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 Sep 2013 Kathryn
 Sep 2013 Kathryn
i loved you without
asking first
and i am
so sorry
 Sep 2013 Kathryn
Thomas Johnson
Strength comes after adversity
Independence after loss
Doing it yourself after being rejected
Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses all understanding.

She demanded that the wall
Between us be torn down
And it scared me to death.
 Jan 2011 Kathryn
Dale Williams
 Jan 2011 Kathryn
Dale Williams
A snow drop falls and looks so pretty
But we rush away and hide so quickly
We try to escape the harshness of it's cold
We dare not go back out, we dare not be that bold

But I shall stand in this blistering snow
I love getting that cold red glow
I shall stay untill I freeze
I will always do what I please
 Jan 2011 Kathryn
Just Stop
 Jan 2011 Kathryn
Stop with the daydreams
Of wet ******* unicorns.
Stop with the dam spillway
Of "undeserved tears."
Stop looking in the rear view mirror
And start looking at your **** rear.
Stop the inverted visions,
Need help?
Walk the streets of Calcutta,
Better yet,
Pitch a tent with the homeless.
Stop the mindlog.
Stop the driveling outlog,  
Just stop.
All rights reserved by the author
 Dec 2010 Kathryn
Dale Williams
Optimism is at an all time low

People are so lost and cannot find where to go

Directions are now hard to come by

For many just point, guess and lie.

You can now dry your tears

There is no more need to live in fear

A map has been found

And with it new hope and new land.

— The End —