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871 · Dec 2013
a broken record
Kari Kopatich Dec 2013
and like a broken record
she repeats day after day
with a smile on her face
and pain in her heart
in hopes of a repair man
who might give up some spare attention
just to fix her and the many flaws
she may possess

and like a broken record
she lays in bed
night after night
with tears that soak her pillow
and sobs that shake her soul
in hopes that someone might hear her cries
and offer a spare care in the world
just to hold her tight

though she's a broken record
those days will pass
and he hopes will fade,
her thrives will vanish and her agony will subside;
red marks will appear
along the delicate skin of her arms
that were once so strong and pure
856 · Dec 2013
left behind
Kari Kopatich Dec 2013
you dont understand
every time you blinked it influenced the beat of my heart
your smile, made butterflies come alive in my stomach
your voice, awoke my brain and filled my mind with happiness

now youre just an illusion, something i dream of
where did you go
what did i do
where are you, i miss it
786 · Jan 2014
Kari Kopatich Jan 2014
You are my every 11:11 wish
You are my every eyelash fallen on my cheek
You are my every penny in the wishing well
You are every shooting star across the night sky
I wish for you
448 · Dec 2013
Kari Kopatich Dec 2013
i'm jealous of the sunshine creeping through the blinds in your room on an early morning
i'm jealous of the blankets and sheets that get to hold your tired body
i'm jealous of your hands, they rub your sleeping eyes awake
i want to be your sunshine on an early morning
i want to be the one who gets to hold your tired body
i want to be the person who you open your beautiful sleepy eyes to every single morning
i would do all these things for you
i'm jealous of myself, no one would ever do that for me.
383 · Jan 2014
in the dark
Kari Kopatich Jan 2014
my eyes are shut
my body starts to panic
i cannot find you in the dark
silly me
i could open my eyes
and ill find you
i open them
silly me
my eyes were never closed
you were the darkness
353 · Dec 2013
Kari Kopatich Dec 2013
it's 2:25 in the afternoon
and i would rather
be listening to your heartbeat
than the sound of the rain
and to your breathing
than the sound of the wind

— The End —