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2.0k · May 2017
Rainy branches
Katira Niquidet May 2017
Rain plummets from your branches
to my face,
Overflowing leaf's chimb
Onto unvigilant ish limbs
While my blinking eyes are dim,
You long for an embrace,

Without word yet of rejection,
You are ever bold.
You've thrown your achy breeze at me
And now you throw those icy leaves at me
Cause this pain to freeze in me.
With your icy hold.

I do not have a love for you
Deluging tree.
Stay close to your own stem,
You're a cold love I condemn
Leave me in my lonesome,
Can you not see?

I do not want your flowers, berries,
branch nor bark
I don't want your petals' play,
Nor your leafy locks to sway,
I want your leaflets to on this day
remain at far.

Your frosty touch on my skin
it blanches
I'm not ready for love so steely
I suspect I never will be
So stick to your own tree, please
Rainy branches.
Inspired by George H. Miles' Said the Rose 2001
850 · Apr 2017
Native Flowers
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
My heart is upside down and cracked but I'm the sweet soil

Creases and cracks cradle seeds naive, new, they coil

From, come vines and leaves of bracken, shackles, intertwine

My lips in silent sighs, petals fall prudently as my budding words vine

I am soil, embraced in the roots creative, loving and kind

My flowers, not alike except in name.

Some feel and smell like home and the smiles. Some feel and smell of home, melancholy, and denial.

I'm both erosive and endearing. And both longing for home and fearing.
588 · Apr 2017
Lost Poems
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
My adolescence is gone. It fell through the cracks of this screen.

I'm home alone and searching. I want to find you, words with meaning.

What if I don't find you, or your historical connotation;

Your connection, and your real-life citations.

I needed you. I studied you. Not quite memorized, but I read you every day.

I am not conceited, just yearning to read what the letters from my past have to say.

Please come back. My heart will be missing until your return.

Please come back.
431 · Apr 2017
Moon Flower
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
The moon is a flower to bloom in the dark
No a tree.
With leaves unfaithful,
With clouds of bark
Though, the imperious hands of the winds
Steal them away
These green petals shine brightly?
They are dimmed
In the shadow cast by the flower eye
Which flourishes still in a way
The envious and scathing petals can never fare.
The moon and the night have a romance,
Not easily tampered with by the simple leaf.
409 · Apr 2017
My Portrayal
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
Salient eyes' silent whispers,

Beneath a violet veil.

My rotten masts are hiding beneath,

The flow of my windswept sail.

Wilted daisies and ****** feet,

All for the sake of the trail.

To scratch the ground and make a mark

Only for dust-caked nails.

I seem alright. I’ve got it together,

Unintended portrayal.
390 · Apr 2017
Anna Marie Coral
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
I have done something “immoral”.

I should’ve never touched her.

Anna Marie Coral

Pale skin, green eyes

Like emeralds amongst pearls. But…

When I look at her she shies?

When I find her in the night,

I touch her beautiful fright,

Feelings of heart beats. Faster.

Caused by my careful capture.

Terrified eyes,

Trembling beauty magnified.

When defeated, her lips are quivering

My affection comes delivering

Undesired, ****** and direct.

But what did they expect?

Me, being told all of my life

What’s wrong is what feels right.

My peace comes not from violence

But from my victim's silence.

I crave them, these abducted affairs.

Prison bars, pleads, and prayers

Cannot quench my thirst.

After all,

Food’s first bite tastes better in fast.


Anna Marie Coral wasn’t my first and

She won’t be my last.
339 · Apr 2017
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
My outsides have become dried and pale
From the burnings hands stemming from insincere arms.
They had promises of lovely embrace
Flowing through outstanding veins.
Blood that burns through your flesh to the surface
Stroking mine with corrosive caresses.
It's tingle transforms to dolorous, to burn.
It scars me yellow.
My insides are green still, but

Brazing endures.
331 · Apr 2017
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
When you told me you thought I could be extinguished with your red-rose wine kisses,

You fed my flames your flawless fuel as wine filled cedar hisses.

My burning hands around your paper throat,

Invading your castle, dismissing your moat.

I’m not the prince, I’m your dragon.

Your monster, your disease.

You’re mine to cast my plague on.

As you melted within my fiery fingers

I grasped upon your withering ashes fleeing in the wind’s sway.

Your Eau de Lavande still lingers to this day.

My flaming fondness feasts upon your defenseless forest,

And as the last leaves relinquish their lives,

They sing in crackling chorus.

And my flames will still flourish.
327 · Apr 2017
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
Fashionable to the era,

A cascading armchair draped with linens

And Clara.

Crochet young girl.

You’ll be what the world desires.

Polite, elegant and petite, with curls

A porcelain doll,

A pretty puppet with pearls
325 · Apr 2017
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
Ignore the rain.
Ignore the bright rain clouds rolling
over blue skies
Becoming grey, veiled, crying.
In front of your eyes,
Clouds, they're there for your finding.
But you can't feel it; the icy drops winding
Down your neck, your cheeks
Running though your weary hair
Your spine falls numb,
White clouds, and skin fair.
Darling, don't pretend you can't hear me.
Like salty tears, summer rain runs
like a mistake on canvas
Your silence in my ears. C'est te chante, un sonnet comme,
Like the blue skies peeking,
Windy rain whistling, me quietly speaking
Where have you been my blue sky?
310 · Apr 2017
Katira Niquidet Apr 2017
Your heart ticks like a clock

Darling, that'd make your love time.

All I can hear is your sweet voice talking

As I strain to rhyme.

While you remain youthful,

Your timeless romances have aged me

Seems like it’s been years since you have

Ticked for me solely.

Fleeting seconds filled full with neck kisses,

“aged-just- right” red and your lovely self, faultlessly fictitious.

Something’s changed. Evidently so,

Tell me why it’s different darling…

Where did the time go?
302 · May 2017
No Title
Katira Niquidet May 2017
I could wither like a flower
growing dry and dull
craving, sip, neglect

I want to be the ground
of drought
crack, dust, break

I want to disappear
like dead leaves
become the dirt
the windy breaking speck

I could die like the earth
suffer, cry, an end.

I want to be
collar, hipbone, and neck

— The End —