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Jun 2012 · 589
Fuck you.
Kate Chalmers Jun 2012
You inspire my best poetry
Mostly because I hate you so much
But that’s just me projecting again
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Ignite Me
Kate Chalmers Jun 2012
There are no easy answers
To the questions I am posing
Luckily I am ambitious
Once the fire’s been kindled
I can burn down forests and cites
Igniting the world I inhabit
Brightening its universe
But no passion has tickled the flame lately
Just mundane, passing urges
Gone far before flint can strike metal
Jun 2012 · 581
A Night in Purgatory
Kate Chalmers Jun 2012
Your arms were stretched out above us
Creating worlds with the movements of your hands
Depicting the vague concepts that I couldn’t grasp
With me just lying there, blurred mind, blurred edges,
Absolutely basking in your reality
I knew then nothing good would come of this
But why on Earth should that matter?

— The End —