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Nov 2011 · 375
Karina Spulgis Nov 2011
If only i could make you see
How much harder it is too flee
We need to run, to leave this place
Leave our homes, and our dying race
They don't know what we're planning to do
But we don't have time to see who makes it through
The fence that protects us, holds us in
Traps us in a place that holds not one grin
We'll pack our bags in the middle of the night
And in the shadows we'll take flight
A new place will form in our wake
But we don't know how long that'll take
The timing was perfect, and everyone could see
The struggles we went through just to be free.
Nov 2011 · 447
Through the Looking Glass
Karina Spulgis Nov 2011
Just pull on the handle made of brass
And peer through the looking glass
What if i told you, nothing is real?
Would that give you the urge to reach out and feel?
But what would you hold in that touch?
If you ask me, its really not much
Inside the looking glass, everything is changed
Compared to our world, its rearranged
But the people who live there, dont have a clue
Of who we are, and what we do
But when you stop and break your gaze
the imprint of this new world stays
Maybe i should put a lock on this door
That led you to this unknown floor
Some people just cant stay away
For they still come here to this very day
To leave this place, just close your eyes
You will think you saw my lies
But one day, you will return
It wont be easy, but you will learn

— The End —