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Nov 2013 · 1.4k
I Shouldn't
Katka Kinjowski Nov 2013
I want you.

     I want to see your name
     light up my phone’s screen.

     I want to hear tales
     of your boring every day.
     Listen to your hopes and failures.

     I want to feel your hand
     caress the small of my back.
     And indulge in the taste of your lips,
     the sweetness lingering.

     I want to know your secrets,
     your fears, your passions.
     And I’ll share mine.

     I want to trust again,
     give you all I have.

But I know I shouldn’t.
Nov 2013 · 507
Summer Rain
Katka Kinjowski Nov 2013
Summer rain reminds me of you.

Humid air engulfs the valley,
slowly cascading on each inch of my skin.
Heat builds and builds,
nearly suffocating.
Expectations of what will come abound.
Then, it breaks.

Cool rain falls,
pouring out over the land.
Small droplets land on my pale skin,
precariously suspended on fine hair.
The heat is gone,
a cool rush overwhelms.

Grey clouds part;
my skin shimmers in the beams of light.
All that is left is that sweet scent
of what has passed.
A memory only to last.
I close my eyes and breathe in.

You remind me of summer rain.
Oct 2013 · 428
all that is
Katka Kinjowski Oct 2013
is this really it?
locked away, the pain is hidden
from all's sight.

she stays away, not meaning
to demean,
but to spare.
spare her friends from pain.

she sits, not lonely but alone
and her thoughts consume her nights.
her skin's pallor grows ashen
as snow blankets the once vibrant life outside.

sleep doesn't come, but she sleeps so much.
eating isn't pleasure, and yet she does.
she functions to function.

that is it.
Oct 2013 · 748
Sunshine to Snow
Katka Kinjowski Oct 2013
The sun glowed on us when our paths first crossed,
Far from home we grew close, closer still;
Laughter filled our days, and moonlight our walks,
As we talked amidst an October chill.
But quickly new feelings came into view.
Is our friendship becoming something more?
Your confusing words are not the old you,
In your eyes—is that a glint of amour?
I wish your true feelings you would express;
I silently debate mine when alone.
Mixed signals abound, and “us” I *****:
Is it friendship? Or have your feelings grown?
I will be here as you figure it out,
Platonic or beyond, I'd love no doubt.

— The End —