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 Jun 2010 Karen Dick
Del Maximo
a flickering flame
dancing in my window sill
burned long and low
replaced many times
a bright beacon
of warmth and memories,
sharing, support and healing
a halo's glow of inspiration
encircling hearts and minds
linking kindred spirits
in 5,7,5
a community of poets
candid and open
generous in their truths
an internet family not easily forgotten
a candle has been left for you
dancing in my window sill
a bright beacon
a pinpoint of light
calling you home
© March 7, 2010

for my old friends at haiku
in Just-
spring       when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame baloonman

whistles       far       and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it’s

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old baloonman whistles
far       and         wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




baloonMan       whistles
 Jun 2010 Karen Dick
J Clark
Hungry, no breakfast again
Nosed pressed up to the screen door of the cafeteria
While the other children play

I watch and sniff the air while they eat
Wishing I had those soft, delicious rolls
That cold milk

I had bologna on white bread
And green Kool-Aid in a thermos
Always warm and unappealing by lunch time

Same thing every day
Once Kathy gave me a roll
And it made my day
There is a bird in the poplars!
It is the sun!
The leaves are little yellow fish
swimming in the river.
The bird skims above them,
day is on his wings.
It is he that is making
the great gleam among the poplars!
It is his singing
outshines the noise
of leaves clashing in the wind.
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