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13.9k · Jun 2011
Sleeping In Together
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
Eyes sliver open languidly, feel out the corners
Stretched, palms pressed against white walls
Pull the covers high above my head
Building courage to greet the day

Lungs fill with a familiar scent
Smile, reach and caress a glowing cheek
Next to me, he turns, all elbows and sighs
Find him  in a second with tingling toes and fingertips

Untangle the limbs and sheets
Firm and nut-brown, coarse in the right places
Soft in the best places, he's flawless
Dare to disturb the rhythmic breathing

Wake up, I whisper
Coffee, he groans
2.6k · Aug 2012
Outside Is An Insane Asylum
Katrina Maria Aug 2012
It's been used on the street.
Used outside of the medical
Y'know, it's an altogether
new thing.

It can be even more important
than reading the bible.
Children as young as nine
are enlighted with ritual
Student priests. Brainchildren.

A moshing chapel, a bouncing
Holy orders have volunteered.
Five groups of four. Four groups of men.

With his eyes, he asked for
water, as deep as wells.
Brain unrooted, profound psyche.

What matters now? Dawns on me.
An experiment, an experiment.

What comes back? What expands?
Everyone that you meet.
The man, the man, the man.
Your duty is not over.

The surprise is:
the cross is the drug.

Sitar sounds and biting.
Chewing and *******.
Swiss lips and big trips.
Explosions and headlines.

Brighter colours, paisley skies.
Giggling teens and sighs.
Spare ribs unite, yellow sweets.

All to do with round.
Monochromatic world turns to
dreaming and doing it all.
Everything, I can do it.

But It's all too much.
So many ties and looking to
your eyes.
Love shines and trombone slides.
Social liberations, my friend.

Feminism, it's for the doers.
Taxes, real worlds, living on it.
Escape is far worse.
Easy actions and breaking
through windows.

Use it proactively not as
Same effect as a man getting it.
He feels it going.
Terribly uncomfortable, alone.

Escape is suicide. Lies, lies,
Exagerration, laws, again lies.
Too many idiots, not enough cooks,
Too many chefs, not enough books.

News is what has given particular
concerns with the true risks.

Mr. Illicit tells us the risks.
Accidents and Supermen and flies.
Don't believe in the invisible
trains and cars.

Mental Breakdowns are wonderful
only when it's dependant
upon the setting. Too much again.

Vortex of fear, darker sides.
Rolling and sadness.
Initially the experience was
as advertised. Ancient fossils live.

A new green, a new blue
New sunlight. A new shape.
Terrifying proportions if you
camp in the wrong field.

Lethargic pigs sliced and green.
Cartoon kinda monsters.
Hahahahahahahha, we've GOT YOU!
Negative, feelings, never again.

Secrets of the mind, they chase.
It's the mis-use. It's the bad.
It's the guilt, it's the right way
Only without respect.

The larger group,
it ruins everything for
everyone responsible. Why?
Why cant't you just ******* make
drinks illegal?
Why not cancer sticks? Sickening.

Leave love alone.
Afraid that there is more to
our doors, that haven't been opened.
Out of control? You are out of control.
1.8k · Jun 2010
Katrina Maria Jun 2010
I want to make trouble tonight.
To make my song different from normal speech
like the ladies from India.
I need nothing more than a little
Understanding her wordless wails takes time

I want possibilities tonight
So stay away from my popcorn
her last words were "Can I have som-" then
I want to pound down one or two pints of
Social lubrication never tasted so good

Written by Katrina Kollmann
1.6k · Sep 2012
Ruts in the Daisy Path
Katrina Maria Sep 2012
Step over step, a skip and a stoop
You watch while I laugh
and I sing while you dance
We pretend we're all we have

The woods around are echoing sounds
The town is close and the railroad ties
They bake in the sun, old familiar smells
Of oil and wood and bright, clear skies

I miss the comfort
I miss the house
I miss where we were
I miss our bouts

Let's put a penny on the track
Pretend that train is rushing back
Let's put a chance card in the bag
and pull out one where it's our turn

A bittersweet ending
It's almost what you wanted
You think you know what's best for me
I guess you're just too honest

Because if there was such a thing
Treasure it and keep it bound
like an old diamond ring
You'll pass the goodness down

I miss the comfort
I miss the house
I know where we are
And I still miss our bouts

Let's put a penny on the track
Pretend that train is rushing back
Let's put a chance card in the bag
and pull out one where it's our turn

Crown your hair with daisies
They may wilt but I will not
I can wait for answers
Patience learned but never taught

Kick the ruts in the path
We can tap our heels together
I'll be waiting on the tracks
No regrets here whatsoever

I miss your comfort
I miss the house
I know where you are
and what we're all about
1.6k · Feb 2011
Katrina Maria Feb 2011
Words left unsaid spoil quickly
My hands are restless, full of gestures
I had prepared and made perfect
While revealing my feelings to you

This mind bears many  fruits
I wish I could pluck them delicately
Instead of this clumsy silence
And flare-up of emotion

But I cannot seem to gather myself
Like so many silken threads
The harder I grasp, the faster they fall
All thats left is pooling in my chest

And the poetry, you say, is in my eyes
1.5k · Jun 2011
Bonding Time
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
Let's hold each other and dance in place, while I get lost inside your face.
I'll trace each step with lines of light and treasure the shadows left behind.
Smile, Love, and then I'll see: perfection bloom; meant just for me.

Wonders lie behind those eyes, grey as shale, with depths like storms, layered and formed from lightning ties me to you always.  I'll be left breathless, giddy from every glance and we'll spin in place and dance
and dance;

laughing just because we can.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Katrina Maria Jan 2014
It's a single tear, lip bite, look away, stomach ache, kind of day.

My memories could tear us apart but I prefer to reassure myself with hope

It's a feeling feelings, making lunch, slow song swinging, kind of day.

Singing along makes me feel less alone, silver skies let go in unison

It's rain city, umbrella bump, holding hands and letting go, kind of day.

Wondrous limbs tangle in my mind, something feels stuck in my throat

It's a realize that someone else's hands will never make me feel more alive than yours do kind of day.
Katrina Maria Jul 2011
Harder than an ode to a lover,
an exercise in self-love and awareness,
I close my eyes and try to remember,
what it is I'm made of.

My hands, my lips, my soft, strong back.
The way my foot always seems to wrap
around the chair's leg and taps
and adds a beat to every tune.

My *******, my knees, my reliable heart.
A spot appeared on distant toe,
I wonder if cancer does approach
turning me into something else.

My feelings, my words, they come so fast.
I often yearn to change the past.
With cruel focus I concentrate on now,
I strive for life today.

My fears, my ego, my racing thoughts
betraying every promise, distraught
by guilt and joy and love and
distracted again.

I learn, I regress, I cheat, I lie
A bad person, a good person,
not a person at all.
Through all this I'll try to wave a flag only of love.
1.3k · Oct 2011
Long Road Ahead
Katrina Maria Oct 2011
The echoes of a generation
Somehow ring of desperation
It's a separate battle that I fight
Kick the dirt and grind their face in

Find a hole and dump the waste in
Worn in the floor, I can't stop pacing
Anxious thoughts are poison darts
Kids with cars, they can't stop racing

Oh, Mama, I'll be okay
There's no reason to be this way
You know in time, you'll be just fine
The journey's long, I'll find my way

Moderation will save our soul
Excess of glut will take it's toll
My body is mine, I'll take my time
The consequences will unfold

Life is full of pain and danger
I'm learning how to cut out anger
See a cliff and dive right in
Let love be my float, your wisdom my anchor

So, Mama, don't cry, I know my heart
I know you never wanted to be apart
We'll keep on dancing, find our balance
The road is long, I just need to start
1.3k · Jun 2013
Sorry For Staring
Katrina Maria Jun 2013
We're sitting in your ride, listening to our favorite lines
I swayed, remembered and I closed my eyes
The soft, quick drops ran down my cheek

trickled right to the heart, warming my chest
and a swelling started, ribs crack and flesh
parting, I can't contain this feeling anymore

and guess what, guess what, I don't have to
A beautiful love is born, and pain plus pain
Equals a joy as easy as two plus two

A touch on my thigh opens my mind
I turn to you, and your smile is kind
There's no where I'd rather be
than here staring at you.
1.3k · May 2013
Truth: The Final Frontier
Katrina Maria May 2013
I've discovered a sense of loss and acceptance.
I hope this is only a new lesson in patience.
The last thing I want is mindless complacence.
So, I let go of the edge, and launch out to sacrifice
A few degrees to the right and, Houston, we have compromise.

Let's drop off the arrogance in the cold dark of space
And pick up humility on the way back to intelligence
The unreachable dream becomes once more tangible
I swirl it and spit, the image is palpable
Happiness isn't lies, it's something more valuable

I plunder my mind's eye, I find silvery judgement
Trust issues aside, I have to know my own justice
Grasp and define, I search for some substance
I remember a time when I spoke up in classes
Asked too many questions, written up for being curious

Well, I found a voice
I am a force
Reckon with me
You have no choice
There is that pride
I must apologize
If you can still speak
I'll listen, I'll try
Copywrite: Katrina Maria

I dedicate this one to Daniel James.
1.2k · Jun 2010
You're Your Own Worst Critic
Katrina Maria Jun 2010
You've been hypnotized by the illusion of grandeur
the brilliance, and you’re not stopping to think:
...“Maybe I’m worth the truth.”
The bloom of youth is stripped from your heart,
you’ve lost it, crying on the telephone, no resilience left
there’s no one home and you’re naked,
bare and devoid of emotion, it’s like a frozen ocean
waves cresting up, and you’re down and out
you’re cracking, life is not what it should’ve been,
expectations would’ve been less
if you hadn’t been encouraged by the shiny spawn
of those media-machines, flipped through and through
‘til the pages were worn, it’s the system pulling you down.
“I’m not good enough,” he sobbed into his hands
with the curtains drawn, but you’ve got to push on,
and on, and on; can you lose the tragedy,
the heavyhearted, sorry semblance of a man
you think you should be?
It’s sad but true, as much as you try there will always be someone better,
better and more fit for the job, the test, the class, the girl, everything
but first and foremost you will always know
you tried your finest or at least you think you did
and feel blessed, and loved by the people who know you best,
if you remember that you’re like a grain of sand on the beach,
one amongst millions, but still beautiful in your own way
just have confidence.
Written by Katrina Kollmann
Katrina Maria Aug 2012
Fading away, like a music.
No jolts, no sadness.
Just a beautiful face.
Religious sacrement is ambiguous.

Failed priests. Another age.
But why would you sacrifice?
Offering instant gratification
to the masses.
Malicious intent is still intent.
Another dimension. Another reality.

Who do I listen to?

Perhaps you should have stayed
silently, creating something
special with your studies.
Build your wealth,
employ your sciences only with
amazing goals. Ah, my brain.

Must charter the universe.
There is no web, there is no
spider weaving. Only matter.

Matter and history.
Learn from us, your bitter
ancestors, the sweep of evolution.
The great story, you martyr.
You seem reluctant.

The shores, they lick at your
ankles. Salt deposits and foam.
All that is, or ever was.
Contemplations stir.

Leave us alone, without our
sensations of grandness.
I need not your preaching,
your sadness, your dust.

Tiny planetary moulding rock.
Simply dangerous and promising.
Why must I trust another speck
with my entire life? My fate?

It is my own truth, filled with
speculations and masturbations.
Exquisite relationships only
fill me with tainted deepness.

Some part of me knows.
That Ocean is entirely my body.
Starstuff and dust.
My journey begins in my skull.

Tapping my temple, I pull apart
the dandelion puff and bite
the bitter milk.
The blood, plants scream when they
are plucked.

Their juices are not for such as I.
First voyages and scienctists
are better than my own cries.
The depths of embedment are vast.

Birth, live, death, tumultuous.
Jets of energy, my core is
Detroy all in our path.
A splash in my pond, step, step.
A ring, your iris it shines.

Holy local groups, I find.
Containing island chains.
Only 2 million years from home.
Passing over our satellites.

No more writing, no more stars.
Gravity prevails and globes unite.
Centres are millions strong,
like a swarm, a sun, the bee has
Impossible to stuff the guts.

Spiralling in nothingness.
Arms turn, turn away. Turn from
my face. Curdles outside.
Our home is orange and wide.
Blue in the obscure waters, we
have evolved.

Such intelligence is no indication
that any edge-on view is right.
Please, don't tell me what to believe.
1.1k · Jun 2011
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
Sun burns eternal
Wonders of the inner-most layered explosions
Gasses and core
Shine brightly without corners
Energy always blazing towards
O, shimmering,  single, gratuitous one

Morning moisture is vaporized
Living things stir and wake
Shaken free of cold joints and harsh pillows
Crow Welcome to the Provider
Rising warmth opens green but too much
Parches and crackles and ignites

Fifteen minutes a day on bare arms
Vitamin D created
Heads lift like shoots from quiet, cool brown
Green and new, sweat lining
Old faces like vintage purses containing quiet wisdom
Don't forget the sunscreen.
Created by Katrina Maria.
1.1k · Jun 2010
Television Times
Katrina Maria Jun 2010
Where have all the bees gone?

Sorry, no market for bees
Your problem is an intrusion
They thought they had it fixed
The whole plant will be shut down today
Bye bye, virginity

Peanut butter in the mouth
Creating the illusion of speech
Just wake up, baby, just wake up
Everybody in the House say "apease"
Click, click goes the shutter

"Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style"

What's a consumer to do?
Written by Katrina Kollmanm

Don't Worry, Be Happy Lyrics - Bobby McFerrin
1.0k · May 2012
Hastings Mourning
Katrina Maria May 2012
A ray of grey tinged light is shining
Through shut eyes, the beam is blinding.
Curious creatures walk across my skin
Toes and pointed hooves tip in unison.
The Life is gone, traces leak from my face
Can't scratch, can't scream, I know I'll turn insane.
A wretch I am, I always will be stained
With blood and lines, little human remains.
I sit and toss, thinking only of one thing
One chance, a bit of cash, I promised him.
A black hand appears, a cloud of whiskey breath
"I'll lend you Life, friend, in exchange for one more Death."
Katrina Maria Sep 2012
I am a flighty, preachy girl,
doesn't mean I don't know a thing or three.
If you think you've owned me with hurled words,
labels are sticky and I'm allergic to most glue.

You'd feel the same sting
if you were told who you are.
In fact I'm sure you're afraid anyway,
that I'll pass judgement on you too.

Let's have a talk with substance,
just you and I alone.
Your ego must be frightened
by my will to bare my truth.

And if you don't feel like talking,
I'll fire up the blow torch
and teach you how to dance
There's no stance I could think of,
that would leave a mark on you.
929 · Jun 2013
Little Miss Conception
Katrina Maria Jun 2013
She paints her toes
Put her best face on
Cat eye wings drawn
Red lipstick promises
A tender heart beneath
White teeth lie and bite
Hide the charred insides
Assuming her favorite disguise
Her smile shows no sign of grace
Darker than the dead of space
Heat and chemical sprays
No part of her left genuine
A glance in the mirror
Before she goes out
Nothing can touch her
Except her own doubt

Perfect, she breathes
Perfect, she lies
Perfect, she screams
Perfect, she dies
905 · Jun 2011
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
My chest explodes with
joy and pride, that is,
if pride is the right word
for a sense of wonder
that seems to dominate
both my most quiet, dark moments
and shatteringly sunny seconds.

Staring at the blazing blue
of the morning sky, and the
counterpoint of cottony white,
I wonder why so much gas
and light somehow came
to inspire rather grand words in
an inconsiderable and small
speck of carbon such as I.

How can I explain the way
I see the space around me, that is,
Without pretense of creation
and acceptance of insignificance,
in a way that wouldn't offend
and could inspire even the most
singular minded mortal?

I am of only humble understanding
of much but was taught some words:
that any lost feeling of awe
cannot be nourishing to a
mature peace of mind, nor body,
nor soul, if you call the way
all things connect as such.

And if I had a thing
like a soul, mind,
at this moment,
it would be
A bit contraversial..
if uneducated sounding.
But it's how I feel so
who could judge?
840 · Jun 2010
Drone No More
Katrina Maria Jun 2010
Criticism crawls uncontrollably through crevices left behind in the
Kinetics of my mind, the need, the severance of mind from body
Somewhere, they call, mocking and cutting but I try to ignore
The feeling that I am being watched, coddled, pacified,
Guided through life, one life. Only one try.
Shall I break free of the constrictions?
Movement will be my key
Never stop and they
Can't keep their
Grip on
837 · Jun 2011
Head First
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
I've always been a good diver
but somehow my boundaries
took to the river
and I feel like I'm always
forcing my own way upstream

Instead of letting my dreams
float, steer and catch hold of
the things that are good for me.

Lost in the the undertoe
I begin to shiver and quake
while bits of me break off

and flake and dissolve
in the acidic oceans of inanity
that engulf us all.

So, I'm left catching hold
of pieces by each finger and toe
hoping to no one in particular
that I never let go

Control is an issue, I'm aware
that you can't hold it all
together on your own
but the current pushes on
and on and on

As I try not to fall asleep
and drown, choked by the weeds
the silt and stifling mud
of my own insecurities
783 · Jun 2011
If I Had
Katrina Maria Jun 2011
If I hadn't been there

If I had stayed home that day

If I hadn't been there

If I had just slept the day away

If I hadn't been there

You'd still be there

If I hadn't kissed you

You'd still sleep here

I believe, next to you

Is where I belong

And if I hadn't been there

You'd be here all along

Next to you I can be

Anywhere at all

You would hear my call

I'd be anyone at all

If I hadn't been there

I'd place my last bet

If I hadn't been there

We still would have met

If I wasn't there

I'd still find you

If you weren't there

You'd still be here too
775 · Oct 2010
Katrina Maria Oct 2010
I walked on in and found you dancing
Screamed at me like I caught you red-handed
Babe, it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes.
We're all a little thin-skinned, it's not a crime.

I wish you could see you the way I see you
Just so you know, it’s an incredible sight
Pretty and clever, blazing behind hard eyes,
Just ditch the cover, you’re love in disguise.

You’re the one who makes my heart go
I’d hold you tight through any storm,
Oh, but, there’s not much time

You’re the one who set me flying
Let me in, love, let me in.
It’s not a sin to feel satisified.

You tell me no, as you pull my face close
Soothe and touch as you scratch and shout,
I wish you would be straight up and honest
The best thing to do is often the hardest.

You told your Mom we're through today
Did you think that would be so tough?
It’s not too late to take it back but
Somehow I think you’re just not strong enough

You’re the one who makes my heart go
I’d hold you tight through any storm,
No, no, there’s not much time

You’re the one who set me flying
Let me in, love, let me in.
It’s not a sin to feel alive.

There’s not much time.
Mine not yours!
690 · Jun 2010
Fell Hard And Fast
Katrina Maria Jun 2010
Wasted by eleven and pouring your heart out,
I knew you shared my point of view
Always, you say you'll rise to the occasion
And that you'd do anything to see this through

You'll talk with anyone who tries
A butterfly from the beginning of the show
Since there was always a glance left for me
That seizing hole in my chest sighed and let go

Even now, I remember that ambiguous scar
Where only brief loss and lust often came
Soon, wonder, awe, then need filled the void
And instead of a heartbeat, I whisper your name.

Open wide is the door to your mind
And tap, tap, tap, I let myself in, savvy to the
Sounds and sights that sooth my senses
Smiling, laughing, shining, you encourage me

Watch me sway while I watch you play
For all to hear, they'll scream and shout
Your comfortable grin starts to burn my eyes
I would not look away even if I wanted out.

I'll always want to be the best I can be and
Reaching into the deep pools of your energy
I clap along and decide, once and forever that
Keeping time with you will be easy.
Written by Katrina Kollmann

— The End —