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Dec 2010 · 720
The Fallen
Katelyn Dec 2010
Does anyone care what he has done
The news just needs a story
He has never known love
He has no family
We drive by the burnt down house
His ashes merged with the old memories
The memories he used to know
No one knew what was going on
Knew what was in his head
No one ever listened
The little girl down the street
That would give him his paper every week
An exchange of hellos once
Is the closes thing to a relationship he has had
Driving by that old burnt down house
I think about what life he could have lived
The news got their story the story of the old man
Who fell with his house
A few weeks ago a man in my neighborhood burnt down his house with him in it. I dont know why but it is just really interesting to me.
Oct 2010 · 576
What i want
Katelyn Oct 2010
I want people to remember me
Not just for the way I act
But for the things I do
The things I did
And the things I would never do.
I want to be written in the history books
Because of all the great things I have said
The things I will say
Not for the things I did not mean to say
I want people to sing about me
They will sing about the things I have seen
The things I want to see
And things no one else can see
I do not want people to judge me
For the things did or the things I will do
For the things I said
For the things I have seen
I want the people who matter to me
To love me for the life I lived.
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Stand Tall
Katelyn Aug 2010
Stumbling in my fears
Crumbing through your glares

Rising to the sky
Standing oh so high

Walking from your cries
Running because you lie

Falling with a sound
Landing on the ground

What you didnt know is that i landed on my feet.

Now look who lays in defeat.
Aug 2010 · 664
Katelyn Aug 2010
Looking into the pool
the water so calm
a reflection of a fool
looking in wanting to fall
sinking to the bottom
help me god is needed to be called
running out of air
body shutting down
life is never fair
glancing to the sky
time left can be counted in seconds
a white dressed guy
holds out a hand
life being restored
i strongly stand
people do not disapear
tears falling down my cheek
thank you god for answering my prayers
Aug 2010 · 531
Katelyn Aug 2010
The sun goes and hide behind the gray.
A sound of thunder and a flash of light.
The rain starts and washes you away.
A sound of thunder and a flash of light.
The rain comes down harder, I tell myself don’t cry.
A sound of thunder and a flash of light.
I can not stay strong much longer, the tears start running down my face.
A sound of thunder and a flash of light.
The rain comes slowly to a stop, just as my tears.
The sun comes out from its hiding.
It becomes easier to breathe, my strength regained.
A sound of thunder.
And it is quite, the birds start their rain song.
I think to myself it won’t be like this for long.
Aug 2010 · 2.1k
My Dream Catcher
Katelyn Aug 2010
Dream catcher ,
Dream catcher .
Beads in a web,
Hanging over my bed.
Strings that reach so far,
As beautiful as the starts.
But shall the beauty break,
My dreams will quake.
They could give you a fright,
Dream catcher hold mine tight.
Jul 2010 · 770
Not Only Once but Twice
Katelyn Jul 2010
You make me cry
You make me scream,
All because you hurt me
Not only once but twice
Screaming your name
Tears running down my face
The clock stops ticking
The world stops spinning
You’re gone.
I feel empty without you
But why?
You make me cry
You make me scream
All because you hurt me
Not only once but twice.
Jul 2010 · 481
Over You
Katelyn Jul 2010
Has my worst nightmare come true?
Am I finally over you?
The day I have dread for so long,
Maybe I am growing strong.
Strong enough to get away,
Run from your violent ways.
The things you yell,
All the times I “fell.”
Well guess what I am done.
You were never worth it ***.
You never loved me,
They way I should be.
You could never tell me I looked beautiful,
Without being shameful.
Maybe this is not a nightmare,
Maybe this is me finally waking up
Finally becoming aware.
Aware of the things you do,
All the **** I wish I could undo!
It isn’t fair,
The mistakes I made, now where?
Where do I go?
How far do I have to run to get away from you?
I can finally see through,
Through all your lies,
All of those fake cries!
Well now im done,
Done with this!
This poem was my last excuse,
To think of you.
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
A Crash
Katelyn Jul 2010
“Shes indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on lookin
From left to right
Girl, cmon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin is so wrong
Im Mr. Right”

The car passes the first lane,
But it doesn’t stop.
Mom, mom? Answer me… mommy?!
Through the grass.
Losing control
Being tossed around.
All that is going through your head is,
Grab the wheel, grab it kate!
Out of the median and into the traffic.

“You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after this song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone”

The car starts to roll, once, twice.
We hit the poll and finally come to a stop.
Look over, the cars are passing by,
I see my moms face her body slumped over the seat.

“911 what is your emergency?”

“We just wrecked my mom isn’t waking up she, she passed out wile we were driving she’s not responding to me!” crying, “Please I need help, she wont wake up.”

“Did you make contact with any other cars?”

“Not that im aware of.”

“Ok I will send an ambulance and the police are on their way.”

I need to call my dad,
Why isn’t she waking up.
The sounds of the cars traveling at speeds of 70 miles per hour or more makes, me start to lose it.
I hear the sirens,
They ask me my name, and what happened.
The EMT pulls my mother’s body out of the car.

My daddy shows up and just holds me and tells me,
“everything will be ok, it’s alright baby it’s alright.”
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
Hear the music (short story)
Katelyn Jun 2010
Dancing is a way of life, dancing is life. Some say you crawl before you walk, I say you dance before you breathe. How do I explain the feeling of; spinning, jumping, running? I can’t. It is indescribable. Dancing is such a magical thing, you can speak to the people who can’t speak, and you can feel for the people who can’t feel, you dance for the people whom will never be able to dance. Most don’t understand where I am coming from. Why I am not sure, but if a person stopped and listened. They will hear the music of life and where there is music there is a dance, the dance of life…

This dance may be one of the hardest to get through; the preparation will be excruciatingly painful. But everyone does it. Everyone hears the music at some point. Have you ever listened to Beethoven? In his symphonies there is a pattern. It starts out slow; it gradually gets louder and louder and then BOOM! The ******. Beethoven’s master pieces are a replica of life. Think about it, really hard, and listen to the music.

Can you feel your foot tapping? The sound repeating in your head? This is the first realization of the dance. Now your swaying back and forth, like the trees in an autumn breeze. This is the second step, but the first motion. I want you to get up and throw the tips of your fingers to the stars in heaven. Then pull them back down. And breathe.

What is it that you feel? Perhaps relaxation or maybe happiness, possibly anger or frustration? Whatever you feel don’t let it go away. The feelings you get when you dance show the audience that you are human. Like all humans you will make a mistake you will fall, you will trip, you will tumble to the floor of the stage. That means nothing and don’t let anyone tell you differently. It means nothing because, without those mistakes there will be nothing to improve.

Improvements. Simple things that can change your dance. Keep your arms firm and your head held high. Your arms are the roads to your heart. You let them slack and fall, your heart gets crushed. Try holding a friends hand to keep them firm. Your friends will always be there through this dance. Don’t let your head drop for you head is the door to your mind. If you let someone in you lose personality. Your dance becomes someone else’s. Those are the only things you can mess up, but for some reason these mistakes happen more than once.

In the end when the music stops and the crowd cheers at your achievements. You know that your dance has made an impact maybe in more ways than one. Dancing is a way to communicate to show who you are. So when you hear the music, start tapping your foot, sway back and forth and, dance. Dance just not for you but for the people that can’t. That is the dance of life. Your life.
This is not a poem just somthing i wrote i would love comments!!
Jun 2010 · 711
Katelyn Jun 2010
I hear the loudest thunder
But the sun is shining
I know what has happened
That thunder has come from upstairs

I take my time
It is almost to quite now
I knew he was sad
Why wouldn’t he be

He was living with me
I walk down the streets
Someone sees
They whisper to each other

“there goes the crazy lady”

I open the door
I see him
Floating in his own sea
I smile

He cant yell anymore
He cant cry
He cant tell me
He loves me

I don’t pick up the phone
I just want to hold him
Look into his eyes
One last time

His head hangs over my arm
Like a limp doll
His body
Soaked in blood

Maybe I am crazy
I drag him downstairs
Set him up in the chair
Then leave for work

I don’t tell anyone
They will take him away
I go home from work
He’s still there

“honey I’m home”
May 2010 · 474
The message
Katelyn May 2010
Buzz buzz
I stop breathing
Could it be him?
Is he mad at what I said
Is he happy
I pick up the phone
It is him!
Now I really cant breathe
I click read
And it says
“I love you”
Why do I get worried
Why do I not believe him
I click reply
Am I ready for this
What is going on
Do I feel this way
Oh no
I do I have to
I wouldn’t have gotten this far
What if he is just saying it
Here we go!
Maybe this is his friends
Why cant I stop
It must be the right choice
I click send
Now what?
What if he was just messing around
Buzz buzz
Now I click read
I cant look
This isn’t happening
I open my eyes
And I see
:) “I have wanted to say that for a long time”
He does love me!
I do love him!
May 2010 · 780
Italian love
Katelyn May 2010
I love lo
but he loves la
he is my vita
it rottuara my cuore
it shreds me to pieces
i wish for morte
i dont know why i care
he doesnt amor me
he is felice with la
i can never be with him
la ragione per cui i love you
preparare for a story
tuo sorriso
tuo occhio
the way you occhiata at me
i love lo
ma it aux never be
hehe italian!! :)
May 2010 · 499
Running away from darkness
Katelyn May 2010
Have you ever tried to run away
not from everything
just the darkness
you yell with a shaky voice
"light save me"
then you keep running
your breath gets heavier
your body starts to shut down
there is nothing good
atleast about him
he chases you and laughs
because he knows just as well as you
you can never escape the darkness
he will always be there
watching you
waiting for you
to fall asleep
keep your eyes open
the darkness will win.
May 2010 · 757
Katelyn May 2010
It's cold
im shaking violently
goosebumps become visible on my skin
its dark in this room
i feel alone
im sad
its hard to breathe
i want to break down
it seems as no one cares
no one wants me here
nothing ever goes right
there is so much hatred
on earth
they say it will all be ok
it will all work out
but it wont
now what if i just...
im scared
May 2010 · 662
The reasons we live
Katelyn May 2010
the begining
the start of a journey
that will last

the reason why im writing
why im here
with you

no such thing
but never failure
it never matters in the end

the way i feel about you
the reason i cry
the reason we fight
one true love

hard to gain
easy to loose
trusting someone with your life
thats a mistake

not the end
but only a new start
of a life
that will last
May 2010 · 702
The river
Katelyn May 2010
Running next to me
the river goes
he is angry
punching slapping
yelling at the shore
like a girl whos four
wanting to feel the touch of a parent,
the wind
nags him on
pushes him to go on
no one knows where
he is going
but he runs next to me
and i run with him.
i love the personification in this poem!
May 2010 · 581
I Am
Katelyn May 2010
I am
Human smiling and happy tears
i love to talk and be with people
family is important to me
culture is important to me
life is important to me
no one is ever alone
there is death and hate
but birth and love
god is always with us
frowns and just upside down smiles
and bestfriends are sibilings at the heart
i am
English homework not the best

— The End —