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Feb 2011 · 1.0k
Hoarde this, Chris
karen hoose Feb 2011
High upon the tower
of your ego-mania bliss
i am setting bombs and launching rockets
at you: CHRIS.

Christopher McDaniel of Oildale:
******* in the face!
I cannot believe you disgraced
the sacred of my world for your fake needy weakness
like this, and now I do hate!

Now I do hate!
Apprehend yourself for the impact,
I promise you will not enjoy the ride.
For all the lies and falsity,
Whatever did you say to make this arise?

I care not, luxerious one.
Like fly paper so full at Jack's.
I shall go beachward - alone -
since you mean nothing to me,
as I do you.

As I do to you:

mean nothing.
You are really something else.
False pretender of things lovely, demon of boring apathetic hell.

You smell, too so brush the teeth, fool.
Jan 2011 · 779
karen hoose Jan 2011
My book shook and look!
A crook which is sure to hook
onto some **** which doth
hang out randomly
like a dress out your car door.

I am shy with my
high and dry status
the why? I am not sure
But I vie and cry and
Lie and try to
Do more.

This will kiss the
Enterance pages of its
inspiration: Bliss.
Titled, this **** and griss miss
Priss diss this list and hiss
Like snakely Chris
Who is in Fresno



This is my bliss....

Tune in soon for the book "Bliss Rhune" . We will all hail the noon dune of goon: MOI
Jan 2011 · 1.0k
karen hoose Jan 2011
My book shook and look!
A crook which is sure to hook
onto some **** which doth
hang out randomly
like a dress out your car door.

I am shy with my
high and dry status
the why? I am not sure
But I vie and cry and
Lie and try to
Do more.

This will kiss the
Enterance pages of its
inspiration: Bliss.
Titled, this **** and griss miss
Priss diss this list and hiss
Like snakely Chris
Who is in Fresno



This is my bliss....

Tune in soon for the book "Bliss Rhune" . We will all hail the noon dune of goon: MOI
Jan 2011 · 2.1k
karen hoose Jan 2011
my goodness is a fraud
My god is much more mod
yet tawd-
Ry it is too you see...

Christopherson Robin is my g.i. joe
nickname for the **?
No! I am jest
though one who knows not
cannot know.

this *** of kettle trash talk
i invent and vent


There I went, dent and all.
this is uneditited but i needed a poem to jump start my re-inclusion to this site and the coming book which is a week away at most!!! if you do not see it by then and/or just like me and wish to get a fire under my bloomers - i pray there is at least someone who can do such.
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Sea, watch
karen hoose Nov 2010
tick tick tocks ,
as you play your darkened ops
and i ride waves like thrones
of sand castles on the tide of morn.

Awkwardly I appear
Out of nowhere to check in here
I know not why I do not come 'round
I apologize weakly, add it to the mound

You've been collecting it, maybe since birth
The mountain of accomplish-nots: my life
I so wish I could go out among the world as
The ideal of my potential for you to show
I am not very solid: i know.
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Open upside
karen hoose Nov 2010
I am opening my upside and breathing more deeply as of now. NOW. Breathe deeply. Exhaling NOW and slowly once more I take in the oxygen as deep as I can get it to come in. I feel the small of my back and **** cheeks filling up with the air like a raft for lounge in the pool in summer.
As I am bretheing deeply: inhale. Exhale. I am also envsioning within my mnd's eye. The Field of Pure Potentiality and imagry as detailed as reality are my canvas and today I am painting a brand new Me.
Me envisioning myself as already being * that New Improved version of myself. I create the details of my ****** frequency on high, easy nature, mellow and aloof, classy and cool, beautiful and crafty, opportunity magnet, money magnet, I feel the feeling I have when I am being this Karen I envision. Ideal Self.
I am magnetizing more and more revealed the Self I am envisioning Now as I meditate upon these words I write in *this moment

This moment: it is your before, the yesterday of a today when readers who have consciousness which I seek to relate within and connect to are receiving this, the message at hand.

Do I have a message? Random thoughts are my specialty. The style which I possess when randomly stumbling thru my brainwaves, however, makes the character essence whom y'all feel here, NOW as you are breathing deeply and envisioning all this an appealing and marketable voice.

Importance as to the words will always vary, of course. He wants me to write more and I am writing more NOW as I breathe deeply and envision the youth of my cellular condition- my skin, my hair, the white teeth, smooth and unlined face - is shifting NOW, drastically balancing and adjusting the knobs of my Radio Control Tower of Self back to Optimum Prime Status.

Slime. That can certainly be a worthy message, I believe it is so! Have you ever gone inside someone else's home and it is filthy to a degree that yu feel very uncomfortable with the idea your leg - though covered with the jeans you are wearing - might touch any surface in the place. You catch yourself tense all over from clenching yourself in order to not have a physical encounter with any wall or furniture blobness around you.... There is a slime in tese places, is there not? I am revealing here and now that Slime is the residue of bad people! Iam not saying only bad people will have slime or slimy-ness afoot, but slime is also the bad person potential washed off (or flung off) of them.
The main way to win the battle with slime and grime is to move the molecules about. Scrubbing, bleaching, scrubbing again, wiping, you are moving the molecules about and that is how to beat dirt and slime every time.

Ne'mind! This is a new catch phrase I have all kinds of people catching on to these days. It is a slanged/slurred version of "nevermind" which originated with Gavin when he was three. I watched him every day for about 6 months and he was a holy terror. I
run-on sentence styl without editorial proof of reading.... bear with it? please! lol
Oct 2010 · 916
Bait roar solid
karen hoose Oct 2010
Bait I now did lay for capturing my sought desire,
And I roar now, the lioness declares her might.
The underneath of this thing is not too sturdy;
But the lasting kind suddenly can solidify -
Without notice.
He is asleep out there in the cave we claim of late as ours,
I will soon lift up and slide indulgently into his arms.
And everything will resonate the pulse of love,
Solid: puh-pump, puh-pump, puh-pump
Resonate. Vibration frequency beating love.
Oct 2010 · 647
karen hoose Oct 2010
See I think I have been duped again
I am not apologetic for his actions
I cannot believe this obscenity
Is what excuse I have for our reality.

This is not my favorite day
I have no idea about the chickens in the truck
But **** -
Please realize I am not playing
And everyone else can **** a ****.

Help not the idiot without an excuse
I let too many people claim honesty
And believe.

Like suicide I shall begin again
And then....
Oct 2010 · 634
karen hoose Oct 2010
See I think I have been duped again
I am not apologetic for his actions
I cannot believe this is the scene
And yet it makes sense because I think it does.

This is not my favorite day
I have no idea about the chickens in the truck
But **** -
Please realize I am not playing
And everyone else can **** a ****.

Help not the idiot without an excuse
I let too many people claim honesty
And believe.

Like suicide I shall begin again
And then....
Oct 2010 · 711
karen hoose Oct 2010
Blood and desert, sand and stone
Making more of time alone.
Wasted memory is death unplugged
I am nothing but on the rug.
I hate life when I am just a myth,
If I squint I almost see it.
Jack and Jill cannot climb that hill
If neither has legs, and there's no pail.
                / edited 10-30-2010.
Sep 2010 · 858
on a good day
karen hoose Sep 2010
Not and then again a kind of annoyance I see here taking place.
I am smiling when I get out of this place.

So fake. The taparoo he speaks of
And less than elevated is my mood as I await the verdict of my income status.

This is what happens...
When one is not of the workman's habits,
Thus is moi.

Whoa! I had not known
Rendering the lone, clone, honed
Underwear so blown out of its natural positioning:
It is not me but his epiphany.

Simply riveting this horor movie ***** and all her galore.

I'm bored.
Jack says this ones A-OK, so hey.... 9/29/2010
Sep 2010 · 736
getting off infinity
karen hoose Sep 2010
good grief** shrieks the silence I have not obtained
Yet still optimistically await inside the corridor of mind chatter I am.

Yes man, I'd scram if that's your plan - it demands too many details
From those who have less substance that whispers from mutes to deaf ears.

He is not real; I am not allowing the nots!
He is just real and perfect for me...
I am secretly affected to transmutation of myself into a silly girl.
Do not reveal
what I have just revealed.

No telling how I strategized this maneuver,
With subconsciousness in the captain's chair
No co-pilot at hand.
I am very hopeful for the self to not this time ruin
Whatever he sees that he seeks to be near-to...
Wish me luck on that one, too... I know I shall
Get this one and not have it unveiled as another

All possibilities do stand open and waiting our choices to live
Our story so good it is certainly outlawed and classified
So good it is we almost forget we really just wanted to die
When I ran into him in the street that night.
natorinspirational devotional
karen hoose Sep 2010
Nobody does that
I say at once
ken doll is weird
mumbling and all.

I am saying nada
and it sounds sweet
he makes noise when he
is just exisiting....

I am not trying
to say anything like
i am somehow something
deserved of recognize

but i will say now
i am much more than
what i am ignored for
it makes one think and

i am going to water
when i am asked cuz
i think it sounds lovely
and i care not -
hogi/kendal inspired 8-31 spontaneous work AGAIN unedited 9-1-2010
Aug 2010 · 631
we twIst
karen hoose Aug 2010
If this should switch again
I shall not enjoy any more breath!
I am undone by notions of Perhaps -
Corroding no more this connected love lust lock!
I will not leave random by tantrum
Nor charge fare...
All the while, he sweetly poisons my blood.
No remedy? Found hidden solace in a bottle
As Indigo, quoted, backs into bitter ends.
Ending as opposite me is said aloud,
And vow to smile more all the while.
Adoring tingly over the self I've styled!
Smile, smile. Smile a while and breathe...
spontaneous and unedited
Aug   524pm
Aug 2010 · 834
karen hoose Aug 2010
out of the couch
i lie and get out.
i do not go home
she is "blah" on the phone.
i get myself walked
early, quickly, no stops.
i arrive before them
do my make up and then
shower hair with the hose
at dad's shop - it's still closed.
i am naughty and nice
all before five at night.
new ideas we toss 'round
but i hear not a sound
from his calling nor texts
i guess ther'll be no more ***.
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
karen hoose Jul 2010
Your apathy is deafening in the nothingness of its soundless declaration of my rank and grateful is the feeling inside of this obsession which ties me to some kind of passionate facsimilie since the next indicated step from here is clearly feeling amputee status.
Woopee, yay me.
Jul 2010 · 786
Such Waste as I Become
karen hoose Jul 2010
I am not doing this right tonight.
He asked me to write and so I am
But, ****.
Inside this coiled bitter empty now...
Resigning to cold unwillingness - I shall not try
To raise the drum of myself from hell, this apathy,
Knowing it means what exactly it means
To allow such a thing verbalized to stay being,
No, I don't take it back.
Such things so accelerate the dwindling of my beauty ever more,
But so what! I would scream, had I the energy.
I do not care of these, nor any other things.
Today marks my surrender to being nothing
Bleeding is open diembowelment of my heart
Quiet now, the songs it always used to sing easily...
I bet he is not even thinking of me, not even today.
Did he remember the date? Sixth day of the seventh month -
Where were we last year at this time?
Ah, I remember now: I was at home, with him -
When "home" meant him,
Oh how I miss those moments!
I still have the flash-flooded crying, it still releases nothing.
The echoing ever deepens here inside empty hollows of the me-shell...
I am Hell now.
Surely, I need not excrete with the likes of such drama as that -
I am simply shattered and crushed
And radio the coordinates of my position.
Rejected: I shall have the word boldly stamped with tatoo
Down the entire side of my left arm.
Seriously deflating me is the negativity feeling
I'm spending more of my moments these days-
Not surging with bubbling verve towards half-full perceptions;
But hey, it's o.k.:
I don't care, remember?
I said so just only a moment ago!
Get out of here now if  your intending to cheer me up
Or some other idiotic and wasted endevor -
No one will ever - whatever - be as clever as me:
Who waited 3 decades of blind wading thru
Sludge of countless pretender encounters
Only to allow the full expanse of her child-like heart and soul
Be entirely defined all too briefly by one individual, one mean man,
To become such a fool over that lying tool! I was schooled!
Never once was he what he had promised at the start.
Made me think he was opening up, had his heart,
That he felt love, love meant just for me!
And I believed.
Believed I was safe, handed him Once-In-Lifetime feelings
And he didn't even care nor accept it from me.
He just threw me aside absently, you see?
Wasted over a man not concerned for my anything...
My Lord, please: what to make of this thing?
I beg to have the end of this excruciating pain
The silence and having no closure, not getting to see him
PLEASE! Please, bring this throbbing desire to me finally!!
Realize now my dream of him coming for me.
In vain I do plead.
He looks so happy in the pictures I have seen
In my Quest of Obsession which constantly consumes my whole being...
I cannot begin to get over this thing.
I love him so much- but Ed never loved me it painfully seems.
& under this pain will the rest of my days ever be.
Eternally and insecurely I shall seek it to be!
mostly re-edited.... the last of it i was too done for the task as of now. continued later.. klh
Jul 2010 · 649
must go
karen hoose Jul 2010
i am obsessed, it is true
Obsessed with him, with them, so blue!
and all the while i am late again
for the disillusionment and sin
all this chaos and nothingness aside
i really hope it is soon i can die
Jun 2010 · 678
Ally: Light At The End
karen hoose Jun 2010
All I want is for everything to work out for the best.
But everytime I try to make it so my mind arrests.
Awaiting the beacon: some magic direction to walk "this" or "that" -way,
Indeed- aware expectations such as these don't ever save the day.

Bent over like a broken tree fallen head first to the ground...
Believe in something long enough for faith to twist into doubt.
Halo of repression is my crown- I am bitter below its weight,
The heaviness, like lead, a burden smothering my fate.

So calming is the serenity of her golden face so bright,
Amidst my struggles I know I can cling to the warmth of her Love Light.
She is too young, oh so un-jaded, must not sour with my selfish misery.
Her eyes: twinkling and mystical fairies sing softly songs of God's generousity.
Copyright 1998 Klh

It amazes me the similiar feelings I carry thru my life - I find it is one of the marks of my real and genuine nature versus the hypocrisy of the rest.
Jun 2010 · 740
karen hoose Jun 2010
stop it, undid our hours of not doing the se
Random bruises and seeds growing needs are not needed by me...
I feel less and grin wider, chump.
Indeed: a slop-shot of words.
2010 klhd

— The End —