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Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
Love is a night blooming flower.
It is a white light where there should be none.
          Stark contrast against the night.

Love is a secret place inside
Where everything true is a lie
          And there is chaos.

Love is dark
                                        And Bright

It is a dream to half-remember.
          A void to fall into and surface from

                    Only slightly changed
But not altogether

Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
We slide off shirts
And I let you pull the cloth
From my hips.

I’ll just as soon hold you close
And bury my face into your shoulder
To breathe the warm water smell of you

As I’ll run off
To let you wonder
Why you’re standing there
In your birthday suit.

Don’t get too confused.
You’ll probably jump to the wrong conclusions.

I just want there to be less stuff in between our souls.
Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
She does it for Attention.
So do I.
So do you.
So stop complaining.

You talk too much.
You want someone to listen to you
No one ever does.

So I'll listen.

I touch too much.
I want someone to reach for me
No one ever does.
So touch me.

This morning,
In front of the mirror,
You picked out that blue shirt.
I picked out this red one.

And we made sure our shoes matched before we walked out the front door.

That's a cute top.
Happy now?

I absolutely
That outfit.

Stop being so selfish.
What if it were you we were talking about?
Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
and a Dizzying
when I breathe into your flannel shirt.

You smell like
warm water
Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
I am a Lioness.
I am a hunter.
I am raw power.
                                        I could destroy you.
I am a Lioness.
I am a woman.
I am part of a whole.
                                        I don't want to hurt you.
Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
Quiet Kisses on your
How I loved
The solid shape of you.

How soft gave way to strong
When I laid with you.

Was I enough for you?
Too much for you?

I do want to be close to you
But you couldn't handle being close to me.
Katherine Fuguet Jul 2011
What's the difference
Words Spoken
Words Read?

Is it
The warmth of breath?
The smell of a body

Or the unwanted desire to be touched.
To just hold hands.
To sit together.

Are we too afraid of looks?
Of clear emotion?
Of the possibility of something hidden.

Are we afraid of everything that can't be spoken aloud?

A body gives off the approximate heat of a candle.
I've always been drawn to fire.
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