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Kat May 2013
Your skin, the page;
my lips, the pen.
Sonnets of my reverence
covering every inch.
Kat May 2013
again, how do i delete
Kat May 2013
your fingers still trace circles
on my hipbones. i feel them
every time i move. i want
your mouth on my skin,
your words on the tip of my eardrum.
i miss you. i see you every day.

your touch fades away with
every shower i take. grime
takes its place. i pray
for you to wash it away.

this isn't funny anymore.

i crave you in every move
i make. i crave nothing more
than i crave you. i crave
my nose in your neck, i crave
the way your voice cradles my name.

i crave nothing more than i crave you.
wrote these poems each on a saturday, a week apart. decided to post them together for some reason. welp.
Kat May 2013
allow me to sigh words
into the corners of your mouth,
the crevice of your shoulder,
the crease of your neck
and i'll tell you
what it tastes like
when we take them all back.
Kat Apr 2013
my skin stretches and strains
to again work over my scars
and all i can help wondering
is if i furthered that cycle
the second i stepped into your car.
i hope not.
Kat Mar 2013
i just need you to be a presence
somewhere in my life,
with your mind and your face
and your living off a dare

i don't need you to be in love with me
or care about it when i get scared,
but if you want to
the offer's still there.
Kat Mar 2013
i know how this will end

all i can think is that
it would be a privilege
to have my heart ripped in two
by someone as charming as you
shameless tfios reference. ha.
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