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649 · May 2015
love is poison
karla p May 2015
I love you, but I can't tell you know my dear, because if you say no my heart would break apart.
Our relationship would change.
We would not be able to talk to each other again.
We wouldn't be able to hug each other again either.
My love for you is like poison, I don't want to drink it,but I want it so bad that it almost feels like it hurts.
Why don't you realize already that I love so much,why don't you share that sweet love of yours with me,maybe I should had realize that your love is something I can't have.
Love is like poison but is still so for now my dear my secret will still be with me until you realize that I love you my dear.
Love is so dangerous
301 · May 2015
sky tears
karla p May 2015
When the sky cries someone dies,
When the sky clears itself some success.
But remember when the sky cries someone has give a new life to this world.
When the sky dies we all are going to cry,because de knew you love us and we love you to!
But i have a question.....who will cry for us when we all die?
The sky tears are the light of our lives
The love of our lives is inside the people we love and apreciate
247 · May 2015
crystal heart
karla p May 2015
Does with honest hearts has almost disapear because they are just as fragile like crystal hearts they left the path of suffering because they don't want pain after leaving the hard and painful path they go to the easy one and become rock where they can be hurt any more, I wish I could go to that path to but I can't because I want to show the world that we are still standing here, waiting for the world to change and let us live happy again so I'll said it again and keep you aware that just because where crystal doesn't mean where going to break soon because we are more stronger than you thing corrupted world.
Honesty always wins

— The End —