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Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
The recipe for chocolate dipped strawberries
fresh ripen strawberries red and plump
given by the sugar plum ferries

Belgian chocolate wrapped in a 1/2lb bag
carefully selected picked by hand
just for you was written on the little tag

Place a pan over the heat on a low setting
wash the berries but be gentle and soft
to perfection of confection you are heading

Take the chocolate pieces one at a time
place them in the pan to slowly melt
be patient everything is just fine

Stir the chocolate in a very slow pace
careful now don't let it burn
this isn't a cook off or a race

When the chocolate is melted remove from heat
next you dip the strawberries till its covered
then place your berries on cookie sheet

Place berries in a cool place so it don't melt
freeze the rest of what you didn't use
I believe a little bit of bliss you felt

When you and your man are cozy in bed
have your confection ready to be served
give one to him so you can be fed

I'm sure he will ask where did learn this
all you have to say from a recipe
then you give him a passionate kiss
1.7k · Nov 2009
Life Of An Alopecian
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
I don't know where, where to exactly to begin
Being judgmental should be a mortal sin
Don't look at me like I'm outrageous
Alopecia Areata Isn't contagious

My spots maybe be small, big and round
But there is always someone who has it in your town
Alopecia Areata doesn't discriminate
Any one can have from birth to 108

I have no clue why it had to pick me
Genetic, Stress or just Hereditary
All I know that there isn't a cure
I've tried all the treatments that's for sure

Hair follicles are in a sleeping state
When I lost all my hair was the icing on the cake
Doctors really don't know why
But when they told me all I could do was cry

Found myself all alone and in pain
Thought I was going to go practically insane
Made a few call and met a friend
Slowly my hurt and confusion came to an end

I've come along way not to hide my head
Use it as a strength and to my advantage instead
If you don't understand and want to know more
There is valuable information out there that's for sure

Don't hate me because I have almost no hair
You can talk and giggle honestly I do not care
The smirks, whispers, and goofy looks
One can educate themselves by reading a book

There might be a slight difference between you and me
When you notice an Alopecian don't look at them any differently
I'm still alive and sent from above
Alopecians Such as my self Value the true meaning of love

Next time you see and Alopecian Walk by
I implore you do not hesitate to say hi!!
1.5k · Nov 2009
Your Legacy
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Your my best friend and a true one indeed
may you prosper, may you succeed
every thing you do in all your endeavor
may your legacy live on for ever

For you are the most talented writer I know
in your writing your passion does show
such deep caring feelings of a bleeding heart
no need for new beginnings or a fresh start

So gifted in so many ways I send this dedication
your poetry and writing needs no justification
my friend your intelligence bestows me
your written word blows me away don't you see

There is no obstacle no boundary that you can't leap
your mind is always working even in your sleep
once I think you come out with another great piece
endlessly you top it off and hopefully this will never cease

Never have doubts your so much better than that
in complete silence your music will never go flat
my friend do not falter do not don't go astray
when you reach greatness all this will be at bay

Your young, talented and the greatest writer
they adore you so will others as you become mightier
for your a true inspiration to the writing community
in this world that very few know of you bring unity

Your my best friend and a true one indeed
may you prosper, may you succeed
every thing you do in all your endeavor
may your legacy live on for ever
1.5k · Nov 2009
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
I'm not sure if this is the right place
and even if its the right time
but no words needed
for I can see the expression on your face

My mind wanders in places unknown
the deepest and darkest abyss
already have the answer just by your tone

I give up for I have no other option
left in confusion
left in awe
I question myself to places I have been

Words are mere words nothing more
what else should I do kneel to beg on the floor?

Below the standards I will not fall
hurt is a promise
death is certain
emotions flare but this deal was very raw

Should I sell my soul to win your embrace
and kiss your passion
living your dream
wishing it was me in her place

No spoken words of a goodbye
felt betrayed
a knife pierces my beating *****
no honesty just a bold face lie

Nothing more I can do for your mind is made
I will leave silently
with a trail of petals
in the shadows I will begin to fade
1.4k · Feb 2010
Lovers Bridge
Kathleen D Weibe Feb 2010
Alone once again on the Lovers Bridge in Cheshire, Mass. Looking down some 30 ft above a small narrow stream. Remembering the time my love and I holding hands sitting on the old bridge.  He carved our names at the 15th tie.  Looking at it as the weather and time nearly worn it away. This is where my love had proposed to my heart as we were on a path to live for one another.   I said yes with tears in my eyes my soul leaping for joy.  The old bridge barley stands today, but the day he was taken from me; I never returned to old lovers bridge that he had named.  It wasn't till years and years later when I gathered the strength and courage to walk those lonely steps with out him by my side holding my hand.    I sat in the same spot the day he asked me that meaningful question.  I heard his tone, and saw his handsome face in my head smiling at me. He was so nervous he almost dropped the ring.  I can not forget the times we had picnics on the old bridge laughing and just being ourselves.  Today I wonder if he knew how much I loved him and wished he didn't have to leave. In my hand I held the ring that he nearly dropped some 20 years earlier.    With a kiss and my prayer to him hoping God kept him safe.  dropped the ring and walked those lonely steps across lovers bridge that he named.
1.3k · Nov 2009
Love Sent From Afar
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Here is a little poem of love sent your way
to the four most important people in my life
in your lives my love grows and here you all will stay

From the time of each of your births I was in bliss
holding you for the very first time
with tears of happiness on your heads I did kiss

Couldn't wait till I held you in my arms
counting each finger and every toe
from this day forward I knew I had my lucky charms

So precious and beautiful; from me you will not be taken
I'm so very proud to be called your mom
my wonderful girls Brittney, Tiffany, Bridgette, and Laken

Years have gone by so quickly it seem
your all almost grown to live your own lives
no mater the distance you will always be in my dream

Brittney your 20 and your a beautiful woman in college now
I give you support and do your best
what ever you do please don't throw in the towel

Laken your 18 and you too are in college just like your big sis
set your goals but too far where you cant reach
even though were miles apart I send you this kiss

Tiffany your 14 and your first year of high school wow where did time go
don't be breaking those boys hearts
but,  always remember let your true self show

Bridgette your 13, andmy youngest and the last of them all
so pretty and smart hope to follow your big sisters
just remember if you need me just give me a call

As for my truly wonderful girls I love so dear
I miss you with all my heart and soul
Please do your best and don't have any fear

Happiness is the way to unlock the heart with a key
never doubt yourselves my loves
Love to you my precious ones Tiffany, Laken, Bridgette and Brittney

Love always Mom
1.3k · Nov 2009
My Promise
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
A promise is meant to be kept to the end
its an obligation
a contract if you will
not to be broken not to bend

My promise is quiet simple but all to real
love you forever
sharing my soul
for my heart you did steal

Give you my hand
give you my flesh
loyalty, honesty
passion, and trust

Truth is all a virtue I must uphold
respect, commitment
hold you and keep you safe
bring you back to health when you catch a cold

Communication will all be a must
no secrets
no lies
all for you my heart will always lust

Partnership, friendship
a love affair
keeping you intrigued

From hell to high water this promise I will keep
to be there at your waking moment
at your sleeping side
no boundary that I wont leap

All or nothing but I prefer to give my all
or crazy ideas
but my love for you will never go into a stall

This is my promise to you and only you
till my life comes to an end
my love, I will always ,always be true.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Yes It is I the Notorious Break Down Queen
Been to every big city and every hick town in between
Broken down more times than a little bit
All I do is hurry up and wait but most of time is just sit

Waiting in the shop to get my truck repair
Must have open Pandora's Box. does anyone care?
clutch rod bent, steering rack and pinion went to crap
stuck in a truck that's a rolling death trap

Finally I get rolling thinking this must be a curse I'm under
Good God what that sound? My engine sounds like thunder
The Truck God's are against me I just know it
I'm so mad right now I could just spit

Injectors one through five and the turbo just blew
oil and fuel all over the hood and wind shield resembling something like glue
four days in the shop in San Larenzo California
3600 dollars later repair guy say "hers a nice little bill for ya"

Not long after the breaks got hot and the air chambers took a dump
must have had happened when I ignored that **** speed bump
now what all the indicator light just came on and my oil is low
maybe I should set fire to it and watch it burn slow

this is perfect I'm just in the nick of time
get into Gallup N.M hit the nearest bar and order a corona with a lime
My truck is fixed and I'm ready to roll
I just pray when I back out I don't hit a poll

In Arkansas In a town of population 12 and one **** dog
Hung up on the rail road tracks due to the heavy fog
Two cranes later they send me on my way
a rock hit my wind shield I guess in Chicago I'll stay

Sick and tired of the hotels motels and shops
trailer lights are out get escorted by the Indianapolis city cops
Broke down again and not a penny to my name
have a water leak which I cannot tame

Held captive  against my will in Atlanta for I am pleading
only for them to tell me i have a low voltage reading
will it ever come to an end I will never freaking know
almost in Minersville, PA plowed in by 9 inches of snow

A mixture of all the minor and major stuff
This makes my job that more tough
the little fixes and the big repairs in between
Now you know how I got my name the
Notorious Breakdown Queen.
1.1k · Nov 2009
Ivy Lane
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Once there was laughter and then came the tears
memories that haunt him that he cannot rid
heart full of resentment, a head full of fears

He lives with himself a ghost living in pain
tragedy struck with out a thought out plan
he finds comfort alone in the cold dark rain

A terrible crime that is tearing him apart
his queen of darkness visits his nightly slumber
her whispers are calm and soft with a knife in her heart

She torments him at the stroke of the midnight hour
he feels cold shivers up his spine when she appears
she comes to him poring a black rose petal shower

Her expression is vacant, her face the color of Irish white
her lips red, her eyes blue tears fall on his neck
burns him like acid, he tell him self it will be over at first light

He awakes to a burning sensation on his skin he does feel
knowing his queen of darkness had made her appearance
on his chest lays rose petals he knows this was all to real

He cant sleep once again for the clock will strike its hour
the days turn in to night so quickly it seems
she will come once again showering him with her favorite flower

Night after night the torment repeats itself for he cannot escape
confused in a horrible state of mind for hes about to lose
his queen of darkness whispers "for eternity you are my soul mate"

His cries and screams of the nightly terror leaves him insane
her job not yet completed she leaves another mark
night after night she visits him in his house on Ivy Lane

To endure one more night he wishes not to go through
the scars left upon him he wants this to come to an end
in his bed he ponders not knowing what to do

The gates of agony she unleashed on him like flood
his queen of darkness stands over him showing no emotion
then she smiles at him with a knife in his heart laying in a pool of blood.
1.1k · Feb 2010
Green Tea
Kathleen D Weibe Feb 2010
Sitting here thinking of you and what could be
a million thoughts zoom inside of my mind
in the darkness sipping on green tea

Wishing and hoping i could bring meaning to your life
and there is only the two of us
hoping that this would be over what i call strife

So, sitting here alone enjoying the spring breeze
for i cant get you out of my head
on the porch sipping on green tea

The very thought of lovers walking,
holding hands, and making love in the grass
in my dreams wishing it was us

Together one day it may be you and me
sitting in this very spot
sipping on green tea.
1.1k · Feb 2010
Transitional Life
Kathleen D Weibe Feb 2010
Taking a break from this so-call life of transition
in a few months time I saw horror as I reflected
back to earlier times of my younger years

Pain and happiness does not blend so well
neither does emptiness and careless bliss
displacement and discouragement comes hand in hand

To top things off I was in the middle of all this chaos
not knowing where to go or not knowing what to do
then till came a friend out of the darkness

Helping me to cast off the demons to show a brighter light
oh where have the good times gone?
why do we live such miserable lives?

Thinking of the future and how much better it will become
wishing and hoping that it all comes true
then once and for all I can breathe again

To be finally out of this transitional life
989 · Dec 2009
Devoted Heart
Kathleen D Weibe Dec 2009
Places within my heart has you plastered on it's wall
the sound of your voice
the touch of your hand
the softness of your kiss
the warmth of your embrace
How it became so easy in love with you I did fall

The man who has tamed this youthful heart of mine
made me love only one
made me loyal
made me devoted
made desire you
you and me is a perfect painted picture when were intertwine

When the moment comes when my heart will beat its last
my dreams
my secrets
my desires
my fanticies
My heart that you have captured I will share with no other till I past
988 · Nov 2009
Memories Of Her
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
He sits alone on a bar stool
sipping on a drink in a filthy place
songs over played of love and hurt

Next to him is an old man
telling stories of forgotten times
and past loves and a short skirt

For he cant seem to get her out of his mind
he roams his fingers in his hair
drowns himself in whiskey and beer

The fowl stench of perfume fills the air
looks around to see if she stepped in
repeated words where did we go wrong my dear?

Her voice whispers in his head
everything he sees reminds him of her
even the softness of her touch

Favorite past times are just a memory
another lost soul in a dingy place like this
telling himself he needs her so much

How did we end up like this he asks himself
looks at a woman with flowing brown hair
for a split second he thought it was her

A smile came and gone so quickly
holding a single rose
ordering another bottle of liqueur

Holding a picture just to take another glance
says a prayer for his only love
as he sits alone sipping on his drink.
951 · Nov 2009
Stranger's Heart
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Many preserved memories
places hidden tucked away
unforgettable loves we once had
the heart is like unread diaries

People come and go so swiftly
names are barely mentioned
untold confessions never surface
pictures placed so neatly

Crimes of passion never told
secrets not spoken of
stories that are whispered
these moments we can only hold

A strangers heart is a deep abyss
for we are one in the same
it holds powerful feelings
yearning what it once miss

Freely without reservation
give to be broken
receive to be whole
lives for ones attention

It bleeds crimson tears
beats with love
knows no boundaries
having very few fears

Hello is a good place to start
maybe in time we can share
in a place where we want to be
in each others strange heart.
856 · Nov 2009
Trip From Hell (pt1)
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
I drove from I-95 over to I-90/94
Yes you can say I put the metal to the floor

Drove all day and into the night
Guess I was going to fast now smokey is in sight

He stopped me and laid on me one hefty fine
He said slow down and be safe wow! he was kind

Went back to the driver seat to color in my log
Rolling down the highway pretending to be a big dog

Have a hot hot load and no time to spare
Running my face on the CB acting like i have something to share

All ready 3200 miles into this trip
Just hoping and praying that I just don't quit

Oh lord the chicken coop is open and pulling me around back
Lucky me Mr. DOT man letting me know I have a missing stack

Shut down of course till the repair guy fixes my truck
Have to call the company now just to pass a buck

Down too many hours wore out and beat
What can go wrong? have a broken air-ride seat

No border patrol or radio stations here in Montana
Have only one Cd why on earth did it have to be Santana?

Jamming to the only tunes, my truck doing all bit of 68
Driving illeagle to get there and cant remember the last time I ate

I'm in desparate need of real hot shower but I'm almost at the receiver
Stopping in to get some fuel, Just my luck got bit by a golden retriever

This has been a trip from hell no doubt about that
What else can go wrong? what that sound to notice I have a flat

I'll limp the rest of the way  have 10 mins. to get check in
After I get unloaded and the tired fixed I"ll do it all over again.
843 · Nov 2009
Green Meadows
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Remembering the time I laid  in green meadows
with the sun shinning on my soft face
feeling God's warmth around me
showering me with his wonderful embrace

Hearing the chirping bids high in the tree tops
seeing many of his creatures big and small
the mountains singing its beautiful songs
eagles fly high above me to his mate I hear it's call

The mountain waters trickle with out care
sky so blue I can see the heavens above me so clear
these are the memories I wish not to forget
not too far I see a momma doe and a baby dear

Grazing in the green meadows wild and free
glancing at Gods precious creation he release
here I would love to be frozen for all eternity
in a place that's so beautiful God's greatest master piece.
832 · Nov 2009
A Fighters Fight
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
In the third round beat like a dog
seeing double vision, head in a fog
blood running down
hoping to win this one last round

Sound of the bell rings its chime
to win in a sub-mission this one time
tired as hell but have to push through
what else is a fighter to do

Punches hit like a on-coming train
have to stay focused even in pain
knocked down put in a hold
doing everything that was told

Have no more energy inside
on this rush what a ride
doing the best one can do
in a choke turning blue

Have no choice have to tap out
hold it as the the ref shout
illegal hit to the head
different approach should be used instead

This is it down to the wire
hands  and legs feel like they are on fire
lost this fight but cant win them all
still standing in this brutal brawl.
828 · Mar 2010
An Empty Page
Kathleen D Weibe Mar 2010
Staring down looking at the lines on an empty page
not sure what exactly to write about
love, hate, fun times, or just flat out rage

Should I say to hell with a sappy love theme
or reality that comes to us all
or maybe write about what happened in a dream?

No tears of sadness written here or jotted down
no leaping for joy for I found my lives true love
neither will be etched of a hint of a frown.

No signs of a ***** trap or locked in a cage
troublesome times not found here either
just blank stairs down at an empty page.

The canvas is blank as it can be
for what I choose to write or not
I know it's all up to me.

So a story is where I begin growing old with age
maybe in a later time or in the future
as I begin to tell my tale on an empty page.
826 · Nov 2009
Midnight Brawl
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
To him it's just another typical night
it's beautiful weather
for another lovely street fight.

For him this is just a job
throwing punches and
being surrounded by a mob.

No rules, no refs, no bell
gotta be smart and cunning
how this night will turnout
no one can tell.

All bets are in; no holds bar
many unhealed wounds
he remembers every scar.

No weapons brought here
just him and another man
having no worries, having no fear.

His only weapon is his hands
no music being played
no manager, no fans.

Using everything he has learned
skill, and street smarts
his opponent being caught
with a right as he turned.

With his weight and with all his might
swings the final blow
he knows he just won this fight

No medals or victory crown
no hurrays or cheers
just two guys worn down.

Fleeing the scene of midnight brawl
he walks away with his pay
the other slowly coming to a crawl.
825 · Nov 2009
Stolen Innocence
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
How could you have stolen the innocence of a child
that is so precious and pure
twisted and insane man
for this cruel act no child should endure

Obviously you cant be in your right mind
the pain that this child feel
evidently the devil was inside
what satisfaction did you get from that deal?

Have you no regret? have you no remorse?
the damage you caused the pain inflicted
perfect picture of a monster
in this child's mind you have depicted

Your words caused harm your actions even worse
the silent tears fell from this child's face
what did this precious little one ever do?
now the memories cannot be erased.

Painful cries for help to anyone who would hear
there was no such thing as 911 back then
no hope for the evil to stop
no angel from heaven did God send

Many years later that child did confronted you
acted liked you didn't remember a thing
my dear * now your past and gone
I hope for all eternity you hear painful cries that this child sing

Hopefully you will pay for your hanius crime
may the lord seek no mercy on your soul
may he condemn you for all eternity
rip your soul apart one hundred times fold
825 · Nov 2009
You Are Not My Mother
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Before I was born I almost didn't make it into this world
Over something that was done on a spontaneous act
Did you ever think about your unborn child
no matter how you look at it abuse is abuse and that's a fact

All children go through triels  of learning when growing up
mother's are suppose to be there to give support
you are a guardian sent from god to over see
not to inflict pain or suffering and cut their lives short

How can you say that Im your daughter that you love
all you did was beat me down every chance you got
so many bruises, cuts,scars and excuses you did not take blame
I was in the path of your cruelty when your temper went hot

You are not my mother I wish you were not
so my tears I cried wishing and praying that this wasn't me
All your anger, all your rage it was me it was directed towards
abuse is abuse in all its many forms don't you see

You hurt me in more ways than one. what was your evil plot?
wishing that you didn't have to take care of another child
you said I was out of your control and i misbehave
if you didn't want me then adoption you should have filed

Now that I'm grown living my own life I do not speak your name
I have 4 girls I love so dear Never once I follow your step
My children will never see how you truly are
I was your rag doll and in your prison you have me kept

To this very day I have a warm loving heart to share
If I have to face you again I will not hide for cover
I will not take your abuse not more time do you hear
I will face you woman to woman for you are not my mother.
801 · Nov 2009
The Author
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
The author has a story to tell
whether its romance, fiction
poetry or horror
in his own mind is where he will dwell

So many topics to choose from
drama, comedy
non-fiction, or on life
he wants to be greatest not just hum drum

To grasp his readers attention
and coming back for more
he takes  you on a journey
for this is his authentic invention

The sweet sounds of Johan Sebastian Bach
His story has only begun
a beginning of a tale
it must be firm but yet solid as a rock

Weather he writes a poem or a book
placing you in with his words
that are penned
he captures you with his  rod reel and hook

He sits back and takes a drink
wine or beer
brandy or whiskey
he gives himself time to think

The author has only one fear
not writers cramp
or running out of ideas
just the dead line as it draws near

He tries his best to stay on the beaten trail
not to lose his train of thought
he stays on point
for he knows he cannot fail

As the deadline comes to a cease
he over looks his work
kisses the pages
for he completed his masterpiece
784 · Nov 2009
Little Miss
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
She will drink more than she should again
get a little wasted
get a little crazy
even have a one night stand

tomorrow will be another day
but she really doesn't care
she is a groupie
for a fallen heavy metal band

who knows what will become of little miss
strung out on drugs
having no self respect or self control
she has become every mans *****

what she will do for a good time
is what the guys say
her eyes are black, arms full of holes
she'll be asking and begging for some more

little miss who had a dream
of making it big on the silver screen
she wanted to be a star
only to be a guys favorite lay

they feed her hungry appitite
of *** and drugs
they pawn her off to strange men
this is the price she will have to pay

years go by she looks and reflects
in the mirror there was a beautiful girl
now only to see a wasteland of a temple
a woman half way in the grave

perfect young teen who had it made
she had parents who gave her the world
had her friends who wasn't so good
it all began when they took her to a rave.
773 · Nov 2009
Don't Give Into Hate
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Careless and reckless
the more you became
you are still you
but not the same

No regards for others
no sympathy or care
yet you wonder why
no one is ever there

You become cruel
and truly that's a shame
pushed everyone away
only have yourself to blame

Tried to help you to be there
all you did was work against me
my friend have no time
for your games don't you see

It's all or nothing this is your choice
run and hide or step to the plate
or this game you play
can end in stale mate

Rid of these hateful acts
it's just a false wall
let your true self shine
and let the persona fall

I can help you and be your friend
but to be honest and fair
you have to make the first move
if you want me to be there
738 · Nov 2009
The Picture
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
As the story begins he wasn't in love with me.
feeling very small and insignificant as a humanly
as can I possibly feel.

How it can ache in places that you never
knew had inside you. It doesn't mater how many
glasses of wine you drink with your girlfriends

You still going over every detail wondering what
you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood
and what in the world what was I thinking of

For that brief moment I cant believe I was that happy
and the worst of it all you convince yourself
he will see my beautiful soul and show up at my door

After all that he makes the decission to move on to
someone new. for that split second he makes
you feel worth while all over again

then you try to pick up the little pieces of
your soul hoping they will come flying back
to make you feel good and come alive.

you still end up going to bed going over
every moment of your life that you have
wasted then the picture eventually begins to fade.
729 · Nov 2009
Patch Of Clover
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
As I sit and wonder if he will ever see my soul
knowing he is in love with another
that I know will never love him like he should
for I know I  can love him better ten times fold

She treats him good on the wire
she tells him everything he wants to hear
but he will know what is in store for him till
its too late
when his heart gets set on fire

I tried to be the one who to love him and show him I'm there
expressed myself in more ways than one
all most nearly a year goes by
but all it did was get me nowhere

He is everything I ever imagined to be
for she will break his heart in two
and I'm still  the one who is left to care
can't he see who truly loves him? Its me!!

I feel he is my best friend that I can confide
***** little secrets between us
and all the ***** little lies
I cant make him love me but,  all I can do is try

Maybe in time when its all passed over
maybe then he will look my way
but till that day comes I will always be in love with him
sitting,  waiting for him in the patch of clover.
657 · Nov 2009
In The Midnight Sky
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
In the mists of my awaking you come to me
softly and slowly with out warning
is this real of what I see?

Dancing on the clouds above
softly across the midnight sky
together;  like a beautiful flying dove

Our eyes making one single connection
piercing with passion
on the water is a perfect reflection

Two bodies acting as one
gliding, sailing
pressed, intertwined
from you I never want to run

In the midnight sky I hear our favorite tune
the sweet sound of music in my head
pieces of my heart you prune

This cannot be, no more perfected
I will cherish this moment
only the beginning of what is being erected

In this exact moment in time
caught up in the rapture of you
it can be everything except for a crime.

Please I beg, never let me slip away
here in the midnight sky
we dance and in each others arms we stay.
605 · Nov 2009
My Question to God
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
All my life I was beat, hurt, and knocked down
bruised, choked, slapped,and hit
not only that I was kicked while I was down.

Do every thing that was told by commands
feeling not important to any one
Just being that punching bag that stands

Calling for help and for hope so many time
wishing my life was over
for my life isn't good enough just a living crime

I asked myself why me what did I do to deserve
I even asked God do me a favor
Please save me a spot in heaven please reserve

Hoping that all this would come to a end
I wish not to go on any further
nothing can heal my pain no happiness to mend

Abuse in all it many forms I physically, mentally endure
from my parents and every man I ever loved
For me to end this hatred and suffering there is only one cure

Maybe in death I will finally be at peace
wont have to search for love
and all this crap will come to a cease

True love is all I wanted more and nothing less
for someone to love me
and to tell me how pretty I look when I wear that dress

For I am broken and shattered cant put back together
all I want is a piece of mind
as far as I see it hell is here on earth that's for sure

I question God and in front of him/her I will stand before
why was I singled out from the rest
An answer I request nothing less noting more

— The End —