanted to write a Love Story,
and It Goes Like This...
If I had to write about anything Mine Would be You,
seeing as you deserve Nobody But Me.
You have that One Thing,
and I want to go chase the Night Train.
Babe we could be Runnin' Outta Moonlight,
and I'd still let you Kiss Me.
I have waited A Thousand Years,
for Just a Kiss.
You know I'm Stuck in the Moment,
Making Memories of Us.
True love only happens Once in a Lifetime,
and Only You Can Love Me This Way.
You know what happens Round Here,
you know How Country Feels.
Let's just go for a Cruise.
So that I can say Thank You.
For believing in all that I'll Be.
Remember if we ever fight Love Don't Run,
It's always You & Me.
I'm forever yours Faithfully.
Don't Stop Believing.
Now that you know this, there is One Less Lonely Girl.
Never say Never,

cause trust me I'd walk a thousand miles Just to See You Smile.
We got a Beauty & a Beat.
You Belong With Me.
588 · Jul 2013
Holding On
Living in a world I don't understand,
unrecognized is what I am.
Thoughts of Suicide,
pierce through my ears.
Silent sighs,
that nobody hears.
I don't cry anymore,
I'm all out of tears.
I wish my story could end,
when truthfully it has only just began.
Walking through each chapter,
barely holding on.
I want to survive,
I really do.
But I can't take the *******,
or the drama I have to go through.
There is constantly a battle,
between my mind & reality.
I try to do what's best for me.
But it never fails,
everything right is always wrong.
Which results in fights,
and the question that is embedded...
How long can I be strong,
and what's the point of holding on?
584 · Jul 2013
Anxiety Attack
I sit in the hallway,
my body shaking.
All the while,
my mind is contemplating.
Could reality be
colliding with this world,
I've created within me?
Suddenly my heart is racing,
my stomach is twisting.
I count to ten,
and just wish it would end.
I get so agitated,
my cheeks become heated.
Knees up against my chest
and I wonder if,
this is some sort of test.
How do I get out,
of these two places?
My mind becomes numb,
empty space of what used to be.
My body gets cold,
if only I had a hand to hold.
My eyes are hazy,
only a fog can be seen.
My face looks lazy,
only a blank expression can you read.
I look at myself,
and this is all I see.
I'm scared of what,
I've come to be.
This is all,
because of anxiety...
579 · Jul 2013
All it took
Life won't be the same,
you'll be a Junior next year.
Being a Sophomore is gonna be lame,
without you here.
The little kisses,
and seeing you before classes...
That's all about to change.
No more note passing,
or sharing lunch.
Why does it seem,
as if my life is going crunch.
I walk through the halls,
looking for you.
Next thing I know
I begin to notice,
the red, white, and blue.
Just six months apart
that's all it takes,
to be on different levels.
You're in the classof 2014.
I'm in the classof 2015.
Six months is all it takes,
to mess up a graduating year.
I'm going to miss you,
I'm sure you will too.
The closer it gets,
to leaving you.
The more it seems,
I just look at the floor.
Wishing we would never have to walk out that door.
What can I do,
when all I think about...Is You?
Now I look,
at your locker.
And remember,
six months is all it took.
You can never,
live by an open book.

I love you...
522 · Jul 2013
The two of you
The two of you
are so different,
yet you're exactly the same
It makes me feel ashamed,
to know these feelings went untamed.

You both have a special way,
of making me smile.
I wish I could stay,
even if it's just for a little while.

He and I shared,
six months of history.
What could have been,
was left a mystery.
You were there to dry my eyes,
when he hurt me.
You were there and heard my cries,
when he couldn't see.

He's falling for me again,
but I don't want 'us' to end.
I don't want to hurt you,
so where do I begin?

I promised I would never,
break your heart.
and I meant it,
from the very start.

At one point I thought,
he was my Prince charming too.
But now I wonder,
could my Prince Charming really be you.

You're both optimistic,
and I'm just pessimistic.
So what should I do?
Should I run after him?
Or should I chase after you?

I've weighed the option carefully,
and even checked my priorities.
So please don't look me in the eyes,
and say 'It's either him or me! '

Please don't make this heart of mine,
choose between the two of you.
Cause' it sure isn't easy,
and I don't know what to do…
521 · Jul 2013
It's what everyone fears,
when losing the one you  love.
There are bound to be more tears.
It felt like a knife,
straight to the heart.
Full of hurt and strife,
I never expected us to part.
People say to move on,
there are more fish in the sea.
As true as it may be,
it isn't easy for me.
You wanted to be friends,
I never wanted it to end.
But what you can't see,
is the pain inside.
That I carry with me,
or the hours I have cried.
How can you move on,
while I feel I don't belong?
515 · Jul 2013
Yellow Lines
Yellow lines on the side of the road,
to get where you're going can change the world.
You follow these lines to reach your destiny,
but once they're passed it can change history.
Yellow lines on the side of the road,
can represent many things in life.
As the driver it declares safety.
But, as the passenger it signifies much more.
These yellow lines on the side of the road,
they stand for the decisions many have chose.
Each choice having an effect on the future,
like a balance weighing in your options.
The good is on the right,
and the bad is on the left.
Some days you know where you're going,
other days you have no clue which way to turn.
There is darkness in the tunnel,
but once you find the light ,
you have found the pathway home.
Yellow lines on the side of the road,
what they represent only you would know.
507 · Jul 2013
Ride of Love
I can see it in your eyes,
and I can feel it in your touch.
We have a long way to go
on this roller coaster that they call love.
It's a long shot to the finish line,
but if anyone can make it through...
Baby I am betting on me & you.
Just keep holding onto me.
In time you'll see,
the best is yet to be.
It's a long shot to that finish line,
but don't fear it now.
We've got plenty of time baby,
so don't you worry.
I know it's a long way,
but we don't have to hurry.
With just a leap of faith,
There is no need to give up.
Because I know we've got that
once in a lifetime love.
So just put your fears aside,
you can put your hand in mine.
Just remember while we are on this ride,
Someone somewhere out there,
is trying to find exactly what we have gained with time.
I wrote this about the love of my life. I know I am young but I know he is the one, because there is no one else I'd rather share my heart with. we have been through a lot together. We broke up and found our way back to each other and are trying again hopefully to make things work this time. I know I am not going anywhere.
499 · Jul 2013
Only 2 months,
into our relationship.
And on that day,
you gave me a ring.
Promising me,
you were here to stay.
This ring shall be
a constant reminder,
from you to me.
A reminder of this,
you see...
A promise to care,
for you will always be there.
A promise to keep me close,
to never let me fade away.
So many promises,
yet this goes on.
You promise,
your full honesty.
You promise me,
you'll never leave.
You even promise,
to stick it through.
On those days,
when you feel sorta blue.
So many promises,
held in one little ring.
A constant reminder indeed,
of promises you've made to me.
You'll be surprised to know,
that I've made promises too!
With your life in my hands.
I promise this is true,
my love is yours to keep.
So just remember,
I will always love you.
495 · Jul 2013
All We Need
It took you all that time,
and I could never get you off my mind.
I stared at old photographs,
slept in that shirt you left.
And nobody knew it but me.
Everyday I'd wipe my tears away,
each night I'd pray you'd come back here to stay.
I tried to prove,
you were all that matter to me.
I said all those things I kept inside,
maybe that's what made you hide.
My friends thought I had moved on.
But here's the truth,
I was never really that strong.
I kept every word you said,
in a box underneath my bed.
Nobody knew it but me.
Then one summer day,
we found our way and you came back to stay.
Now that we're happy together,
don't you see it too?
We're all we'll ever need,
me and you.
489 · Jul 2013
What is a Sister?
A sister is someone to look up to
she gives you the strength to stand,
even when you're feeling blue.
A sister is a hand enfolded into your own
just a single phone call away,
and she is there when you feel all alone.
A sister is love mixed with patience
she is your home away from home,
Even if she doesn't get paid for maintenance.
A sister is full of fun and galore
she will laugh and joke around,
until you almost fall on the floor.
But, most of all…
A sister is the greatest gift anyone could ask for!
465 · Jul 2013
I find someone,
who makes me happy.
Then you say,
you're disappointed in me.
Why can't you just see,
that he really does love me?
Why do you constantly put me down?
Why can't you be proud,
of who your little girl has grown up to be.
For you it's never enough.
Which is why,
I had to learn to be tough.
I know life is rough,
but I'll never give up hoping.
That one day you'll see what I see,
and finally be proud of me.
I wrote this to my dad.
462 · Jul 2013
One Day
One day, I want to be
the girl who gives him a heavenly glow.
One day, I want to hold his hand
and never worry about letting go.
One day, when we're old and married
I want him to be ready to catch me.
One day, I want to be
the only person he wakes up to see.
One day, he will be mine
and all we'll have is time.
One day, I want to be there waiting
for the moment when he comes home.
One day, I want him to dry my tears.
One day, I want to reflect on past years.
One day, I want to be the only reason
the sparks in his eyes never die.
For one day, our love will last forever
even through the stormiest weather.
One Day…
458 · Jul 2013
Wouldn't Change a Thing
I know you don't know,
where all of this is coming from.
And I'd rather it stay that way.
But just remember,
you're all I need.
I wouldn't change a thing,
between you and me.
There were mixed emotions,
from the start.
I just keep reminding myself,
that I never want us to part.
I can finally move on,
knowing that you're here to stay.
I wouldn't want it,
any other way.
In fact I find,
I wouldn't last a single day.
I don't know how
but you a way,
of making my dreams come true.
Maybe it's just,
everything you do.
If we work on this together,
one day our love will last forever.
456 · Jul 2013
Don't laugh at me
I'm a girl with glasses,
the one they call a freak.
I'm a girl who never smiles,
'cause I've got braces on my teeth.
I'm the girl up on that playground
who's always chosen last.
'Cause they all assume,
she don't run too fast.
I'm a teenage girl
who's always looking back.
Trying to figure out her faults,
and learn from her past.
You don't got to be my friend,
but is that too much to ask.
Don't laugh at me,
and don't call me names.
Its in God's eyes,
where we're all the same.
One day I'll have a pair of wings...
But don't laugh at me.
449 · Jul 2013
There's no freedom,
so why even try?
It's not like,
we're gonna get very high.
You get written up,
if you don't do as they say.
Oh Lord...
I guess I'm in,
for a swell of a day.
You work hard,
but it's never enough.
This day just seems,
to be getting rough.
There's no talking.
Why does she yell?
She is making life,
like a living hell.
There are some days,
I just stare at the grass.
When I so badly
want to tell her,
to just kiss my glass!
I'll live life my way,
don't tell me what to do.
Nine times outta ten,
I speak the radical truth.
So tell me I can't,
and I'll prove you wrong.
Tell me what to do,
I dare you.
You'll see a side of me,
and it won't be long.
445 · Jul 2013
What Could She Hide
She walks through the hallway,
holding her wrists.
Hoping and Praying,
no one will see her like this.
He looks at her,
scared of what he will find.
He never thought,
she had those things in mind.
Or just how much she held inside.
She was always smiling,
what could she hide?
As she looks up at him,
he asks her; "...are there anymore?"
Looking at him with tears in her eyes.
She whispers a small reply,
"Ever wonder what bracelets are for?"
Taking it all in he asks her "Why?"
With tear streaked cheeks she whispers,
"I don't want to die."
For this is what her lover learned;
she cuts herself...
Never too deep, and never enough to die.
But just enough to feel the pain,
to release what she has bottled up inside.
433 · Jul 2013
Pieces of my heart
The pieces of my heart,
I swore would be left broken.
But you came into my life,
like a missing token.
I promised to keep my guard,
now I'm finding it hard.
Whenever you smile,
life seems subsequently worthwhile.
Your kiss is sweet and gentle,
I instantly feel little.
When you hold me in your arms,
everything feels just right.
I hope we never fight.
No matter what we go through,
you're always by my side.
When all I want to do,
is run and hide.
Even on this crazy ride.
I wrote this after my boyfriend and I started dating. Three weeks after a hard breakup I gave him a chance. It took a while but I eventually gave up my guard. We've have been together for a while now and I can actually say he is my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him. He is my inspiration each day I take on a new challenge.
431 · Jul 2013
Laying here
Laying here with his shirt on.
Replaying each word he said,
over and over in my head.
"Good night my beautiful angel, I love you."
Maybe it's just to hear his voice.
If he were here,
that would be my choice.
But for now I will close my eyes,
hoping that I don't hear my own heart's cries.
Just go to bed,
without a heart filled of lead.
Picturing him near,
so  not to shed a tear.
Good night my love,
my dear.
421 · Jul 2013
Could be the one
Emotions showing,
my smile glowing.
You could be the one,
it's my mind you're blowing.
My soul speaks,
my heart beats.
You could be the one,
I'll give my love to keep.
My confusion comes undone,
when we're having fun.
No question goes undone,
because you could be the one.
My intentions are true,
if only you could see it too.
Nothing can undo,
how I feel for you.
You could be the one!
419 · Oct 2013
Same Road
You said you needed your space,
I wasn't where you wanted to be.
I walked away,
I wanted to be happy.
So I'm not surprised,
that I saw you here tonight.
Can't you see that for better or worse,
We work better together.
Sometimes in life,
we get to a point where we wonder...
We wonder if the long road ahead,
is leading us in the same direction.
When it comes to you and me
baby I believe we are right where we are supposed to be.
You came back home,
and I accepted your silent apology.
I never said I told you so,
instead I promised you are what makes me happy.
So let's take this slow,
now that we are back on the same road.
Let's work things out for the good,
cause' I know we have a long way to go.
413 · Jul 2013
Your Story
It's a new year,
a time for change.
Write the next chapter,
of your story.
Be who you are,
and say what you feel.
Never regret anything,
your story is continuous and real.
So write a novel...
We all have secrets
hidden deep within us.
The words can be rearranged,
just like the turning of a page.
Where lies become the truth,
and the truth becomes a lie.
A notorious and never ending bind,
where desperate actions be confined.
have become tattered and torn.
As if the pages of a book,
have been completely realigned.
Until the pages,
That is the moment,
your story has been shattered and worn.
412 · Jul 2013
A Talk With God
I talked to God last night.
I asked him to give you,
a beautiful pair of wings.
Maybe even a halo
that through night and day,
will glow.
After 26 years of being alone,
you are finally going home.
So make sure
you've taken your dancing shoes,
and a little step with you too!
Cause Grandpa will be waiting
at the gates of Heaven for you,
with a very lovely tune.
Ready to hold you in his arms again,
so that a love for all eternity can begin.
Tell Grandma Sue I love her,
so does Daddy too!
Tell her to continue,
watching over us.
That Daddy is starting to look rough.
He misses her
and wishes she were here,
to watch her grand babies grow.
I know he thinks,
about his mother often.
He just  isn't quite ready,
to admit so.
I hear phone calls aren't permitted,
and postage isn't an option.
In that place above the sky
where streets are paved of gold,
and eagles fly high.
As I ended my talk with God...
I asked for one last favor,
the most important I say.
I asked for just one more day,
to be able to see them all.
God spoke and said child,
you see them already.
Just look deep into your heart,
and your family will never be apart.
404 · Jul 2013
All of these thoughts
running through my head.
Scared that people won't understand...
These questions I ask myself,
but never anyone else.
How can other people know,
when I don't even know myself?
Do they see me like I see myself?
Do they ever wonder...
Just what their purpose is in this life?
Who am I? Who am I supposed to be?
Most people would say I'm quiet,
and would be surprised by how much I hold inside.
On good days I'm happy go lucky,
but on the bad ones I just sit in silence and cry...
I can mean what I say one minute,
but the next I just snap.
I lose all self control,
and things come flooding out.
and I don't even remember why I got upset,
or what I even said.
403 · Jul 2013
How I Feel for You
They say the  love history knows
is said to be in every rose.
But the love that is found in two,
is less than what I feel for you.
When we argue I feel real blue
this is oh so very true.
It doesn't take long
for us to make things right.
For you and I,
we don't have to fight.
These feelings I get,
can not be described
by a song or quotes.
So why try to hide?
You can read me
like an open book.
But as for me
I might just get hooked.
All to be said is just 3 small words,
and my heart skips a beat.
As if it's about to burst.
In my rose you are;
every kiss and smile
that makes my life,
so worthwhile.
When I say;
I love you.
Please believe,
I'm not trying  to misconstrue
how I feel for you!
402 · Jul 2013
Words to Paper
Why can't I find the words
to put down on this paper.
I picture them,
see what the poem would look like when read.
But these words...
They're just like a hurricane,
blowing straight through my head.
They come and they go,
with the snap of a finger.
These words to paper,
just don't seem to fit right.
Maybe I'm thinking too hard.
Or what if all I need,
is to just let my mind wander free.
Could that really be the key?
To just let this pencil scribble,
beautiful words to paper.
391 · Jul 2013
Only 2 months,
into our relationship.
And on that day,
you gave me a ring.
Promising me,
you were here to stay.
This ring shall be
a constant reminder,
from you to me.
A reminder of this,
you see...
A promise to care,
for you will always be there.
A promise to keep me close,
to never let me fade away.
So many promises,
yet this goes on.
You promise,
your full honesty.
You promise me,
you'll never leave.
You even promise,
to stick it through.
On those days,
when you feel sorta blue.
So many promises,
held in one little ring.
A constant reminder indeed,
of promises you've made to me.
You'll be surprised to know,
that I've made promises too!
With your life in my hands.
I promise this is true,
my love is yours to keep.
So just remember,
I will always love you.
381 · Jul 2013
Young Love
I know we're still young
but you give me these feelings,
that have only just begun.
I may not have to much experience
but I know your love is real.
Because when I stare into your eyes,
it becomes hard to fight back those butterflies.
The way we kiss is just so soft and gentle.
This feeling deep inside me,
it makes me feel so little.
When you hold me in your arms,
I know I'm safe from harm.
You're the first thing on my mind,
when I wake up each morning.
But, you are also there
each and every night,
before I turn out the light.
I smile each time you say I love you
the truth is I love you too.
I will give you all of my heart,
For I hope that we never part. <3
Lucky #6 to be published
379 · Jul 2013
Same Road
You said you needed your space,
I wasn't where you wanted to be.
I walked away,
I wanted to be happy.
So I'm not surprised,
that I saw you here tonight.
Can't you see that for better or worse,
We work better together.
Sometimes in life,
we get to a point where we wonder...
We wonder if the long road ahead,
is leading us in the same direction.
When it comes to you and me
baby I believe we are right where we are supposed to be.
You came back home,
and I accepted your silent apology.
I never said I told you so,
instead I promised you are what makes me happy.
So let's take this slow,
now that we are back on the same road.
Let's work things out for the good,
cause' I know we have a long way to go.
371 · Jul 2013
Just 13 days
In just 13 days...
We'll be forced to go,
our separate ways.
There are many words,
I have yet to say.
But knowing me,
that could take all day.
I'm counting down,
until the end.
When we walk
out those doors,
and a new chapter will begin.
You promise me,
that you will stay.
You promise me,
everything will be okay.
How can you be sure?
A lot is going to change,
maybe I'm just immature.
You're so ready,
why do I pull you back.
It's for the best,
but it's you I lack.
They say a lot of things.
But it's me,
who has to believe.
That when you love someone,
you'll set them free.
If they come back to you,
it's meant to be.
The truth is I'm scared,
to continue without you here.
I'm scared,
to shed just one tear.
I'm scared,
we're going to fall apart.
Because you know,
I love you with all of my heart.
369 · Jul 2013
I have always been told,
that the best healing comes through tears.
To just let them unfold.
As I sit here all alone...
I feel the tears start to fall,
I take my hand and wipe them away.
Giving it my all...
To try and save them,
for just one more day.
You see the pain in my eyes,
that I hide with a smile.
But I can't deny,
that I can only stay happy for a little while.
357 · Jul 2013
Hate that I love you
I hate that I love you,
and I know you hate it too.
Because it seems like
all we want to do,
is forget about me and you.
When you break my heart
you tell me to give you another chance,
that you can do better this time.
I hate that I love you,
because I accept everything you do.
But even then…
You take my kindness for granted,
make me feel single handed.
What you can't see
is that it's only a minimum of pain,
I can be demanded.
When you act like you don't care
it's so hard to sit,
and watch you stare.
You'll always have a place,
in my heart.
Even when it seems,
we have grown far apart.
You can't go anywhere,
you were there from the start
I hope I have a place,
somewhere too.
Because it hurts,
to say I love you.
355 · Jul 2013
Love is...
There are times when
you probably wonder if I pretend,
I don't pretend to know what love is.
Yeah I might not know
what it is for everyone else.
But I can tell you
what it is for  me.
Love is knowing all about someone.
Yet wanting to be with them,
more than anyone else.
Love is trusting them with all your might,
being able to tell them the unknown.
Without the fear of being left alone,
or starting a fight.
Love is feeling content
but every time they are around,
you still manage to get weak in the knees.
Love is just a word…
Until someone comes along,
and gives it real meaning.
That someone is you,
and that love is your love.
353 · Jul 2013
You and I both ask questions,
just like anyone else.
But are these questions,
we ask really answered.
Or just talked about?
The deepest questions asked,
come from the heart.
What is love?
It's a feeling, a need.
Just a four letter word,
until someone comes into our lives.
And gives it real meaning...
341 · Jul 2013
Thoughts of you run through my mind,
even when you're hard to find.
Wishing you were here,
so I could hold you near,
without a fear of shedding 1 tear.
These are the thoughts of you my dear.
315 · Jul 2013
Why I live
Many people will say,
they are living life for themselves.
But, if you asked me.
This is what I'd say;
I am living my life for him.
He gives my life meaning,
I gave him the time of day.
He knows my biggest mistakes,
and never makes me feel ashamed.
He takes away my pain,
when I think
I have nothing else to gain.
We encourage each other,
to do our very best.
We only get one shot,
at this test.
So let's follow our dreams,
and rise higher than the rest.
He is my everything,
and nothing will ever change.
Why I am living for him.

— The End —