Only 2 months,
into our relationship.
And on that day,
you gave me a ring.
Promising me,
you were here to stay.
This ring shall be
a constant reminder,
from you to me.
A reminder of this,
you see...
A promise to care,
for you will always be there.
A promise to keep me close,
to never let me fade away.
So many promises,
yet this goes on.
You promise,
your full honesty.
You promise me,
you'll never leave.
You even promise,
to stick it through.
On those days,
when you feel sorta blue.
So many promises,
held in one little ring.
A constant reminder indeed,
of promises you've made to me.
You'll be surprised to know,
that I've made promises too!
With your life in my hands.
I promise this is true,
my love is yours to keep.
So just remember,
I will always love you.