There's cheese and watermelons everywhere....and a picket fence on all the houses down the street.
"Let's come out and play!" he said to her. "Just this once, I promise!"
But she refused, she walked down the street- with her head held high and said to him:
"Can't you see I'm busy? I'm trying to find my thoughts!"
"Just this once!" He repeated, excited. "We never think together anymore..."
(Don't we?)
But she just kept walking, now past the picket fences and the watermelon trees.
She was wandering where they went to. She saw them last week sitting at her left side- but never again since.
He tried to catch up with her and hold her hand. But she roughly removed it and said:
"Let me find my thoughts alone, please."
And so the street, not so long came to an end and she had not found an idea- not one, not a lonesome thought.
But the watermelon trees were growing, faster and faster every time.
"Hey! Come help me! I need you, where have you gone?"
(I'm here)
But the poor boy left, mistreated and all- she wanted her space, that's all.
"Come on! Help me! I need you now, more than ever! I'm sorry! I don't need to think, there's no need to think. Thinking is fool's game!"
But there was no more boy. He had walked back already. Crossed to the other street and found a person to greet him happily.
A giant watermelon came from the picked, giant tree and took her by the shirt and lifted her up high and held her up and opened up its giant mouth and got a grip of her by the waist with its giant leaves and ******* seeds came as it screamed and in she went while she cried and wept.
There now, they have their space. Maybe later their paths will cross again and if they do it will be love and if its love then it is real and if its real- there’s no watermelon trees at all.