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Katie Ruby Oct 2009
At the start of life,
You can be anything,
Good or bad,
Rich or poor,

You can be
You can be

You can
fall in love
break someones heart
You can
get up and go
waste the days

Life is a blank canvas
and what you paint on it
is up to you...
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
Colour is drained
from our world,
Leaving a hollow, empty shell

Emotion has vanished,
and the best parts of life
have been picked at
and tossed away

It might bring out the best in us
or it could show us the worst,
Each day, an easy path, or
a struggle to remain living

People come together,
but it can tear people apart,
Kisses and smiles,
Blood and tears

Humanity is a strange thing...
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
The bitter wind hits your face,
you put on layers, But
are never quite warm enough
always one part that insists on, staying
cold, refusing to accept the warmth
you offer it.

Wools and furs,
Nothing helps, yet when
a roaring fire is waiting
your feet start to realise, they're

You look out and sympathise,
With the poor soul running from the hail,
Nose red, hat half off
fighting and losing the battle.

The warmth is shared,
But it's got a special place in it's heart, for
you, the smile is passed,
You realise your home.
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
Always unhappy,
Show me a smile,
Can't remember when
I last saw you laugh

Your sad eyes,
Full of doubt
lose sight of your
courage; and the
world makes you small

Your true colours come out,
And shine through,
The best part of you,
without a shadow of doubt.
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
You used to be just another face
blending into the crowd
but now you are special
you have become unique
the person my mind won't let me forget

the person I was is lost,
and what was then a deluded fool
has now become a devoted prince
still foolish in his own right, for
he is a ***** to think this could last

he cannot let her go
for some things
are worth getting your heart broken for...
Katie Ruby Oct 2009
Everything about you makes me ache,
Letting you go was the biggest mistake,
Deep and captured your soul may be,
Your smile comes so naturally,
I watch you smile, what brings you happiness,
Now the chances of me forgetting, is less and less,
Your reaction to the slightest touch,
Never have I seen radiance as such,
I kept you close, I kept you near,
You bring out my blood, you bring out my tears,
You haunt me whilst I sleep at night,
But a simpler time is in my sight,
When you were mine, and
I could see
What a relationship such as this
Could one day be...

— The End —