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578 · Apr 2013
Questioner of the World
To: Depression 2
From: Depression 1

To my dearest questioner of the world,
Sometimes I think you think too much,
And in your head, your thoughts get swirled.
Your brain is filled with curiosity and examination
And this is most times good, you see.
But somehow or another you always end up feeling lost in frustration.
And this, my dear questioner, is not a good way to be.
You aren’t good at circulating what you feel, I know.
But sometimes it makes me sad to think that you’re sad on the inside,
And that you feel like a burden if you were to ever show.
High School is close to being over, it kind of went like a breeze.
And just in case you were not aware, or it never crossed your mind,
I went through living hell at that institution, and you helped put me at ease.

I will never forget when we were at the beach and I was explaining to you what Prozac Nation was about. And you suddenly stopped  in your tracks.
And my eyes started to well up.
And you stared because you knew.
506 · Apr 2013
Water, Rain, Blood, Brain.
But not in that order.
R a z o r s  -->  Sad

Money, nothing.

Crying, but   b  l  a n   k.
Swimming out into the trees, I sank and I sank.
Drowning, smile
It will all be over in just a little while.
490 · Apr 2013
Man, oh, man
you make me sad.

But thank you for those used to be giggles and the things you let.
I've learned those go along with your wine and always threats.
482 · Apr 2013
Oh, Darling
Oh darling, Oh darling indeed.
I was looking at the sun today, and it reminded me of you.
It reminded me of your eyes. My, my - what blue.
But not the color, darling, not the color at all.
It reminded me of the tears that come out of them, and how you feel so small.
You’re like a grouchy old woman, all torn up and mad.
But I know you, truly, and that’s not it at all – you      are        sad.

You remind me of a bird, your wings tied behind your back.
When you put on make up, you add a smile. (It doesn’t always hide the cracks).
You seem as though you think that love has somehow skipped over you, that you were forgotten.
But I have a secret, Oh darling, one that you have forgotten.
This is a thing that I learned when I was going through some things,
It’s a key to the doorway where one can lay with the queens and the kings.

You open up that door by opening up your blue eyes.
Look at the trees – how splendid indeed!
There are trees that cry, and ones that feel frigid.
There are trees that try, and ones with branches that are knitted.
These trees are trees for you, Oh darling.
These trees emit a breeze for you,             Oh     my.
Just please don’t cry.
385 · Apr 2013
I feel like sometimes you have felt like a failure as a daughter
You were maybe ashamed of yourself in front of Mom or your Dad
And I feel like sometimes you feel that you are not a good enough mother
That maybe you can’t be enough for your children as you would like to be
And I feel like you sometimes  feel like you are a poor friend, that maybe you can’t stay in touch or keep relationships as much as you’d like
And maybe, just maybe, to the others - you might feel like a defective sister
But never, in my entire memory,  t  o       m e.

I should probably tell you that.
345 · Apr 2013
T h e r e         is    so    very much I want to tell you
                                                                          about the way I'm

                            d  i  s  a  p  p  e  a  r  i
                                                                 n       g
335 · Apr 2013
Put   y  o  u  r s e l f     in my    p l a c e
                                     for just     one          d  a  y.

Wat c h     all  the    c  o  l ors     in    your   s p e c t r um

          f   a  d  e            t  o           g r e y
331 · Apr 2013
Give Brooke black book.
Took a pill, I shook.
Help me, she will drown.
Then, she cannot climb down.
Her wings, tied behind her back.
Her mind, it will attack.
R a z o r   blades, they have sharp   t  o  n     g  u   e       s.
The black water, it invades her lungs.

— The End —