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Feb 2017 · 391
11:26 on a summer night
Kate Smith Feb 2017
sitting here
cross legged

i lean
tilt my head

until the
moon glows through
Kate Smith Jan 2017
I used to want to be a princess
Now I want to be a pirate
Wild and free, master of the sea
No longer demure and quiet

I thought - Oh, to be a princess!
Hair long, limbs soft with grace
Beauty and poise, (and so grandiose)
Life perfect, and firmly set in place

I’m patient good, and moral
Would never dream of running wild
“You wouldn’t understand, dear,”
And I’m trapped, a perpetual child

But adoration begins to get cloying
Worship - quick to condescend
Lofty voices in discussion around me
I sit; wait for it to end

So instead I shall take to the sea
I won’t care if they don’t like it
I’ll want what I want when I want it
Because that’s the life of a pirate

I’ll  be riding the seas
However I please
All of my own accord

I’ll have an open mouthed laugh
And how they’ll all gasp
While my eyes flash in reckless abandon

(I used to want to be a princess
Now I want to be a pirate
Wild and free, master of the sea
No longer
demure and

— The End —