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Apr 2014 · 7.5k
Nobody Wants an Old Banana
karissa Apr 2014
the rotten bananas remain on the hook,
browning and sagging,
dispensing a putrid odor into the room
of spoiled sweetness.

the small patches of burnt yellow
become overtaken with dark brown,
like a disease, spreading faster and faster

the tough, impenatrable skin slowly
decays into a soft, mushy clump
that although, is penetrable, is undesirable.
a poem about bananas because we just got new bananas
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
cheers, to myself
karissa Mar 2014
to remembering why i love myself
to taking care of myself today
to finding happiness today
to going outside
to getting out of bed before noon
this wasn't written today but i found it on my tumblr and i think its really nice
Mar 2014 · 351
karissa Mar 2014
there is just so much to do
and later
and then
and before
and should-have's
and wishes
where does one start?
very stressed right now due to college and life and anxiety

— The End —