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Jul 2012 · 863
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
On a night like this
with murmer of prayer,
the nightbird stoked in me a tremor
so slight in degree i didn't dare
open an eye to the dream
unfolding before me under
blackness ever so unkind.
Jul 2012 · 815
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Mr. Maggot, an old foe of you
faking a smile crawled right up:
"Oh how wonderful I would be
as a drink in someone's cup!"
Longitudinally slice the thing
baring its filthy insides
squeeze out its juices within
separating it from life.
Behold the wire cutter!
that she won't hesitate to use
anything towards ******
she needs no excuse!
Jul 2012 · 1.6k
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Let's deliberately
throw away that last crumb
just to watch those marching ants
until we realize that
one could spare another crumb
just to watch those marching ants
probably shrieking with
the stench of bad smelling ear,
the unknown Ant runs
in madness far and near!
Jul 2012 · 564
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
That one thought un-lingering,
but popping in its nature
churning my insides out,
Leaving behind a suture.
Jul 2012 · 596
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Mint in water with a hint of lemon
and apple pieces floating above,
Shining glasses to accommodate
This quenching fluid of joy and love!
Jul 2012 · 586
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Disinfect these
of the myriad seas
of ungentle bees
that fail to cease!
etch their memories
with friendly geese
that surround trees
and dance to please.
Jul 2012 · 509
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
In blackness deep
and howling quiet
softly creeps
this hour, still.
Hazy dreams and
pots of gold;
freedom and calamity.
false alarms of
death at door
cut my days
in half already!
Jul 2012 · 1.9k
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Let her eyes devour
the smile on his face,
for beneath it all
is a blackened lung
and a worn out mind;
tiring to keep alive
that speck of tomorrow-
the illusion of her.
Jul 2012 · 452
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Gotta throw those roses out
they're starting to decay,
flowers aren't what love's about;
crimson red or grey!
Jul 2012 · 683
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Close eyes and let famished ear
consume all it want with no fear
of tide that rise and fall to earth,
before new wave spiral into birth.
Jul 2012 · 1.3k
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Amidst dust beds and filth,
puddles a cultureless poor
about hovers a circle;
mist of fragrant Lure.
Jul 2012 · 477
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Globe dwellers from near and far,
Some big and some small.
Different from each other are,
but the few ten, they bind us all.
Ten vary, ten hail,
ten tell the whereabouts,
but ten don't tell tail
of laughter or of pouts.
Jul 2012 · 422
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
That moment through a song
When the lyrics go wrong;
Stuck with hanging jaw
to accommodate the flaw!
Jul 2012 · 599
Without you
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
The bed is clean,
the floor unoccupied
I see you in every corner,
under every canopy of incidence
Where have you gone,
my constant companion?
Leaving me with a heart
the size of your paw?
Are you loitering down the alley?
Or comfortably where the stars lie?
Have you only lost your way home,
or found a better one somewhere?
It can't be true what they say
about nine lives;
you been granted too many.
Then why now, do you stay afar?
Cross the enemy of divide,
and leap back to your jute bag of joy!
I can't survive these shades of grey,
they are nothing without white and black.
Jul 2012 · 2.1k
The Affair
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
I've been cheating on you.
I keep my window open at night.
The window by my feet.
Wind blows in through it sometimes,
very occasionally.
Taking me by suprise each time,
when you aren't around to give me any.
His softness against my bare legs replaces you.
Tingling caresses console me
so i don't miss your embrace.
I hear your name in his voice,
and your warmth in his touch.
You should know, my love,
that your absence i feel
as much as i do your skin,
your bones and your soul.
Jul 2012 · 409
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
Your touch is not physical.
It is a sliced off portion of your self,
that soaks right through my skin,
leaving behind throbbing pangs for more.
Jul 2012 · 527
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
You will never know the depth of my misery.
I beg for your every breath to find its way through me,
for your every step to be walked with me.
I yearn for your every word to be said to me,
and your very vision to be fixed into mine.
Your mouth must taste nothing but my flavour,
your ears must shun every sound but mine.
Only then shall my spirit be moved
even an inch away from this mess of a bondaged life.
Jul 2012 · 651
Where I belong
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
I wish that my nimble fairy would pop
right out of my dream and with a wave
of her wand around send me back
into your comfortable arms like yesterday,
where i belong.
Jul 2012 · 877
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
There is a Pearl in my palm,
I like to keep It there, and there It likes to stay.
It looks like purity and feels like eternity.
The Pearl is unknown to the World.
And knows nothing of the world.
It knows no discrimination, and no violence.
I have found true freedom in its being.
It is meant to roll along the infinite road in all of its traits;
not stagnate in my grip.
It is meant to soak up incredible light,
not hide in the darkness of my grasp.
I cannot think of letting It go; It is my only source of joy.
But I cannot hold on to It either-
A crushing end is all my precarious hands have to offer!

— The End —