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Katie Ruby Nov 2009
So this is it, I suppose this is
What we were always headed towards, Well
aware but in so deep I couldn't reach out,
and now it's too late to change,
living the day as it comes and not looking,
our future was doomed, any fool could
Tell but we kept smiling to cover the
Bruises, bury the emotion deep underneath, And
denial everytime they asked, and now it's done.
Finished, completed, put it as you wish, You
made the choice, in the end fate made it instead,
pulling me cruelly and unfairly from your sweet touch,
it was inevitable as it what happens in the end to them all,
and why would you be any different?
I was selfish enough to keep running from the growing
Guilt that would one day catch up to me, Never
letting me forget that I will lose you any day now,
The guilt I feel now is unbearable, but knowing you are safe,
Knowing you still have hope and can live, Even
if it breaks my heart to think about you without me by
Your side, your name will crop up many times in the universe,
And I will have to live and fight another day, but why?
Because I know you wish it.
I fade from your life now, your sobs crush me and you can run
To the familiar arms of a mother, I
am accompanied by nothing but silence,
No one to tell me what to do next, no ones life to ruin,
hope is all I am left clinging to, for if that fades,
so does my life, it's almost not worth carrying on, But
for you I would do the impossible,
Sometime, some place I know I will find you,
even when time catches up and I find myself withering
I will see you again, a huge embrace, and tears stream
because I know it's not the end.
It's only the beginning.
Katie Ruby Nov 2009
Dust collects, the ravages of time takes effect,
A firm piece of my memory and now you are
Left, As I grow up you stay the same, an innocent,
emotional mess, reunited with friends you thought were lost,
and lost are the ones you thought would last forever.

Smiles and laughs were once sewn into my life,
Now I face a dilemma, do I really need you now?
In my hand you lay, and moisture fills my eyes,
the good times, where have they gone?

Forgotten and sealed in cardboard where you may,
Never be loved again, wasting away until peace takes you,
Mine forever? Frozen in time?
Life is full of memories and you will always have a part in mine.
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
The mountains would shine, Echoes
of their singing rung through the cities below,
Brilliant blue skies were never doubted, And
the hope of better things was never wished,
this world couldn't get much greater.
Childrens laughs filled the atmosphere
and shining sparks ruined the darkness of the nights sky
Hands were touched and glances were exchanged, Smiles
never faded and tears would never be shed.
Beauty defined the world and the people,
they would dazzle even the most bitter creature,
Love would last forever and could never be ruined.  
Routine ruled, yet thats what made this planet brilliant,
how it maintained it's wonder and disbelief.

A child cries, and thats when it stops.

Beauty becomes a thing of the past
Swarms of evil swoop,

Buildings crumble, burn and die,
Screams now echo through the cities,

Tears fall and Love follows closely,
People are lost and hope begins to fade,

Fire grows, scaring, bullying people out of their homes,
Blood draining out, leaving men grey, Like
                       the sky the darkness had consumed,
Energy is lost, fighting back is pointless

Smoke starts to fill the atmosphere,
And the planet is ceasing to exist,

Cries of many mothers are heard,
Lifeless children in their arms,
Many wanting to live on
but the need to give in and perish, conquers,

This once-peaceful world will soon become forgotten or unknown,
A decision needs to be made,

Would you jeopardise your world in the hope the other may be

Be the killer of your own kind and the killer of your enemy?

The choice is made,

Sometimes you cannot escape the inevitable,
Sometimes things have to be done.....
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
What will the world become?
Natural beauty, fresh air,
you cannot escape the green,
Thick smoke, grey buildings,
a dying planet.
No more blue skies,
rain pours at a constant speed,
showing no mercy no matter who begs for it,
Metal, darkness, concrete, glass,
all of it means misery.
What happened to the sun?
Roses? Nature? Happiness?
The world moans,
we have killed it,
we are killing ourselves,
every second nearing destruction,
the world will soon become
and who'll be responsible?

It doesn't need to be said.
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
You just walked away,
Didn't look back,
So scared of...
well, What?

When people ask of me
what is it you say?
Are you embarrassed?

Thoughts belong to people
and I don't care what they are.
You think it's you and me,
and quite a lot of people
it's just me and you.

I want you to realise
that the game is over,
We both want this
But if you can't accept
the change, then the spark will
begin to fade

I can be serious,
Can you?
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
The Goddess of Time stands in the starlight,
Powerful and beautiful still,
She can see the day and the night,
And control my hearts, she will

The future, present and past
all inside her head,
Who would have known my love would grow so fast,
So much to be said

Worlds would turn and look,
Just to see her smile,
She caught me offguard, a moment it took,
All mistakes vanished for a while

Her lips found mine,
Absorbed my fears,
Suddenly lost in time,
Faded the tears

For now she has returned
and all the things that she knows,
Mistakes of space that burned
her head has cleared,
and I have back my powerful, beautiful Rose...
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
What is percieved as
the simplest man,
Could be a man so complex.

The most fit beast in the wild,
so strong, so protected,
could be the most sick.

What is a dull forest,
Can turn quickly
Into; a child's nightmare.

Darkness is friendly,
Until you go out,
And see it for yourself.

What may seem like the coldest winter,
May be a warm day,
to those with smiles.

The wolf's howling,
can scare away,
or invite home.

Why can't things just be simple?
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